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False Sunflower Burning Hearts


Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Burning Hearts'

  • Hardy perennial.
  • Prolific flowerer.
  • Reaches 48" (120 cm) tall.
  • Beautiful big red and yellow daisy-like flowers.
  • Unusual purple-tinted stems and foliage.
  • Ideal for smaller gardens.

Supplied as compost block grown plants.

Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May

5 or more £1.30GBP each. Group & quantity discounts



If you fancy growing sunflowers but just don't have the room, False Sunflower 'Burning Hearts' might be the answer to your problem. The large yellow and red daisy-like flowers look remarkably like sunflowers, but at 48" (120 cm) tall, with a spread of 18 - 24" (45-60 cm), this plant is ideal for the smaller garden. Add to that the unusual purple tinted leaves and stems, and False Sunflower 'Burning Hearts' is guaranteed to be a talking point in your garden.

It flowers prolifically from July to October, and is unsurprisingly happy in full sun, in average soil. Deadhead for constant blooms throughout the summer. Cut back in the spring for bushier growth. On top of that, this hardy perennial is drought-tolerant, resistant to deer and rabbits, and has a high salt tolerance so is ideal for coastal gardens.

Recognised to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.


Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May

Please note: This product is only available in multiples of 5

5 = £1.30
Add 5 to Trug
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25 = £1.20
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50 = £1.10
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add 50 to Trug
100 = £1.00
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Add 5 to Trug

How To...

How To Plant Out Ornamentals
Detailed advice on how to plant out ornamentals, including information on recommended planting distances.

General Information

What's A Compost Block Grown Plant?
Information on the size of the compost blocks that Victoriana grow their plants in - and what you can expect to receive.

Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.

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