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Spring Flowering Plants

After a long, hard winter, the first signs of spring are enough to lift the spirits. Make an impact next spring by purchasing any of our spring flowering plants. This category includes varieties that will provide early to late spring flowering plants to take you through the entire season, so that not a week goes by without a bloom in sight! Purchase online and receive your spring flowering plants in season, ready to dig in. 

28 Results
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Aubrieta Plant

sq-aubrieta-cascade-mixed-001.jpg A reliable mix that produces large flowers in shades of blue, purple and carmine red. Performs well in full sun and poorer soils. Evergreen. Ground Cover.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Confederate Violet 'Emperor Magenta Red'

J-viola-sororia-rubra-emperor-magenta-red.jpg Mounds of rich green, heart-shaped leaves. Masses of wine coloured flowers mid - late Spring. A lovely ground cover plant. Tolerates shade well.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Close up head of Primula veris / cowslip with it's delicate yellow flowers with darker yellow, then pale green centres growing in a ball shape around the pale green stem The true wild Cowslip. Pretty bell like yellow flowers are produced in clusters on erect stems. A really cheerful spring flowering perennial.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Drumstick Primula

Pompoms of flower heads, looking like big headed drumsticks. Three white heads and one deep purple, made up of lots of smaller flowers, standing on an upright green stem, surrounded, lower down, by long green leaves. Erect stems are topped by masses of tiny flowers formed into a ball - giving the appearance of a drumstick. Colours range from white through to pinks and lavenders.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Geum 'Mrs J Bradshaw'

sq-geum-mrs-bradshaw-004.jpg Sometimes known as Avens. A truly reliable perennial. Large bright red flowers are borne over a long period. Love the sun. Extremely tough and hardy.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Geum 'Koi'

J-geum-coccineum-koi.jpg A compact perennial member of the Geum family, its low mounds of leaves are topped off with masses of dainty orange flowers. Free-flowering, and ideal for a brilliant display in the herbaceous border or rock garden.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Herb Of Jupiter Plant

Sempervivium / Herb of Jupiter, pointed dark green leaves with purple/black tips, ranging from very small to large, growing in a stone wall. Botanically it is known as Sempervivum, but also known as the House Leek. Great for rockery gardens in a sunny position. Has many health benefits.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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King Cup Plant

sq-marsh-marigold-003.jpg The true Marsh Marigold grown from our own seed here at the nursery. A beautiful flower that loves to grow in wet, marshy ground. Flowers April to August.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Lily of The Valley

sq-convallaria-majalis-001.jpg A real Victorian favourite. Gorgeous sweetly scented white bell like flowers. Lush green semi-evergreen foliage. A lovely ground cover and perfect for semi-shade.
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Supplied as freshly lifted 'pips' / growing plants depending on time of year.

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Pasque Flower 'Heiler - Hybrids'

A display of dropping flower heads in colours of deep purple and white with orange stamens in the centre of the large droppy leaves. Thin, green upright leaves growing around the Pulsatilla Vulgaris Heiler Hybrid heads. A lovely perennial plant for a rockery garden, or front of a border offering a range of mixed colours that is easy to grow. Usually flowers at Easter.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Periwinkle (Lesser)

Two blue, star pointed flowers with a white centre of Vinca minor, surrounded by masses of long, green leaves all pointing up to the sky Very pretty star-like blue flowers appear sporadically through spring summer and autumn. Rich green foliage carpets the ground. Tough and utterly hardy. Evergeen.
Available Now
Supplied as bare rooted plants.

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Periwinkle Gertrude Jekyll

Periwinkle Gertrude Jekyll White flowered Periwinkle with dark green foliage. Makes a lovely ground cover (particularly in those hard to get to areas). Easy to grow and maintain.
Available Now
Supplied as bare rooted plants.

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Rock Rose 'Mutabile' Mixed

sq-helianthemum-crown-mixed-001.jpg Also known as the Sun Rose or Rush Rose. Dainty little flowers in a wide range of colours from pastels to vivids appear in late spring atop wiry foliage. Utterly drought tolerant.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Sweet Violet 'Royal Wedding'

J-viola-odorata-royal-wedding.jpg A delightful, little, fragrant white flower with ever green foliage. Easy to grow and thrives in shade. Also know as the wood violet.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweet Violet 'Rubra'

J-viola-odorata-rubra.jpg A delightful wine red/purple flower with heart shaped evergreen leaves, a perennial plant that makes excellent ground cover particularly in shady positions.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Columbine 'Blue Barlow' Plant

J-Columbine-blue-barlow.jpg Stunning violet/blue flower with yellow stamens which makes excellent cut flowers or enjoyed in a border. Hardy, perennial.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine 'Bordeaux Barlow' Plant

j-aquilegia-bordeaux-barlow.jpg Beautiful red/purple/black flower with contrasting yellow stamens, makes a perfect cut or garden flower. Hardy, perennial, bushy habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine 'McKenna Hybrids'

sq-aquilegia-mckana-hybrids-003.jpg Sometimes known as Grandma's Bonnets. One of the prettiest and most striking perennial border plants there is. Stunning when planted en masse.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Confederate Violet 'Sorority Sisters'

J-viola-sororia-sorority-sisters.jpg A lovely ground hugging perennial. Beautiful flowers in shades of light blue, dark blue, red, white and even speckled appear mid Spring. Rich green, heart-shaped foliage.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Foxglove 'Camelot' Series Mixed

sq-digitalis-purpurea-camelot-series-mixed-002.jpg A fairly new hybrid variety of Foxglove that produces a multitude of flower spikes in shades of cream, lavender, rose and white. Compact in habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (in mixed colours only).

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Foxglove (Old English)

sq-digitalis-purpurea-excelsior-001.jpg Tall racemes of bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple and cream. Wonderful when planted en masse. Thrives in partial shade.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Geum 'Sunrise'

J-geum-chiloense-sunrise.jpg A tough, hardy perennial. Geum 'Sunrise' forms clumps of vibrant evergreen leaves, and produces vibrant golden yellow double flowers. Loves full sun or partial shade.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Lewisia 'Little Tutti Frutti'

J-lewisia-longipetala-hybrid-little-series-little-tutti-frutti.jpg Large flowers in a vibrant range of colours from pink to red to yellow and white nestle on short stems above strong fleshy rosettes. Withstand Winter wet.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Snapdragon 'Lemon Sherbet'

J-antirrhinum-braun-blanquetii-lemon-sherbet.jpg Snapdragon 'Lemon Sherbet' has large flowers in whites and creams, perfect for a cottage garden with a fresh, contemporary twist. Flowers April-October.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweet Violet 'Queen Charlotte'

Several purple, lobed, pansy like flowers with a small orange/yellow centre of the Viola Ordorata, look a bit like smiling monkey faces on long thin green stems, with round green leaves A beautiful little flower with the most amazing mild scent. Is an excellent ground cover and likes the shade (although will grow in a sunny position too).
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Auricula Plant

sq-auriculas-002.jpg Very decorative wax like flowers in all shades from pastels to rich and vibrant colours appear in early Spring. Attractive pale green fleshy foliage. Tough and hardy.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Poppy 'Allegro'

Bright, large red Allegro Poppy flowers with spotty, ladybird like centres growing on upright stems with fern like green leaf foliage at the base Huge bright orange flowers with a black centre in late spring and early summer. Compact, strong-growing and very reliable. Will put on a fantastic display every year!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Wild Primrose

Lots of pale yellow primula flowers with deep yellow centres, growing from lots of mid green, broad leaves of wild primroses / primula vulgaris. A beautiful plant that can flower through the snow to brighten up your garden in winter and spring. Lovely yellow flowers which are edible - you can even make primrose wine with them!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Wild Primrose