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What's A Compost Block Grown Plant?

The term 'compost block' has been used in horticulture for many, many years and simply refers to when the growing medium is compressed to make a block of compost; fill a plant pot up with moist compost and firm gently before tapping it out (as you would a sandcastle) and the result would be a compost block.

In years gone by, block-making machines were used extensively in the industry to produce blocks that were used for sowing and transplanting into. Just like sandcastles, these would easily collapse and break - and so the blocks would be put into trays for transportation and use. As time has moved on, and manufacturing methods and materials have changed, the transport tray itself has become the modular compartment that is filled with compost to make the blocks - into which seeds can be sown or seedlings transplanted for growing on. But remove whatever you have grown from that modular tray and you are back to the good old 'compost block'!

There are of course many, many sizes of modular tray, with cell volumes varying from smaller than the top of your little finger to bigger than some flowerpots - we don't think terms such as 'cell plant' or 'plug plant' can really be used to describe all these sizes accurately and fairly. And so, mindful of our traditional heritage and the chunky size of our 'plug plants', we think the term 'compost block-grown' is accurate and deservedly used.

Here at Victoriana we produce our plants in two different sizes of compost block (details below). Whether these be vegetable plants or ornamental plants all stock is supplied fully hardened off (with the exception of such items as tomatoes and chillies) - so can be planted directly out into their final positions.

Standard Size Compost Block Used At Victoriana

This is our standard-sized compost block, which we use for most of our young plant production, including 'lawn plants' such as Heath Pearlwort, Chamomile and Thyme.

It measures approximately 1½" x 1½" x 2½" deep (4cm x 4cm x 6cm deep).

The plant in this picture is a Lupin and is typical of the size and quality you can expect from us.

Large Size Compost Block Used At Victoriana

This is our larger size of compost block, which we use for some our larger vegetable subjects such as Artichokes, Asparagus, Cardoons and Seakale.

It measures approximately 2" x 2" x 2½" deep (5cm x 5cm x 6cm deep).

The plant in this picture is a Cardoon and is typical of the size and quality you can expect from us.

103 Results
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Adriatic Bellflower Plant

sq-campanula-garganica-001.jpg A pretty perennial which will slowly spread to form a delicate-looking ground cover. Clusters of blue star-like flowers with white centres are produced all summer long.
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Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Aubrieta Plant

sq-aubrieta-cascade-mixed-001.jpg A reliable mix that produces large flowers in shades of blue, purple and carmine red. Performs well in full sun and poorer soils. Evergreen. Ground Cover.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Bloody Cranesbill

sq-geranium-sanguineum-002.jpg This hardy geranium is tough as old boots! Rosy purple pink flowers smother the bright green foliage throughout the Summer. A superb ground cover.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Broad Bean Plant 'The Sutton'

sq-broad-bean-the-sutton-003.jpg A dwarf variety perfect for the smaller plot. Extremely hardy, so ideal for over-wintering. Excellent flavour and heavy cropping too.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cardinal Flower 'Queen Victoria'

sq-lobelia-cardinalis-queen-victoria-002.jpg Quite Sensational! A perennial variety of Lobelia that produces striking spikes of vibrant red blooms. Lovely as a cut flower. Thrives in boggy soils.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cauliflower Plant 'Cut 'n' Come Again'

sq-cauliflower-cc-003.jpg Sometimes known as Nine Star Perennial Broccoli. An excellent multi-headed cauliflower that is perennial in habit. Each plant will produce approximately ten tennis ball-sized heads per year with amazing flavour.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Chinese Pagoda Primrose

A close up photo of the flower head of Primula vialii, with a red core and lots of small lilac flowers. Sometimes known as the Orchid Primrose. Each year a small clump of leaves appear, followed by a spike topped by a cone shaped red and mauve flower.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Confederate Violet 'Emperor Magenta Red'

J-viola-sororia-rubra-emperor-magenta-red.jpg Mounds of rich green, heart-shaped leaves. Masses of wine coloured flowers mid - late Spring. A lovely ground cover plant. Tolerates shade well.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Coral Bells 'Bressingham Hybrids'

sq-heuchera-bressingham-hybrids-002.jpg A beautiful evergreen that forms a mound of puckered green leaves. Early Summer delicate small bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink rise on wiry stems. Ground Cover.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cottage Garden Pinks

sq-dianthus-caryophyllus-pinks-002.jpg A tough and wiry perennial. Beautifully perfumed flowers in shades of pink and white. Perfect for the open border or for container growing. Wonderful as a cut flower.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Close up head of Primula veris / cowslip with it's delicate yellow flowers with darker yellow, then pale green centres growing in a ball shape around the pale green stem The true wild Cowslip. Pretty bell like yellow flowers are produced in clusters on erect stems. A really cheerful spring flowering perennial.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Dragonhead 'Fuji Blue'

J-dracocephalum-argunense-fuji-blue.jpg Ornamental plant. Named for Mount Fujiyama, Dragonhead 'Fuji Blue' is a long-lived perennial forming low glossy green mounds, topped with brilliant blue flowers.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Drumstick Primula

Pompoms of flower heads, looking like big headed drumsticks. Three white heads and one deep purple, made up of lots of smaller flowers, standing on an upright green stem, surrounded, lower down, by long green leaves. Erect stems are topped by masses of tiny flowers formed into a ball - giving the appearance of a drumstick. Colours range from white through to pinks and lavenders.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Geum 'Mrs J Bradshaw'

sq-geum-mrs-bradshaw-004.jpg Sometimes known as Avens. A truly reliable perennial. Large bright red flowers are borne over a long period. Love the sun. Extremely tough and hardy.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Greater Sea Kale Plant

Light green curling leaves with an upward growth, attached to similar colour stalks growing in mid brown compost bed. The ornamental cousin of Sea Kale which is also edible! A real architectural statement plant that is topped with hundreds of tiny white flowers early Summer.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Miniature Rose

sq-rosa-polyantha-001.jpg Truly miniature roses. Double, semi double and single flowers in shades of white pinks and cream. Delicately scented. Repeat flowering.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Rocket Plant Mix

Hundreds of lush green, upward growing, serrated rocket leaves. So easy to grow and such amazing flavour. Cut again and again all season long for fresh, healthy and flavoursome leaves with mixed appearance.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Monkey Flower

sq-mimulus-luteus-001.jpg A real dash of colour for the herbaceous border or pond side. Bright scarlet, yellow, orange or cream-coloured flowers have a contrasting splotch of colour.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Pasque Flower 'Heiler - Hybrids'

A display of dropping flower heads in colours of deep purple and white with orange stamens in the centre of the large droppy leaves. Thin, green upright leaves growing around the Pulsatilla Vulgaris Heiler Hybrid heads. A lovely perennial plant for a rockery garden, or front of a border offering a range of mixed colours that is easy to grow. Usually flowers at Easter.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Pea Plant 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. Bush peas that don't need support! Will grow to around 2 ft tall and produce a lovely crop of sweet delicious peas. Very easy to grow.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Pea Plant 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. Waverex Pea Delicious, sweet, small petit pois peas. This variety is high-yielding, easy to grow in rows or circles, and can be grown without support.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Pea Plant 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

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A photo fillied with mainly bright pink, long trumpet like flowers with white centres, facing down from tall green stems, with pointy green leaves towards the bottom. Lilac similar flowers are in the background. A late-flowering perennial. Beautiful spikes of Antirrhinum-like flowers in a lovely colour range from deep purple to pinks and whites. Can flower to the first frosts.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Perennial Sweet Pea

sq-lathyrus-latifolius-001.jpg Beautiful pea flowers in shades of deep rose pink, white and purple. Can climb to 8 feet (2.4 metres) with suitable support. Perennial in habit.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Poppy 'Orange Feathers'

Several layers of bright orange petals of the Orange Feathers poppy, with green stalks and a green poppy head in the background. Often called the Spanish Poppy. This wonderful plant produces masses of gorgeous frilly orange flowers. Perennial in habit.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Golden Starlit'

Two lemon yellow, multiple petalled Potentilla Atrosanginea Golden Starlit flowers  with green/grey leave at the base/in the background These pretty plants have large yellow flowers which appear during the Summer which are offset against the grey/green foliage. Hardy, perennial in habit.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants

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Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Scarlet Starlit'

A close up of a red petalled Potentill atrosanguinea Scarlet Starlit flower with a deeper red centre with five small green with purple marking leaves in the centre. Green leaf foliage in the background. Stunning deep scarlet flowers in Summer, are easy to grow and work well in both rockery and flower gardens. They like a sunny or part shade position.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Red Hot Poker 'Flamenco'

sq-kniphofia-001.jpg Sometimes known as the Torch Lily. Tall spikes of red flower buds open to orange before fading to yellow. Plant on mass to give a real shock of colour to the garden.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Rock Rose 'Mutabile' Mixed

sq-helianthemum-crown-mixed-001.jpg Also known as the Sun Rose or Rush Rose. Dainty little flowers in a wide range of colours from pastels to vivids appear in late spring atop wiry foliage. Utterly drought tolerant.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Spinach Plant 'Amazon'

Spinach Plant 'Amazon' An excellent variety of spinach, bred for the UK climate. Grow under protection early and late in the season to extend your cropping time. Delicious round, dark green leaves.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweet Violet 'Royal Wedding'

J-viola-odorata-royal-wedding.jpg A delightful, little, fragrant white flower with ever green foliage. Easy to grow and thrives in shade. Also know as the wood violet.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweet Violet 'Rubra'

J-viola-odorata-rubra.jpg A delightful wine red/purple flower with heart shaped evergreen leaves, a perennial plant that makes excellent ground cover particularly in shady positions.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Artichoke Plant 'Green Globe'

sq-artichoke-green-globe-003.jpg A reliable hardy, heritage variety of Globe Artichoke. Perennial in habit it will produce fine quality globes that can be harvested small or large.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Artichoke Plant 'Romanesco'

sq-artichoke-purple-001.jpg The traditional artichoke with a twist! Produces eye catching purple-tinted globes. Heads are tight and firm. A highly ornamental plant in its own right.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Artichoke Plant 'Tavor'

sq-artichoke-tavor-001.jpg A hardy perennial vegetable. An improved selection of 'Green Globe'. Excellent Winter cold tolerance. Can crop in first year. Mature plants produce 8 or more globes per year.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Asparagus Plant 'Connover's Colossal'

sq-cutting-asparagus-006.jpg A tried and trusted heritage variety from the 1800's with an excellent flavour. Large and thick spears are produced in abundance. Adaptable and very reliable.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Asparagus Plant 'Mary Washington'

Asparagus Plant 'Mary Washington' A delicious heirloom variety of asparagus that produces dark green succulent spears. A tried and trusted variety that will not disappoint!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Asparagus Plant 'Pacific Purple'

Asparagus Plant 'Pacific Purple' A fairly new variety of Asparagus from New Zealand. One of the highest yielding purple types. Spears have a very high sugar content. Good resistance to Fusarium.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Aubergine Plant 'Black Beauty'

sq-aubergine-black-beauty-002.jpg Sometimes known as eggplant. Purple-black fruits are good-sized and well textured. Very prolific cropper, suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Aubergine Plant 'White Casper'

Aubergine Plant 'White Casper' An excellent variety for UK growing. An heirloom variety producing white skinned and fleshed fruits approximately 7" long with a firm texture and mild flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Aubergine Plant 'White Casper'

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Ballerina Fuchsia Hedging

sq-fuchsia-hardy-magellanica-001.jpg Makes a very attractive hedge. Fully hardy and not usually eaten by rabbits. Can reach 10 feet (3 metres) tall. Very pretty and easy to grow.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants approximately 4" (10 cm) tall.

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Beetroot Plant 'Boltardy'

sq-beetroot-boltardy-005.jpg A deliciously sweet beetroot which is easy to grow. Very nutritious! You can either harvest as baby beetroot or allow to grow larger for roasting.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March / early April
Supplied as compost blocks each containing approximately four plantlets .

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Bird-bill Dayflower Plant 'Electric Blue'

sq-commelina-electric-blue-005.jpg Thin grass like leaves terminate in a pretty blue flower that look like miniature Iris. Each flower lasts just a day. Profuse in flowering. An excellent summer ground cover.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cape Gooseberry

Medium sized, delicate looking green lanterns (Physalis Peruviana / Cape Gooseberry / Sunberries), hiding between green leaves A papery husk hides the gorgeously sweet fruits of this lovely shrubby plant. Known by many names including the Golden Berry and Jam Fruit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cardoon Plant 'Bianco Avorio'

sq-cardoon-002.jpg A pretty vegetable widely cultivated in Victorian England and now enjoying a resurgence of popularity. It is related to the Globe Artichoke but it is the stem rather than the flower that is eaten.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Carnation 'Dancing Geisha'

J-dianthus-isensis-dancing-geisha.jpg Not your average Carnation! Beautiful pendulous fringed petals in shades of pink, purple, white and red. Delicately scented. Love a full sun position.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Chamomile Lawn

sq-chamaemelum-nobile-dwarf-001.jpg A special seed-grown strain of dwarf chamomile. The rich green foliage is beautifully scented when crushed under foot. Evergreen. Ground Cover.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ají Limon'

sq-chilli-pepper-aji-limon-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A delicious lemon / citrus flavour hides in this chilli making it a perfect variety to spice and flavour your dishes (works so well with fish).
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ancho'

sq-chilli-pepper-ancho-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. Deep red fruit, similar in size and shape to a sweet pepper. Perfect for drying or smoking - or chilli rellenos. Often mistakenly known as Poblano Chilli.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Bhut Jolokia'

sq-chilli-pepper-bhut-jolokia-001.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. An exceptionally hot Chilli Pepper - should be treated with respect. Crinkled fruits mature to a bright red. Gorgeous smoked citrus flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Carolina Reaper'

sq-chilli-pepper-carolina-reaper-006.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. Previous World Record holder for being the hottest variety! Has a fruity, smoky flavour (if you can stand the heat!) and matures to a red colour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Christmas Bell'

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Highly decorative bell shaped fruits hang in profusion. Sweet and crisp flesh has little heat in the wings, whilst being fiery at the centre.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Explosive Ember'

sq-chilli-pepper-explosive-ember-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A compact variety that can be grown on the window sill, produces purple foliage and small fruits which ripen to red, very ornamental.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-hot-wax-005.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A delightful early, large fruiting chilli with an almost citrus flavour. Heats up as it matures. Great for stuffing, roasting, grilling - in fact most things!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Joe's Long Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-joes-long-cayenne-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A long, beautiful red chilli with a well balanced spicy heat that makes it excellent for making sauces and jams. Fruits can be 8" or more long.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Peter Pepper'

sq-chilli-pepper-peter-pepper-007.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A fun variety to grow as it looks like a penis when fully grown! Mature to orange / red.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ring Of Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-ring-of-fire-009.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Early to start cropping. Produces heavy crops of spicy fruits. An excellent variety for rich spicy sauces or making ristras. Very reliable.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Serrano'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Green fruits mature to orange-red, and have a 'lively' heat! A Mexican favourite that produces huge crops. If you only grow one chilli, make it this one.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Climbing French Bean Plant 'Blue Lake'

sq-climbing-french-bean-blue-lake-001.jpg A most delicious and reliable French Bean that defies any Summer drought and remain sugar sweet and tender. Easy to grow and very long cropping.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Climbing French Bean Plant 'Blue Lake'

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Climbing French Bean Plant 'Fasold'

sq-climbing-french-bean-fasold-001.jpg A black seeded Climbing French Bean with excellent flavour and continuity of cropping performance. Can be dried and used as a haricot bean.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Climbing French Bean Plant 'Fasold'

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Columbine 'McKenna Hybrids'

sq-aquilegia-mckana-hybrids-003.jpg Sometimes known as Grandma's Bonnets. One of the prettiest and most striking perennial border plants there is. Stunning when planted en masse.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Confederate Violet 'Sorority Sisters'

J-viola-sororia-sorority-sisters.jpg A lovely ground hugging perennial. Beautiful flowers in shades of light blue, dark blue, red, white and even speckled appear mid Spring. Rich green, heart-shaped foliage.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Corkscrew Rush

sq-juncus-spirilis-002.jpg Contorted and twisted green stems form attractive clumps. Happy in damper conditions so perfect for pond-side planting. Evergreen in habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Cottage Garden Carnation

sq-dianthus-caryophyllus-carnation-002.jpg Traditional hardy border carnations. Richly perfumed. Beautiful flowers in a variety of colours and shades and even striped. Love a full sun position.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Cottage Garden Chrysanthemum

sq-chrysanthemum-indicum-001.jpg Beautiful 1" (2.5 cm) diameter flowers are produced in a profusion of colours throughout the Summer. Repeat flowering. Subtly scented. Love the sun.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Cottage Garden Chrysanthemum

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Creeping Thyme Lawn

A lawn from creeping thyme, lush with small oval green leaves on think pale brown/green stalks. Makes a lovely, lush, green carpet which is surmounted by tiny pink flowers in the summer. Highly aromatic when crushed underfoot. Evergreen.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Series' Mixed

sq-delphinium.jpg Often known as Larkspur. Majestic spikes of blooms up to 3 feet (90 cm) in shades of blue, lilac and white. Compact in habit so less prone to wind damage.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Delphinium 'Magic Fountain Series' Mixed

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False Sunflower 'Burning Hearts'

J-heliopsis-helianthoides-var-scabra-burning-hearts.jpg Yellow and red flowers with purple tinted leaves that are bound to draw attention in any garden. Hardy perennial, suitable for smaller gardens.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about False Sunflower 'Burning Hearts'

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Flanders Poppy Plant

Close up photo of gorgeous, bright red, large Papaver Rhoeas / Flanders Poppies flowers with their small black centres, growing with lots of other Flanders poppies in a field type setting. The 'real' live form of the Remembrance Poppy. Bright scarlet flowers have dark centres. Perfect for planting on banks or margins of your margins of the garden. Will self seed.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Foxglove 'Camelot' Series Mixed

sq-digitalis-purpurea-camelot-series-mixed-002.jpg A fairly new hybrid variety of Foxglove that produces a multitude of flower spikes in shades of cream, lavender, rose and white. Compact in habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (in mixed colours only).

More information about Foxglove 'Camelot' Series Mixed

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Foxglove (Old English)

sq-digitalis-purpurea-excelsior-001.jpg Tall racemes of bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple and cream. Wonderful when planted en masse. Thrives in partial shade.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Foxglove (Old English)

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Fuchsia Wall Hedging

sq-fuchsia-hardy-magellanica-gracilis-variegata-002.jpg A reliable hedging variety. Grows up to 5 feet (1.5 metres) tall with remarkable speed. Attractive variegated foliage and beautiful flowers. Bees love it!
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants approximately 4-6" (10-15 cm) tall.

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Geum 'Sunrise'

J-geum-chiloense-sunrise.jpg A tough, hardy perennial. Geum 'Sunrise' forms clumps of vibrant evergreen leaves, and produces vibrant golden yellow double flowers. Loves full sun or partial shade.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Heath Pearlwort Lawn

Sagina Subulata / Heath Pearlwort green, moss like lawn with tiny white flowers, with two young girls in dresses sat on it. A green leaved hedge in the background. In our opinion the best of all groundcover lawn alternatives! Utterly hardy, excellent drought resistance. Tolerant of fairly heavy foot traffic. Sometimes known as Irish Moss.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Hollyhock 'Chater's Double Mixed'

Different coloured Hollyhocks flowering in our garden A traditional favourite of cottage garden and formal border alike. Tall spikes of fully double flowers in a stunning colour selection. A perfect backdrop for any border.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Hollyhock 'Chater's Double Mixed'

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Lewisia 'Little Tutti Frutti'

J-lewisia-longipetala-hybrid-little-series-little-tutti-frutti.jpg Large flowers in a vibrant range of colours from pink to red to yellow and white nestle on short stems above strong fleshy rosettes. Withstand Winter wet.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Lupin 'Russell Hybrids'

sq-lupinus-russel-hybrids-001.jpg Tall spires of flower in virtually every colour of the rainbow. Hardy and very reliable. Happy in full sun or even part shade. Group plant for a stunning display.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Lupin 'Russell Hybrids'

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Meadow Cranesbill 'Splish-Splash Bicolor'

J-geranium-pratense-striatum-splish-splash.jpg A hardy, clump forming geranium with stunning white flowers with blue stripes and speckles which reaches approx 20" tall.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Meadow Cranesbill 'Splish-Splash Bicolor'

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Mexican Cigar Plant

sq-cuphea-ignea-matchless-002.jpg Sometimes known as the Firecracker Plant. Masses of bright orange-red flowers with ashen tips throughout the summer. Vigorous in habit and profuse in flowering.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Mexicana Gazania

sq-gazanias-004.jpg A real sun-lover! Large daisy-like flowers in a stunningly vivid range of colours. Rich green foliage. Perfect for tubs and containers or 'blanket' planting.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Mexicana Gazania

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Milly's Honey Bee Flower Plant Mixture

sq-millys-bee-mix-008.jpg A lovely mixture of pollinator friendly plants. Plant out in drifts to give a pretty show of colour all through the Summer until first frosts.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (each block containing approximately 8 different plants).

More information about Milly's Honey Bee Flower Plant Mixture

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Molly's Cottage Garden Flower Plant Mixture

sq-mollys-mix-001.jpg A lovely selection of different flowers that will give a gorgeous display all summer long. Plant in tubs and planters or mass plant for a stunning show.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (each block containing approximately 8 plants).

More information about Molly's Cottage Garden Flower Plant Mixture

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Opium Poppy

Close up photo of two large, lilac Papaver somniferum / opium poppy flowers with dark purple centres, surrounded with green, round poppy heads with green leaves and foliage in the background. Large papery flowers in shades of pink and purple have a darker centre. A very pretty subject for the garden that looks beautiful when planted in drifts. Hardy Annual.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

A close up of a young girl in glasses picking juicy, large pods of peas. The pea plants are huge, much taller than her, looks like a hedge of peas! The most amazing variety of pea there is! Once you've grown these no other pea will do.They have the best flavour, sweet, delicious and very prolific.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

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sq-mentha-pulegium-001.jpg A lovely soil-hugging ground cover that exudes a powerful scent of peppermint when crushed. Pretty lavender-blue flowers throughout the summer months. The smallest-leaved of all the mints.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Runner Bean Plant 'Polestar'

Several long, green Polestar Runner beans growing from their horizontal green stem, which start small at the tip getting large further back towards the large green, round leaves behind them. A stringless runner bean with excellent cropping potential and delicious flavour. Perfect raw in salads or as a cooked vegetable. Requires support.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sea Kale Plant 'Lily White'

Light green curling leaves with an upward growth, attached to similar colour stalks growing in mid brown compost bed. Once a most popular vegetable this long predates Victorian times and was often found near the seaside. Really good if forced.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Snapdragon 'Lemon Sherbet'

J-antirrhinum-braun-blanquetii-lemon-sherbet.jpg Snapdragon 'Lemon Sherbet' has large flowers in whites and creams, perfect for a cottage garden with a fresh, contemporary twist. Flowers April-October.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Strawbini Plant

Many clusters of vibrant, red, balls, some with little black seeds on them, making up strawbini, attached to medium size green leaves with pointy edges Eaten like Spinach with the added bonus of little strawberry-like red fruits - delicious. Also known as the Beetberry or Strawberry Spinach.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Strawbini Plant

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Sweet Pepper Plant 'Marconi'

Several dominant, glossy red, long Marconi sweet peppers hanging from green stalks, surrounded by green leaves and two green Marconi peppers to the bottom, front left. A long, delicious sweet pepper. Marconi starts off with green fruits that mature to a bright red colour. Thick-walled and very crunchy.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Sweet Pepper Plant 'Marconi'

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Sweet Pepper Plant - Rainbow

Several Rainbow Sweet Peppers in vibrant colours of red, yellow, orange and green, hanging fomr large, deep green leaves. With our Rainbow blend of sweet peppers, it's pot luck what colour fruits you will get! They could be red, yellow or green, traditional square shape or long how exciting!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Sweet Pepper Plant - Rainbow

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Sweet Violet 'Queen Charlotte'

Several purple, lobed, pansy like flowers with a small orange/yellow centre of the Viola Ordorata, look a bit like smiling monkey faces on long thin green stems, with round green leaves A beautiful little flower with the most amazing mild scent. Is an excellent ground cover and likes the shade (although will grow in a sunny position too).
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Sweet Violet 'Queen Charlotte'

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Sweet William Plant 'Messenger' Mixed

sq-dianthus-barbatus-messenger-mixed-004.jpg An amazing mix of colours, this early-flowering variety produces long stems making them ideal for bouquets or as cut flowers. Will flower this year.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a compost block-grown plant.

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Sweetcorn Plant Minipop

Two hands holding a medium sized Minipop Babycorn with the lime yellow husk pulled back to reveal the pale yellow babycorn. Lots of green tassels at the top of the plant. Large, dark green sweetcorn leaves in the background. Pale yellow, sweet and crunchy babycorn cobs. Easy to grow (no cross pollinating required as for other sweetcorn varieties). Vigorous and very reliable habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweetcorn Plant 'Golden Gate'

Two large, green Swift sweetcorn cobs, attached to their green plants, growing upright. Cobs have dark brown tassles to the top of them. Produces medium-sized golden yellow cobs with sweet, juicy thin-skinned kernels. Good tolerance to cooler and wetter growing conditions. F1 Hybrid.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Toadflax 'Springside White'

J-linaria-purpurea-springside-white.jpg Spikes of tiny white flowers resemble snapdragons.Flowers June-September. Prefers a light, well-drained soil, grows well in dry conditions and enjoys full sun.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Toadflax 'Springside White'

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Tree Lupin

sq-lupinus-arboreus-001.jpg A delightful perennial favourite that grows to about 5 feet (1.5 metres) tall with amazing soft lilac, cream, lavender or yellow flowers. Makes a great screening plant.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

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Aubergine Plant 'Snowy'

sq-aubergine-snowy-001.jpg A plant that produces a delightful, firm white aubergines, sometimes known as egg plant. An early cropping variety with a good yield.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Aubergine Plant 'Snowy'

Auricula Plant

sq-auriculas-002.jpg Very decorative wax like flowers in all shades from pastels to rich and vibrant colours appear in early Spring. Attractive pale green fleshy foliage. Tough and hardy.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants (supplied in mixed colours only).

More information about Auricula Plant

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Coneflower 'Primadonna Deep Rose Pink'

sq-echinacea-primadonna-deep-rose-pink-003.jpg Elegant daisy like flowers have rosy pink petals with an orange centre that rises like a cone. Very hardy and drought tolerant.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - We Need To Check Stock
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Coneflower 'Primadonna Deep Rose Pink'

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Coral Bells 'Palace Purple'

sq-heuchera-purple-palace-001.jpg A beautiful evergreen that forms a mound of puckered purple leaves topped with small bell-shaped pinky white flowers in late Spring to early Summer. Ground Cover.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Coral Bells 'Palace Purple'

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Evening Primrose

A close up photo of a large, brilliant yellow flower and stamens of Oenothera macrocarpa missouriensis / Evening Primrose, with green leaves in the back ground. Also known as Ozark Sundrops. Bright golden yellow flowers open late in the afternoon. A beautiful ground cover with excellent drought tolerance.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Evening Primrose

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Poppy 'Allegro'

Bright, large red Allegro Poppy flowers with spotty, ladybird like centres growing on upright stems with fern like green leaf foliage at the base Huge bright orange flowers with a black centre in late spring and early summer. Compact, strong-growing and very reliable. Will put on a fantastic display every year!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Poppy 'Allegro'

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Wild Primrose

Lots of pale yellow primula flowers with deep yellow centres, growing from lots of mid green, broad leaves of wild primroses / primula vulgaris. A beautiful plant that can flower through the snow to brighten up your garden in winter and spring. Lovely yellow flowers which are edible - you can even make primrose wine with them!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Wild Primrose