Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis Aurea

Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis 'Aurea'
- Single, small flowers.
- Tube and sepals red.
- Corolla purple.
- Upright, bushy growth.
- Yellowy-green foliage.
- Height 36 - 48" (90 - 120 cm).
- Hardy.
Supplied as a pot grown plant, grown in a 9cm pot.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £5.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

Fuchsia 'Magellanica' var. Aurea has the same small, single flowers as 'Magellanica', the tube and sepals being red while the corolla is purple. More striking, though, is the foliage, which is yellowy-green in colour. Upright and bushy in habit, this fuchsia will reach a height of 36 - 48" (90 - 120 cm).
- Plant out from late May all through the summer.
- Hardy once established.
- Suitable for potting on or, dependent on time of year, planting straight into the garden.
- Late autumn garden planting should be avoided as the plants will not have time to establish before the winter.
- If grown in containers and left outside all winter they may not prove fully hardy as container growing does not afford the same level of root protection as growing in the ground.
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How To...
How to Grow Fuchsias
Detailed advice on growing fuchsias. Includes information on watering, feeding and pest control.
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Plants Awarded The RHS Award Of Garden Merit
A listing of the seed and plant varieties sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that have been awarded the Award Of Garden Merit by the RHS.
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