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Tree Wishes


Don't think you need acres of space to create a stunning orchard. Fruit expert Stephen Shirley reveals how to get a succulent crop from an average-sized garden

Say the word 'orchard' to a lot of gardeners and it conjures up troubling images of huge trees, complicated pruning and, worse still, the spectre of cross pollination. But don't let fear - or space - put you off growing a harvest of mouth-watering fruit. You will be amazed at just how easy it can be.

Just like vegetables, home grown fruit has a far superior flavour and texture to supermarket produce and, in many cases, the differences are far more obvious. Which would you prefer? A bright green apple, unripe and hard as a bullet with a flavour to match, or an apple butter gold in colour with a taste that is crisp, juicy and truly delicious? Both apples may be a Golden Delicious, but the first is picked early and store sold while the other is grown in your garden where it has been allowed to mellow and mature on the tree.

Fruit trees, bushes and vines don't need to take up a great deal of space. If you haven't got room for a traditional orchard or soft fruit bed, then why not incorporate fruit into the ornamental areas of the garden? Ornamentals that produce both flower and berries are often prized for their dual attraction and fruiting stock does this for free. The blossom of even the humble apple or cherry will easily match many ornamentals' displays, while peaches and almonds will beat them hands down. Currants wouldn't look out of place grown in borders, while grapevines and blackberries will happily oust traditional climbers along fences, over trellis or arbours. And as virtually all fruit can be container grown, you shouldn't rule the patio out of contention, even exotic fruits like oranges and lemons will do well in a planter sited in full sun; they can easily be brought into the greenhouse for winter.

I used to grow fruit trees (on dwarfing stocks) at 2m (8ft) gaps along a boundary border, with currants and berries trained onto the fence between. The border was 1m (3ft) wide and didn't encroach on the garden but still supplied us with ample to harvest.

The Science

With few exceptions, fruit trees are budded or grafted onto a rootstock and it is this that controls the vigour and ultimately the size of the tree. Broadly speaking, fruit trees can be divided into dwarf (2m or less), dwarfing (3.5m or less) and vigorous (4m to 6m). For really small gardens, dwarf stocks may at first appear to be the best option because you can easily keep at a manageable size. But, beware, that reduced vigour will also impact on the yield. The more vigorous stocks will give the greatest yield, but your trees will end up huge and you'll need a ladder to harvest them. A dwarfing stock gives you the best of both worlds - enough vigour to produce a decent yield but a tree that can be easily maintained (with a little pruning). Aim to keep it around the 2m (6ft) mark, even though they will remain manageable up to twice that. A tree grown on a dwarfing stock is also suitable for growing in a container. The spread of bush fruit varies greatly, so read the plants' individual descriptions or ask the nurseryman.

Training college

Fruit trees can be grown in many forms or shapes, the most popular being bush, fan and espalier. Bush is ideal for the novice fruit gardener planting in the open, while fans and espaliers are ideal for those with less space who want to train fruit against walls or fences. Pruning and training will be required for all forms even if it is just the bare minimum 'containment' pruning. Don't let the thought of pruning put you off growing fruit. Many books are available on the subject which magazines, like Grow Your Own, return to every month.

Ultimately you and your secateurs are in control of how and where you want to train your tree. So if you want to maximise your space, grow it a little tighter than the spread would suggest and prune accordingly.

Extending The Harvest

A little thought will give you a succession of fruit through the season. Cherries are the earliest to fruit (June / July) followed by apricots, peaches and nectarines (July / August); early varieties of apple such as 'Stark's Earliest' can be eaten straight off the tree from mid August with other varieties of apples, pears and plums following on into the autumn and, with proper storage, until after Christmas. Incorporate a few soft fruits into your planting and there won't be a week in summer when you cannot pick fresh fruit.

Tree's A Crowd

How many fruit trees you need is an often asked question, but one which is difficult to answer. When it comes to tree fruit, one tree of each variety should suffice - unless you have plans for jam making or preserves. Similarly with hybrid berries - one plant of any variety should feed a family. For currants I'd suggest a couple of each and, when it comes to raspberries, I don't think there is much point in growing less than five of each variety.

What you decide to grow should come down to personal taste. Think about the varieties of fruit you like to eat and use that as your starting list. With one or two exceptions you should be able to grow the varieties of fruit you can buy in your local supermarket and a whole lot more. Most nurseries and fruit suppliers are happy to advise on a similar variety or one that will grow in your part of the country.

Seeds Of Success

If pollination is the reason stopping you dashing out and buying a fruit tree then think again. There are self pollinating varieties of all types of tree and soft fruit. If space dictates room for just one apple, or one pear, and the variety you'd like to grow is not self fertile, then ask the nurseryman for advice on a similar one that is. If you are planning to grow trees that require a pollinator (sometimes described as self sterile) the simple rule is the trees must all flower at the same time or have overlapping flowering periods. These flowering groups will often be indicated by a letter code or number code in the catalogues. And stop worrying if a pear can pollinate an apple, or a cherry pollinate a pear - it's impossible.

4 Planting Schemes To Try

If you're still unsure what to grow for your first foray into fruit, try one or more of these classic combinations...

Apple 'James Grieve', Pear 'Conference' and Plum 'Victoria' - these three old favourites complement each other perfectly. 'James Grieve' has the bonus of being dual purpose cooker and eater, while 'Victoria' is a very reliable cropper with good-sized fruit.

How about Crab Apple 'John Downie', Damson 'Farleigh' and Quince 'Champion'? They'll make the perfect (and traditional) selection for any jam and jelly enthusiast. 'Farleigh' gives a particularly heavy yield of juicy, blue-black coloured fruit.

A peach, nectarine and apricot combo makes for a more exotic collection and they are actually much hardier than people realise. More northerly gardeners can grow them in containers and move them into the greenhouse from Christmas until the last frost to maximise yield.

A tayberry, a blackberry and some raspberries will give you dessert fruit from late June onwards. Choose a primocane (fruiting on first year wood) raspberry variety such as 'Autumn Bliss' or 'Polka' and pruning will be as simple as trimming down everything once a year. They will fruit well into September.

Stephen Shirley is managing director of Kent based Victoriana Nursery Gardens. To look at its amazing range visit call 01233 740 529 for a brochure.

This article first appeared in Grow Your Own magazine. To download a pdf copy of the original article click on the image below...Image of the magazine article 'Tree Wishes'

78 Results
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Apple Tree 'Annie Elizabeth'

Two orange / red / green, round Annie Elizabeth apples hiding behind green leaves on their tree. Cooking Apple. Fruits are so sweet sugar is rarely needed. Very hardy and perfect for the north of the country. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Ashmead's Kernel'

Two copper / green round Ashmeads Kernal apples in their tree, surrounded by green leaves. Eating Apple. Pale green fruits have a unique acid drop flavour and excellent keeping qualities. Self-sterile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Blenheim Orange'

A round Blenheim Orange apple in its tree, which is mainly orange/red/brown at the front, with a green back, surrounded by leaves. Russet Cooking / Eating Apple. Fruits have a crumbly texture with a distinctive nutty flavour. Self-sterile triploid. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Bramley's Seedling'

A green, tinged red, round Bramley seedling apple, hanging from it's stall, with parts of leaves visible around the edge of the photo. Cooking Apple. The classic 'English' cooker; needs no further description. Self-sterile triploid. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Claygate Pearmain'

Two Claygate Pearmain apples, attached to their tree, surrounded by green leaves. The appears are yellow/green, blushed red. Russet Eating Apple. A popular Victorian variety with a nutty aromatic flavour and good keeping qualities. Self-sterile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Court Of Wick'

A bunch of three, orange, striped red, round Court of Wick apples attached to their branch with a few green leaves. Eating Apple. A strong fruity flavoured apple from the West Country that has proven to be very hardy. Self-sterile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Cox's Orange Pippin'

apple-coxs-orange-pippin-001.jpg Eating Apple. Crisp, juicy orange-red fruits. Considered by many to be the best of all dessert apples - and certainly a British favourite! Self-sterile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Devonshire Quarrenden'

Three shiny red, round Devonshire Quarenden apples attached to a branch of their tree with leaves in the back ground. Eating Apple. An unusual variety with a distinct strawberry flavour. Best when eaten from the tree. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Discovery'

Two scarlett red, round Discovery apples attached to their branch, surrounded either side by green leaves. Eating Apple. One of the best early apples there is - and best eaten straight from the tree. Self-sterile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Ellison's Orange'

Three red, striped rusty brown, round Ellisons Orange apples hanging from the end of a stem with several leaves hanging behind them. Eating Apple. An excellent alternative to Cox for the north of England with a distinctive flavour. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Golden Delicious'

Two green/yellow oblong Golden Delicious apples hanging from stalks to a branch with green leaves around them. Eating Apple. Butter gold fruit is both crisp and juicy. Supermarkets have destroyed the reputation of this lovely fruit. Self Sterile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Granny Smith'

Close up photo of a lush green, round, Granny Smith apple with faint white circles on it, hanging at the end of a branch with a few green leaves to it's right. Eating Apple. Firm and crisp fruits hardly need description. Originating from Australia, it is better for warmer areas. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Howgate Wonder'

Three (although only one in full view) burgundy red, a little mottled, round  Howgate Wonder apples attached to a branch with a few green leaves in the background. Cooking Apple. Huge fruits have a gorgeously sweet flavour, and hold their shape when cooked. Partially self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Idared'

Shiny red Idared apple hiding behind green leaves, another Idared apple is partly visable to the right. Eating Apple. A bright and cheerful coloured apple with a juicy, sweet flavour. Stores well. Self Sterile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'James Grieve'

Pale green/yellow, blushed pale red, flattened round James Grieve apple hanging from stalks with a few green leaves to the top. Cooking/Eating Apple. Large fruits have an attractive flushed colour and excellent crisp flavour. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'King of The Pippins'

One large red/orange King of the Pippins apple hanging from a branch with several green leaves. Eating Apple. A lovely sweet-sharp flavoured variety that becomes sweeter in storage, juices well. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Lane's Prince Albert'

Two green, striped red Lanes Prince Albert apples peaking out from behind a green leaf. Cooking / Eating Apple. Large green fruits are sharp and juicy. Storing well it mellows and can be used as an eater. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Laxton's Superb'

Lots of shiny red Laxton Superb apples attached to a thin brown stem with a few small green leaves. Eating Apple. Often likened to Cox, but in reality has better flavour and keeping qualities - bigger too! Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Lord Derby'

Close up of a green/yellow Lord Derby apple in the sunshine with leaves and parts of branches behind it. Cooking Apple. Excellent quality fruits keep their shape when cooked. Very hardy making it ideal for northern gardeners. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Lucombe's Pine'

Apple Tree 'Lucombe's Pine' Eating Apple. Golden yellow fruits have an unusual aromatic pineapple flavour. Self Sterile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Sops In Wine'

sq-apple-sops-in-wine-002.jpg Cooking / Eating Apple. Red-skinned with red flesh - and produces red juice if juiced. A really pretty variety. Self-sterile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Apple Tree 'Spartan'

sq-apple-spartan-003.jpg Eating Apple. Dark red fruits have a crisp white flesh and a very pleasant flavour. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Stark's Earliest'

sq-apple-starks-earliest-001.jpg Eating Apple. A really early fruiting variety that produces crisp apples with a good flavour. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Sunset'

sq-apple-sunset-002.jpg Eating Apple. Similar to Cox in flavour, but easier to grow. Fruits take on an autumnal yellow blush. Self-fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apple Tree 'Winston'

sq-apple-winston-001.jpg Russet Eating Apple. An extremely long-keeping variety that produces creamy white-fleshed fruits. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Apricot Tree 'Hargrand'

sq-apricot-hargrand-001.jpg An extremely hardy variety that produces deep orange-red 'freestone' fruits in profusion. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
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Supplied as a potted tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including pot.

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Apricot Tree 'Hungarian Best'

sq-apricot-hungarian-best-001.jpg Golden-orange fruits, blushed with red, have a dark red, sweet and juicy flesh. Perfect for eating fresh or in preserves. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree 'Hosui'

Two olive/copper coloured, round Hosui Asian pears, they look like large cherries hanging on their stalks from a dark brown stem with dark olive green leaves in the background. Large and juicy bronze skinned fruits. Sweet Pear flavour with very low acid. Partially Self Fertile. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree 'Kosui'

Large, round, copper coloured Kosui Asian pear which looks like an apple with deep cream spots on it. Hanging from a pencil thick dark brown branch, with green leaves above. Small, round, copper-bronze coloured fruit have a sweet and juicy pear taste. Ripens mid - late July. Juicy but crisp. Partially Self Fertile. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree Olympic

Asian Pear Tree Olympic Also known as Korean Giant. Very large golden brown fruits have a russeted skin. The crisp and juicy flesh is sugary and sweet. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock. Requires a pollinator.
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Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree 'Shinko'

pear-asian-shinko-004.jpg Large, rounded, slightly flattened fruit has a lovely bronze russet skin. Heavy cropping and excellent disease resistance. Partially Self Fertile. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree 'Shinseiki'

A bunch of yellow/copper coloured round Shinseiki Asian pears (they look like apples) hanging from a dark brown branch with deep green leaves. Round, yellow skinned firm fruits are crisp and very juicy. Stores well. Ripens early August. Partially Self Fertile. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Blackcurrant Bush 'Ben Lomond'

sq-blackcurrant-ben-lomond-002.jpg Heavy crops of glossy black fruits. A reliable and strong growing variety that fruits fairly late in the Season. Rarely damaged by frost. Self Fertile.
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Supplied as a bare root plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

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Blackcurrant Bush 'Ebony'

sq-blackcurrant-ebony-002.jpg The sweetest blackcurrant of all! Can be eaten from the plant without the need for sugar. Very early cropping and large fruits. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root plant approximately 12" - 18" (30 - 45 cm) tall including roots.

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Cherry Tree 'Stella'

sq-cherry-stella-001.jpg Eating Cherry. A self fertile variety producing large dark fruits with an excellent sweet flavour. Mid to late season fruiting. Self Fertile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Cherry Tree 'Early Rivers'

sq-cherry-early-rivers-flower-001.jpg Eating Cherry. Dark red sweet cherries are produced early on in the Season. Fruits ripen in succession giving two or three pickings. Self Sterile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Cherry Tree 'Merton Premier'

sq-cherry-merton-premier-001.jpg Eating Cherry. An early fruiting sweet flavoured cherry that we recommend highly. Self Sterile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Cherry Tree 'Morello'

sq-cherry-morello-001.jpg Cooking Cherry. The best known of them all - producing juicy dark red fruits that are perfect for jams and pies. Self Fertile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Cherry Tree 'Napoleon'

sq-cherry-napoleon-002.jpg Eating Cherry. Yellow fruits have a deep red flush and a gorgeous sweet flavour. Late fruiting. Self Sterile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Cherry Tree 'Sunburst'

sq-cherry-sunburst-001.jpg Eating Cherry. A late season eating cherry which produces large almost black fruits. Self Fertile. Colt rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Crab Apple Tree 'Butterball'

Lots of small round butterball crab apples clinging to their branch with leaves interspersed. The crabs are red and green. Crab Apple. Gorgeous white, flushed pink, blossoms are followed by very heavy crops of 'butter-golden' fruits. Self-fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Crab Apple Tree 'John Downie'

Several oval John Downie crab apples hanging from short stems to their tree with green leaves. The crabs are mainly red with some green. Crab Apple. Produces a profusion of rich orange red fruits in October perfect for crab apple jelly. Self Fertile. M26 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Crab Apple Tree 'Red Sentinel'

Lots of pearly red round, Red Sentinel crab apples hanging on cherry like stems to their pencil thick brown/green branch. Crab Apple. Scented white flowers are followed by heavy crops of rich red fruits. Highly recommended. Self Fertile. MM106 rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Currant Bush Collection

sq-currant-basket-003.jpg An excellent gift for the pudding, jam and jelly maker! Consists of one of each - blackcurrant, red currant and white currant. All are easy to grow. All are Self Fertile.
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Supplied as bare root plants pruned to approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

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Damson Tree 'Farleigh'

sq-damson-farleigh-prolific-001.jpg Very heavy and reliable cropping variety, producing blue-black fruits perfect for eating, cooking and preserving. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Fruit Tree Favourites Collection

sq-fruit-tree-favourites.jpg A classic collection of fruit trees - 'James Grieve' Apple, 'Conference' Pear and 'Victoria' Plum. All Self Fertile and all on dwarfing rootstocks.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root trees pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Goldengage Tree 'Oullin's Gage'

sq-goldengage-oullins-gage.jpg Sweet, golden-yellow flesh. An excellent variety for bottling or freezing. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Greengage Tree 'Reine-Claude de Vars'

sq-greengage-reine-claude-de-vars.jpg Greenish yellow flesh with a firm but juicy flavour. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Loganberry 'Ly 654'

sq-loganberry-ly654-003.jpg Cross between a Raspberry and Blackberry. The thornless clone of the best known of the hybrid berries. Delicious cone-shaped berries have a pleasant sharpness.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Medlar Tree 'Nottingham'

sq-medlar-nottingham-001.jpg A hugely underrated variety of fruit that has a sublime apple-pear sauce flavour and texture. Self Fertile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Nectarine Tree 'Lord Napier'

Close up of a shiny red, round nectarine with a green leaf pointing upwards in the front of the photo. Thin skinned, burgundy-red fruits have sweet and very juicy white flesh. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Nectarine Tree 'Madame Blanchette'

Nectarine Tree 'Madame Blanchette' Medium sized orange-red skinned fruits are gorgeously juicy and sweet. Blossom has a good resistance to frost damage. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Peach Tree 'Jalousia'

Peach Tree 'Jalousia' A delicious flat peach with sweet, and very juicy, white flesh and a small stone. Also known as honey peaches. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Peach Tree 'Red Haven'

Close up of a large yellow, flushed red, round Red Haven peach, attached to it's brown stem with lots of green leaves behind it. Produces firm, pale yellow fleshed fruits early in the Season. A reliable cropper. Self Fertile. Leaf Curl Resistant. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Pear Tree 'Clapp's Favourite'

A close up of a copper/red/yellow fat Clapps Favourite pear. Eating / Cooking Pear. Produces heavy crops of yellow-green fruits early in the Season. Self Sterile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Pear Tree 'Concorde'

A close up photo of a Concorde pear, which is copper brown at the bottom and lime green at the top, dark green leaves are also hanging from the branch. Eating Pear. Yellow green fruits, sometimes blushed red, have sweet and juicy soft flesh. Reliable and heavy cropping. Self Fertile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Pear Tree 'Conference'

Three long brown, with patches of green, particularly at the top, Conference pears, hanging downwards from a branch, with dark green leaves surrounding. Eating Pear. The most popular UK Pear. Reliable cropper of long, narrow, yellow-green fruits. Self Fertile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Pear Tree 'Doyenné du Comice'

Two large green, speckled brown Doyenne du Comice pears, surrounded with lots of green, oval leaves hanging from a tree. Eating Pear. Heavy cropping, producing greenish yellow fruits with a meltingly juicy flesh. Self Sterile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Pear Tree 'Williams Bon Chrétien'

A close up of two pale green fat, Williams bon Chretien pears, hiding behind dark green oval leaves, hanging on brown stems. Eating / Cooking Pear. Produces heavy crops of large golden yellow fruits early in the Season. Self Fertile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Plum Tree 'Czar'

Two purple/blue, cloudy, round Czar plums hanging on their single stem stalk to a thin brown branch with a small green leaf. Eating / Cooking Plum. Dark blue fruits can be picked early for cooking or allowed to sweeten on the tree. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Plum Tree 'Jefferson'

A very close up photo of a yellow/green Jefferson plum with out of focus green leaves in the background. Eating Plum. Large pale yellow-green fruits are ripe late August, and full of sweet juice. Self Sterile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Plum Tree 'Stanley'

Three plump, purple, red, round Stanley plums, hanging from their pencil thick brown wooden branches. The plums are wet. Eating Plum. Firm fruits have deep violet-blue skins and orange-yellow sweet and juicy flesh. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Plum Tree 'Victoria'

A group of unripe Victoria plums, all apart from one are green, some showing some signs of ripening with purple bottoms. One on the bottom left is purple and ripe. All hanging from brown tree twigs. Eating Plum. The Nation's favourite! Reliable and heavy cropping. Purple red fruits are sweet and juicy. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a containerised tree pruned to approximately 3-4 ft (90-120cm) tall including pot.

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Quince Tree 'Champion'

A close up of a large yellow/pale green colours Champion quince (looks nearly like a pear) with green leaves in it's background. Reliable variety with better resilience to wetter soils. Large rounded fruits with a good aroma and flavour. Self Fertile. Quince A rootstock.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Raspberry Cane 'All Gold'

Four, ripe, pale yellow, medium sized All Gold raspberries, surrounded with green raspberry leaves, all attached to green stems in the centre of the photo. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). The best of all the yellow raspberries! Sweet golden fruits almost crumble in your hand when picked. Canes are spined. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

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Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Bliss'

A close up of a deep red Autumn Bliss raspberry, with a brown/green stalk, with green raspberry leaves and stems in the background. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). Mid dark red fruits have a pleasant flavour. Berry size remains fairly constant through the season. Canes are spined. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

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Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Treasure'

Two medium sized Autumn Treasure raspberries hanging from vibrant green stalks and stems, attached to a vertical green branch. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). Large bright coloured fruits have a gorgeously sweet flavour and very little acid - and keep well. Excellent disease resistance. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

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Raspberry Cane 'Glen Ample'

To the left of the photo are two ripe, red, raspberries, to the bottom right are a few unripe green Glen ample raspberries, attached to a brown stem with a few small green, raspberry, serrated leaves in the middle. Summer fruiting (Floricane). A high-yielding mid-season variety that produces large berries with good flavour and colour. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

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Raspberry Cane 'Glen Coe'

Raspberry Cane 'Glen Coe' Summer fruiting (Floricane). Self Fertile. Delicious, intense dark purple fruit with a more bush / clump forming habit than usual raspberry canes. Great for jams and sauces too.
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Supplied as pot grown canes in 2 litre pots.

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Red Currant Bush 'Rondom'

Lots of pearly red Rondom Red currants hanging from their red/cream stems, with a thicker brown/green stem and other green foliage in the background. A very prolific variety of red currant. Produces long strigs of pale red berries that have an exceptional flavour and pleasantly firm texture. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

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Red Currant Bush 'Rovada'

Lots of deep red, shiny red currants, hanging vertically in the photo, with a few small, serrated round, green leaves. A late fruiting red currant. Produces outstanding crops of large bright red berries on long strings. Superb flavour. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root plant approximately 12" - 18" (30 - 45 cm) tall including roots.

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Three, large, long, deep red Tayberry fruits, which look like raspberries, with green, edged red leaves on prickly red stems. A cross between a Blackberry and a Raspberry. Consistently produces heavy crops of dark red juicy fruits. Copes well with colder climates. Self fertile.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Tayberry 'Buckingham' (Thornless)

tayberry-002.jpg The most exciting new hybrid berry for many years - a tayberry without spines! Large purple red fruits have a pleasantly sharp flavour. Excellent cold tolerance. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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White Currant Bush 'White Pearl'

Close up of round, white currant berries, pearly white with dark spot centres and faint white line stripes, hidiing behind a large green leaf. Excellent flavour and heavy cropping. Pale yellow fruits are firm and juicy and sweet enough to eat raw when fully ripe. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

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Peach Tree 'Darling'

A hand holding three red and yellow, ripe Darling peaches, one of which is still attached to it's red/green stem with parts of leave around the top part of the photo. Free stone variety with a rich flavoured white flesh. Peach Leaf Curl Resistant. Self Fertile. St Julien A rootstock.
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Asian Pear Tree 'Nijisseiki'

Bright yellow/orange, small, round Nijisseiki Asian pears (they look more like apples), hanging from stems like cherries. parts of green leaves around the edge of the photo. Medium sized, round, yellow fruit are said to be the most flavoursome of all Asian Pears. Fresh, juicy and pleasantly sharp. Partially Self Fertile. Pyrus betulifolia rootstock.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva'

Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva' Summer fruiting (Floricane). An early fruiting variety which produces heavy yields of good sized flavoursome fruits with excellent keeping qualities. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - We Need To Check Stock
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva'

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The Ultimate Raspberry Cane Collection

Three separate raspberry photos in circles, one at the top, two at the bottom on a yellow background. All lush red raspberries attached to their canes, but different varieties. A fine gift for the raspberry lover that will ensure a plentiful supply of raspberries throughout the summer and autumn season. Self fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late October / early November
Supplied as bare root raspberry canes approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about The Ultimate Raspberry Cane Collection