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Our selection of vegetable seeds and vegetable plants represents many years of trials and taste tests by Victoriana's very own Shirley family.

As a result, we now offer a fantastic selection of vegetable seeds and plants that encompass heritage varieties alongside some more modern varieties of vegetables that have proved to have great merit.

All seeds are packed at our Kent nursery in our DEFRA-approved packing station and are carefully checked and stored so we offer the most viable seeds for our customers. And, of course, all the vegetable plants are grown here too!

365 Results
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Asparagus Pea Seed

sq-asparagus-pea-002.jpg With a flavour that's a cross between peas and asparagus, this old vegetable is a real gourmet delight that is now making a welcome comeback.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Aubergine Seed 'Black Beauty'

sq-aubergine-black-beauty-002.jpg A purple-black fruited variety of eggplant of excellent size and texture. Very prolific cropper, suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.

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Aubergine Seed 'White Casper'

Aubergine Seed 'White Casper' Great for growing in the British climate, this heirloom variety producing egg shaped fruit approx 7" long with mild flavour and lovely texture.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Beetroot Seed 'Boltardy'

sq-beetroot-boltardy-005.jpg A bolt-resistant variety of beetroot which produces deep red roots with a sweet flavour. Very popular for early sowings.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Beetroot Seed 'Burpees Golden'

beetroot-burpees-golden-001.jpg A Victorian variety that produces sweet, tasty orange-yellow coloured roots that don't bleed or stain. Particularly tasty when harvested as baby beets.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Beetroot Seed 'Chioggia'

Beetroot Seed 'Chioggia' The stunning red and white rings of these beets make them perfect to brighten up any dish, easy to grow and harvest.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Black Turtle Beans

Black Turtle Beans Very popular in Latin American dishes and a really meaty meat substitute! A store cupboard essential! Grow just as you would Dwarf French beans and then dry.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds

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Borlotto Bean Seed 'Lingua di Fuoco'

sq-borlotto-bean-lingua-di-fuoco-001.jpg A colourful dual-purpose bean that can be used conventionally just like a Climbing French Bean, or dried and used in soups and stews. Perfect for winter storage.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Broad Bean Plant 'The Sutton'

sq-broad-bean-the-sutton-003.jpg A dwarf variety perfect for the smaller plot. Extremely hardy, so ideal for over-wintering. Excellent flavour and heavy cropping too.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Broad Bean Seed 'Bunyard's Exhibition'

sq-broad-bean-bunyards-exhibition-002.jpg A heavy-cropping white-seeded variety producing long pods containing 8 or 9 beans. Very good flavour and excellent for freezing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Broad Bean Seed 'Monica'

Broad Bean Seed 'Monica' A quick-maturing, high-yielding broad bean suitable for early, mid, late and over-winter sowings. Produces long pods with delicious creamy white beans.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Broad Bean Seed 'The Sutton'

sq-broad-bean-the-sutton-003.jpg A dwarf broad bean ideal for the smaller plot, producing deliciously tender beans. Extremely hardy and perfect for over-wintering.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Brussels Sprout Seed Blend

sq-brussels-sprouts-green-001.jpg A vegetable that is either loved or hated! A blend of four old and established varieties to extend the cropping season from September until April.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Brussels Sprout Seed 'Red Ball'

sq-brussels-sprouts-red-001.jpg Bright crimson sprouts with a delicious nutty taste, better than the traditional green varieties. Sweet enough to be eaten raw.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Bulbing Fennel Seed 'Sweet Florence'

sq-fennel-sweet-florence-002.jpg Every part can be used in the kitchen! Extremely graceful, and doesn't look out of place planted in the veg garden, herb garden or even ornamental borders.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Cabbage Seed Blend

sq-cabbage-002.jpg A blend of ten distinct varieties of cabbage, including Red and Savoy types. Will provide both varietal interest and the potential of year-round cropping.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Calabrese Seed Blend (Broccoli)

sq-calabrese-002.jpg More commonly known as Broccoli (as sold in the supermarkets). A blend of well-flavoured varieties, carefully chosen to extend the cropping season.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 70 seeds.

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Canteloupe Melon Seed 'Charentais'

sq-melon-charentais-002.jpg A very old variety. Medium-sized fruits have a pale green-grey skin and very juicy deep orange flesh. One of the easiest varieties for the novice.
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Supplied as a packet of 6 seeds.

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Carrot Seed - All Year Round Blend

sq-carrots-004.jpg A carefully blended selection of carrot seed varieties that can be sown almost any time of year to produce a worthwhile crop. The easy way to grow carrots!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 2000 seeds.

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Carrot Seed - Cosmic Colour Collection

sq-carrot-cosmic-collection-003.jpg Vibrant red, white, purple and sulphur yellow carrots will bring colour to the dining table. Crisp and sweet flavour. (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.

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Carrot Seed 'Paris Market Atlas'

sq-carrot-paris-market-atla.jpg Short and stubby, almost spherical carrots. Perfect for growing in shallow soils or containers. A novel alternative to conventional carrots, with a lovely flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.

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Carrot Seed 'Resistafly'

sq-carrot-resistafly-001.jpg A carrot fly-resistant variety with an excellent flavour and a good crunch. Best grown as second early or maincrop. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.

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Catalogna Seed

sq-catalogna-002.jpg Effectively a cut-and-come again lettuce that thrives on being harvested! Tender, with very crunchy ribs. Fast to regrow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Cauliflower Plant 'Cut 'n' Come Again'

sq-cauliflower-cc-003.jpg Sometimes known as Nine Star Perennial Broccoli. An excellent multi-headed cauliflower that is perennial in habit. Each plant will produce approximately ten tennis ball-sized heads per year with amazing flavour.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Cauliflower Seed 'Snowball'

sq-cauliflower-snowball-003.jpg A long-established favourite with tight heads that truly are snow-white in colour. Excellent keeping qualities. Suitable for growing and cropping every season.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Celeriac Seed 'Prinz'

sq-celeriac-prinz-001.jpg Grown for its nutty celery flavour, this is an extremely versatile vegetable. Vigorous in habit with a high resistance to bolting.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Celery Seed 'Brydon's Prize Red'

sq-celery-001.jpg An old, proven and hardy variety of celery. Purple tinged red when blanched. Stands well and has an excellent flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Celery Seed 'Golden Self Blanching'

sq-celery-golden-self-blanching-001.jpg A traditional old variety of celery that produces stalks of excellent flavour and texture. No need to exclude light to blanch this variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Chicory Seed 'Brussels Witloof'

sq-chicory-002.jpg A tried and trusted variety of Chicory that is possibly one of the best for forcing or blanching. Can be eaten raw or cooked.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Ají Limon'

sq-chilli-pepper-aji-limon-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. Produces high yields of lemon yellow peppers on a bushy plant. Clean and sharp-tasting with almost a lemon twist. A must for Chilli Vodka makers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Ají Omnicolor'

sq-chilli-pepper-aji-omnicolor-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. Produces high yields of peppers in a multitude of colours on a small, bushy plant. Hot, sweet and fruity. Fruits ripen over a period of time making this highly ornamental too.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Ancho'

sq-chilli-pepper-ancho-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. The traditional variety for making mole and chilli rellenos. Dark green fruits mature to a deep red. Perfect for drying. Often known as the Poblano Chilli.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Apple Crisp'

sq-chilli-pepper-apple-crisp-001.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. A delicious, crunchy and juicy red chilli that can be eaten like an apple with a sweet 'peppery' flavour and only 400 SHUs.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Aribibi Gusano'

sq-chilli-pepper-aribibi-gusano-001.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Small fruits look like cream / white caterpillars all over the plants. Quite attractive. Citrusy, fresh, sharp heat when raw, delicious cooked.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Basket Of Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-basket-of-fire-006.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. A compact and extremely attractive ornamental Chilli that packs a good punch of heat. As the name suggest, excellent in baskets. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Bhut Jolokia'

sq-chilli-pepper-bhut-jolokia-001.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. One of the the hottest in the world! Crinkled green fruits mature to a vibrant red and have a smoky citrus smoky flavour. Blisteringly hot!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Bolivian Rainbow'

sq-chilli-pepper-bolivian-rainbow-002.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. Highly ornamental, dwarf variety. Deep purple-black foliage becomes smothered with pretty purple flowers that develop into cone-shaped fruits in all colours of the rainbow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Brazilian Starfish'

sq-chilli-pepper-brazilian-starfish-004.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A beautifully shaped Chilli from Brazil. Flattened starfish-shaped fruits mature from green to rich red. Heavy cropping with a gorgeous sweet flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Bulgarian Carrot'

sq-chilli-pepper-bulgarian-carrot-005.jpg Medium Hot Chilli. Looking very much like a young carrot, the bright orange fruits have very thick flesh and a lovely heat. Good cold tolerance so ideal for outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Carolina Reaper'

sq-chilli-pepper-carolina-reaper-001.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. Recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest Chilli in the World. Blisteringly hot fruits have a delicious fruity flavour. Pure evil!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cayenne' (Red)

sq-chilli-pepper-cayenne-red-002.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. One of the best known varieties. 6" (15 cm) long fruits mature to a rich red colour with a satisfying spicy heat. Perfect for using raw or cooked.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cayenne Purple'

sq-chilli-pepper-cayenne-purple-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A twist on the classic cayenne chilli, this variety is purple! Very ornamental to grow with pretty white and purple flowers and the fruit has a good heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cayenne Sweet'

sq-chilli-pepper-cayenne-sweet-003.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. A Cayenne Chilli with none of the heat! Gorgeously sweet curly red fruits are produced in abundance. Fruits grow up to 12" in length and have thin skins.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cheiro Roxa'

sq-chilli-pepper-cheiro-roxa-006.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. In our opinion a Chilli that is unsurpassed in its beauty! Dainty purple-pink fruits almost glow in the sun. Sweeter in flavour than a Habanero - and cooler.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Chiang Rai'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Medium Chilli Pepper. Quick maturing from green to deep red, 3-4" (10-12cm) long chillies. Originates from Thailand
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Christmas Bell'

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Unusual flying saucer-shaped fruits mature to orange-red shades. Perfect for grilling, roasting or even drying and using as Christmas decorations.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cow Horn'

sq-chilli-pepper-cow-horn-001.jpg A lovely, long, mild chilli. Matures from green to red and reaches 6-8" (15-20cm) long. Good, thick skin, great for drying and making sauces. Originated from New Mexico.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Demon Red'

sq-chilli-pepper-demon-red-006.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A Thai-style Chilli that is as edible as it is ornamental! Compact plants have dark purple-green foliage. Green fruits ripen to a deep red. Perfect used fresh or dried.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Explosive Ember'

sq-chilli-pepper-explosive-ember-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A lovely compact ornamental purple-leaved chilli plant with attractive little fruits, colourful and hot, perfect for windowsill growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Farmer's Market Potato'

sq-chilli-pepper-farmers-market-potato-001.jpg A mild chilli that takes on the appearance of a potato! Good mild, sweet Jalapeno flavour, approximately 4,000-8,000 SHU.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Fat Bird'

sq-chilli-pepper-fat-bird-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. Bred by us at Challock in 2016. Produces a red, fat fruit with a very balanced spicy heat. We are very proud of this variety and hope you enjoy it too!
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Supplied as packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Fish'

sq-chilli-pepper-fish-004.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Distinctive green and cream foliage and green striped peppers that mature to a rich red colour make this an extremely ornamental variety. Popular for cooking with fish.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Goan Button'

sq-chilli-pepper-goan-button-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A small to medium sized fruit that ripens to red, is commonly used in Hindu and Christian cooking in Goa and has a lovely flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Goan Hot Sweet'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Medium Chilli Pepper. A traditional Goan chilli which is black red in colour but has gorgeous flavour. Dries well for chilli powder or storing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Golden Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-golden-cayenne-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A yellow-coloured version of the classic Cayenne. Smooth-skinned fruits mature to a rich and vibrant bright yellow. Good punchy heat surrounds a really fruity flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Habanero Caribbean Red'

sq-chilli-pepper-habanero-caribbean-red-001.jpg Ferociously Hot Chilli Pepper. A seriously hot chilli with a delicate smoky flavour. Lovely to cook with, pickle or stuff. Highly recommended - but not for the faint-hearted.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Holy Mole'

sq-chilli-pepper-holy-mole-007.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. A lovely large variety of chilli which starts green, turns red and then brown. Can be eaten when immature. Early variety with good flavour and mild heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Hot Paper Lantern'

sq-chilli-pepper-hot-paper-lantern-001.jpg Ridiculously Hot Chilli Pepper. Elongated lime green fruits mature to a bright red. Very reliable and earlier than conventional Habaneros. Heavy cropping.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-hot-wax-005.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A fresh-flavoured chilli that isn't necessarily as hot as its name suggests. Perfect for stuffing and roasting.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Hungarian Yellow Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-yellow-wax-002.jpg Sweet Chilli Pepper. Similar to its cousin Hungarian Hot Wax but with none of the heat. Bright green fruits mature to yellow and finally red. Heavy cropping with a lovely flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A good 'all rounder' of the Chilli world - early cropping, good flavour, and a reliable grower and cropper.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño Fooled You'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-fooled-you-002.jpg Sweet Chilli Pepper. A Jalapeño Chilli with absolutely no heat! Long, thick-walled, green fruits have all the traditional gorgeous flavour of a Jalapeño. Perfect for flavoursome but spice-less dishes.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño NuMex Piñata'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-pinata-002.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. A multicoloured Chilli, perfect for bringing colour and substantial heat to your garden and kitchen.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño NuMex Primavera'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-primavera-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A large and meaty-podded variety of Jalapeño that regularly crops heavily.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jigsaw'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jigsaw' Medium Hot Chilli Pepper Seed. Stunning mottled purple foliage with oval-shaped fruits that ripen from purple to red. Reaches approx 24" tall.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Joe's Long Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-joes-long-cayenne-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A longer version of the popular Cayenne. Green fruits mature to a deep red with a satisfying spicy heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Kashmiri' (Goa)

sq-chilli-pepper-kashmiri-goa-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. A vibrant red fruit with a delicious fruity flavour which we were given by friends from Goa where it is used every day to make delicious feasts.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Kashmiri' (North India)

sq-chilli-pepper-kashmiri-north-india-001.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A traditional Indian variety of chilli with a lovely mild to medium heat and a gorgeous flavour. Ripens from green to red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Kerela Kerela'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Kerela Kerela' Mild Chilli Pepper. Amazing flavour variety from Goa where it is very commonly used in cooking. Ripens to red with a mild heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Naga Morich'

sq-chilli-pepper-naga-morich-001.jpg Outrageously Hot Chilli Pepper. Lives up to its common name of the Serpent Chilli as it really does have a bite. Orange red fruits are wickedly hot.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Nosferatu'

sq-chilli-pepper-nosferatu-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A very ornate plant, with black leaves, purple flowers and lovely black fruits that ripen to blood red.
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Supplies as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex April Fools' Day'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-april-fools-day-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A very ornamental dwarf variety with fruits that start purple and mature to red with a hot heat. Will live happily on a windowsill.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Centennial'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-centennial-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. A dwarf variety of chilli with lovely purple foliage and flower followed by edible fruits that ripen through the rainbow. Very ornamental.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Cinco de Mayo'

sq-chilli-pepper-cinco-de-mayo-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. An ornamental (and edible) dwarf Cayenne type of chilli. The chillies have an upright growth habit and change through yellow and orange to red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Heritage Big Jim'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-heritage-big-jim-003.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. Big in all senses of the word! Large plants produce pods big enough to be listed in the Guinness Book Of Records, and with a sublime flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex La Cruces Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-las-cruces-cayenne-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A longer and thicker version of the popular Cayenne. Plump green fruits mature to a deep red. Very thick and juicy flesh.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Lemon Spice'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-lemon-spice-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A lemon-flavoured Jalapeño-type chilli from New Mexico State University with a thick skin and lovely flavour. 25,000 SHUs.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Jalapeño Orange Spice'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-orange-spice-003.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. A relatively new variety of jalapeño with a stunning bright orange colour when ripe that, coupled with its delicious flavour, makes it a must!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Pumpkin Spice'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-pumpkin-spice-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Ripens to a bright 'pumpkin' orange, has thick flesh and is a Jalapeño type. Developed at New Mexico State University.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Suave Orange'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-suave-orange-006.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. Orange-coloured fruits have all the classic smoky flavour of a Habanero Chilli with none of the heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Suave Red'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-suave-red-001.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. Red-coloured fruits have all the classic smoky flavour of a Habanero Chilli but none of the heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Sweet'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-sweet-001.jpg Sweet Pepper. A delicious sweet paprika variety of pepper, developed in New Mexico, produces lovely bright red peppers with no heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Trick Or Treat'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-trick-or-treat-001.jpg Cool Chilli Pepper. A stunning variety of chilli pepper with no heat, just lovely fruity flavour. Looks like an Orange Habanero so can be quite fun to play with!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Twilight'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-twilight-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A highly ornamental variety of Chilli which produces masses of small, spicy fruits in a multitude of colours.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Pasilla Bajio'

chilli-pepper-pasilla-bajio-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. Long thin fruits mature to a rich dark brown, almost black colour. If harvested and used green it is known as Chilaca. Very rich smoky flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Peito de Moça'

sq-chilli-pepper-peito-de-moca-001.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Highly ornamental. Beautiful pear-shaped fruits mature from pale green to orange to red. A lovely fruity flavour and a decent kick of heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Peter Pepper'

sq-chilli-pepper-peter-pepper-007.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Penis-shaped fruits mature from green to orange/red and have a mildly hot flavour. Very rude indeed!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Pinocchio's Nose'

sq-chilli-pepper-pinocchios-nose-001.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Just like Pinocchio's nose, they grow longer and longer. Deep red fruits have a lovely spicy kick.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Pot Black'

sq-chilli-pepper-pot-black-005.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A new British-bred variety. Pretty purple flowers are followed by small black fruits. Highly ornamental as well as great to cook with.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Prairie Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-prairie-fire-010.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Masses of medium-sized hot and spicy fruits are produced in a range of colours from yellow to orange to red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Ring Of Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-ring-of-fire-009.jpg Extremely Chilli Pepper. A very reliable Cayenne-type producing red fruits perfect for cooking or drying. Early to fruit and heavy-yielding.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Rocoto Red'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Vibrant red, apple shaped fruits with thick, juicy flesh and a building heat as you eat them. Definitely unusual for a chilli.
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Supplies as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Rodeo'

sq-chilli-pepper-rodeo-007.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Small, round, green fruits mature to a rich red with a hot, sweet flavour. Reminiscent of the Italian hot peppers of old. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Satan's Kiss'

sq-chilli-pepper-satans-kiss-002.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. An old heirloom variety of Chilli from Italy where it is known as 'Baccio Ciliegia Piccante'. Purple-red, golfball-sized, rich, hot fruits are perfect for stuffing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Scotch Bonnet Red'

sq-chilli-pepper-carribean-antillais-001.jpg Ridiculously Hot Chilli Pepper. 2-3" (6 cm) long bright red fruits have all the classic Scotch Bonnet heat and flavour you'll need. Early to ripen.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Serrano'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Larger and little bit hotter than a Jalapeño this is a favourite in many Mexican dishes. Green fruits mature to a deep red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Serrano Purple'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-purple-002.jpg A lovely purple-flowered plant that produces purple (then red) chilli fruits with good heat and flavour and a nice thick skin. Great for making salsa.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Shabu Shabu'

sq-chilli-pepper-shabu-shabu-001.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. A favourite with the growers of our chillies here for a bit of 'fun'; it is incredibly hot. Its name comes from Japan where they use a chilli to heat their dish.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Spaghetti'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Spaghetti' Medium Chilli Pepper. The chillies really do look like pieces of red spaghetti hanging from the plant! High yielding, good flavour and perfect for drying.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Tabasco'

sq-chilli-pepper-tabasco-002.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. Famous for the sauce it is made into. Juicy, hot fruits are borne in profusion, colouring from yellow to red as they mature.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Tenerife'

sq-chilli-pepper-tenerife-001.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A red chilli with good flavour. The original seed was given to us by a customer whose family originated from Tenerife.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Trinidad Moruga Scorpion'

sq-chilli-pepper-trinidad-moruga-scorpion-004.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. Rounded fruits mature to a bright scarlet red and an almost unbelievable heat that takes several minutes to build in the mouth. Rich and smoky flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Turtle Claw'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Turtle Claw' Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Habanero variety of chilli with a lovely citrusy lemon flavour to it. Such a stunning fruit that looks a bit like a caterpillar. High yielding and well worth growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Uchu Cream Red'

chilli-pepper-uchu-cream-red-001.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A dwarf, ornamental variety with cream and green mottled leaves and slim fruits that ripen from cream to red. Ideal for a window sill.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Vampire'

sq-chilli-pepper-vampire-003.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. An amazing chilli plant with black leaves and immature fruit which ripen to blood red. Has lovely purple flowers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chiltepin Seed

sq-chiltepin-004.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper Seed. The wild parent of all Chilli Peppers. Tiny little fruits have a fiery punch of heat which calms quickly when eaten.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chinese Artichoke Tuber (Crosnes)

sq-chinese-artichoke-006.jpg A rarely seen vegetable that deserves more recognition. The small tubers have a delicious,nutty flavour and a satisfying crunch. Perfect for salads and stir-fries.
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Supplied as freshly dug and washed tubers.

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Choy Sum Seed 'Purple'

Mid green, elongated Choy Sum Oriental veg leaves. Sometimes known as flowering cabbage. Use the fleshy green leaves when young for baby leaves, or allow the plant to mature and use the big leaves in stir fries.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Climbing French Bean Seed 'Blue Lake'

sq-climbing-french-bean-blue-lake-001.jpg A stringless variety of this popular bean. Gorgeously sweet flavour either raw or cooked, and well suited for freezing or drying. Can be dried and used as a haricot.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 115 seeds.

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Climbing French Bean Seed 'Fasold'

sq-climbing-french-bean-fasold-001.jpg A black-seeded variety that produces heavy crops of pencil-thick beans with good flavour and very good freezing qualities.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Corn Salad Seed 'Vit'

sq-corn-salad-001.jpg Sometimes known as Lamb's Lettuce. A much underrated vegetable. Provides a valuable source of fresh outdoor salad leaves during the autumn and winter.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.

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Courgette Seed 'Eight Ball'

sq-courgette-eight-ball-001.jpg Rich green round fruits have an excellent flavour and texture. Very heavy cropping and reliable with a compact habit. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Courgette Seed 'One Ball'

sq-courgette-one-ball-004.jpg Compact and high-yielding. Produces golden-yellow rounded fruits with a lovely flavour and meaty flesh. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Courgette Seed 'Taxi'

sq-courgette-taxi-001.jpg A distinctly different courgette, having a bright yellow outer skin and a crisp texture. High-yielding and very reliable. F1 hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Courgette Seed 'Zucchini'

sq-courgette-zucchini-003.jpg A traditional variety of courgette in both senses - it's straight and it's green. Heavy cropping with a bush habit. F1 Hhybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Cucumber Seed 'Crystal Apple'

sq-cucumber-crystal-apple-002.jpg Ridge Cucumber. Rounded fruits turn a delicate lemon yellow when ready to eat. Sweet and juicy flavour. Suitable for both outdoor or protected growing.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Cucumber Seed 'Cuccino'

sq-cucumber-cucino-007.jpg A mini-cucumber that produces green fruits with an excellent flavour, ideal for lunch boxes. Recommended for protected growing only.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Cucumber Seed 'La Diva'

sq-cucumber-la-diva-002.jpg Ridge Cucumber. Producing crisp, sweet fruits that are seedless and non-bitter, this is maybe the ultimate hybrid Cucumber for outdoor growing. F1 hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Cucumber Seed 'Louisa'

Cucumber Seed 'Louisa' An all-female, high-yielding, smooth-skinned cucumber that is early to crop. Best grown under protection. Lovely sweet flavour. Mildew resistant.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Cucumber Seed 'Passandra'

sq-cucumber-passandra-002.jpg Picked regularly this will produce an abundant crop of small cucumbers with a great flavour and crunch. Perfect for lunch boxes. Best grown under protection. F1 hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Hildora'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-hildora-001.jpg A delicious, colourful, high-yielding, long, yellow French Bean, which is easy to grow and keeps its colour when cooked. Can be grown inside or out.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Purple Queen'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-purple-queen-001.jpg A beautiful dark purple dwarf French Bean, plants reach approximately 14" (35 cm) tall. Has a good yield and is delicious cooked or raw. Easy to grow from seed.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Tendergreen'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-tendergreen-003.jpg Light green pods have distinctive purple markings and good flavour; virtually stringless and well suited for freezing. Support not essential.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Edible Classroom Autumn Term Seed Pack

sq-edible-classroom-autumn.jpg A great seed pack collection of easy to grow seeds. Designed for the Autumn Term projects detailed in the 'Growing Schools' year planner.
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Supplied as one packet of each of seed as detailed in the full description.

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Edible Classroom Spring / Summer Term Seed Pack

sq-edible-classroom-spring.jpg An excellent Spring / Summer seed collection. All the seeds required for the Spring / Summer Term projects detailed in the 'Growing Schools' year planner.
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Supplied as one packet of each of seed as detailed in the full description.

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Edible Classroom Starter Pack 1

sq-classroom-starter.jpg An ideal seed starter pack for new or existing gardening clubs, providing sufficient seed for a variety of crops and projects to keep children interested!
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Supplied as one packet of each of seed as detailed in the full description.

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Edible Classroom Winter Term Seed Pack

sq-edible-classroom-winter.jpg All the seeds required for the Winter Term (January, February, March) projects detailed in the 'Growing Schools' year planner.
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Supplied as one packet of each of seed as detailed in the full description.

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Fine Curled Salad Cress Seed

Fine Curled Salad Cress Seed Everyone should grow this! From sowing to eating in less than a week! True salad cress, not Rape, which is often mis-sold as salad cress.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 2000 seeds.

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Good King Henry Seed

Good King Henry Seed Said to have been brought here by the Romans. Forced young shoots can be used as an Asparagus alternative, young leaves as a Spinach alternative.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 120 seeds.

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Greater Sea Kale Plant

Light green curling leaves with an upward growth, attached to similar colour stalks growing in mid brown compost bed. The ornamental cousin of Sea Kale which is also edible! A real architectural statement plant that is topped with hundreds of tiny white flowers early Summer.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Grow Your Own Giant Veg Gift Pack

onion-giant-exhibition-009.jpg Grow giant vegetables from seed without loosing the flavour. Great for exhibiting at competitions - or amazing your neighbours!
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Supplied as 5 packets of seed, plant food, guidance and gift bag.

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Grow Your Own Greenhouse Crops Gift Pack

Several Rainbow Sweet Peppers in vibrant colours of red, yellow, orange and green, hanging fomr large, deep green leaves. A selection of seeds suitable for growing a variety of crops in a greenhouse from start to finish. Amazing colours, flavours and variety.
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Supplied as 7 packets of seed, guidance and a gift bag.

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Grow Your Own Outdoor Veg Gift Pack

sq-beetroot-boltardy-005.jpg Grow Your Own Outdoor Veg Gift Pack. A selection of vegetable seeds to grow in the garden. Roots, leaves and brassicas in different colours to add interest to your plate all year round.
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Supplied as 10 packets of vegetable seeds, guidance and a gift bag.

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Grow Your Own Peas and Beans Gift Pack

runner-bean-polestar-005.jpg A pea and bean seed collection, including French, Runner, Broad beans and climbing peas, all with amazing flavour and good croppers.
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Supplied as 4 packets of seeds, guidance and a gift bag.

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Grow Your Own Quick Cropping Veg Add On Seed Pack

sq-beetroot-boltardy-005.jpg A selection of seeds which will produce vegetables quickly. easy to grow and achieve great results!
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Supplied as 8 packets of seed and guidance.

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Grow Your Own Quick Cropping Veg Seed Pack

sq-lettuce-mixed-002.jpg A selection of seeds which will quickly produce harvestable crops full of great flavour and vitamins. Growing in greenhouse or polytunnel will speed up cropping even more!
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Supplied as 8 packets of seed and guidance.

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Grow Your Own Salads Gift Pack

A brown china bowl, sat on a wooden counter, filled with cherry red, round radishes, with green leavey stalks falling away from them. A selection of seeds to grow your own delicious salad. From lettuce to tomatoes, cucumbers and even beetroot. All can be grown outside.
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Supplied as 7 packets of seed, guidance and a gift bag

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Kai-Lan Seed (Chinese Broccoli)

Kai-Lan Seed (Chinese Broccoli) Thick fleshy blue-green stems and leaves add real 'meat' to stir fries. Also produces small flower heads similar to broccoli.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Kale Seed 'Dwarf Green Curled'

sq-kale-dwarf-green-curled-002.jpg This is an extremely sweet, non-bitter kale; can even be eaten raw in salads. Dwarf in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Kintsai Seed (Chinese Celery)

Kintsai Seed (Chinese Celery) Very sweet and delicate in flavour. Unlike ordinary celery this dwarf form can be grown in pots in an unheated greenhouse in winter. Grows outdoors too.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 140 seeds.

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Kohl Rabi Seed - Purple, Green & Giant

sq-kohl-rabi-002.jpg An excellent summer, autumn and early winter vegetable. Stems swell to tennis ball-sized proportions or larger. Mild and sweet in flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 230 mixed seeds.

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Land Cress Seed

sq-land-cress-american-002.jpg With a flavour virtually identical to watercress this is perfect for those who do not have a pond, stream or boggy area. Fast-growing and reliable.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Leek Seed 'Musselburgh'

sq-leek-musselburgh-006.jpg A very hardy variety that produces excellent quality leeks. Fantastically sweet whether eaten as baby leeks or allowed to mature.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Lettuce Seed 'Hendersons Black Seeded Simpson'

sq-lettuce-black-seeded-simpson-001.jpg Over 150 years old! Gorgeously sweet flavour and a satisfying crisp texture. An extremely hardy variety that can be grown almost any time of year.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Lettuce Seed 'Lobjoit's Green Cos'

sq-lettuce-lobjoits-green-cos-001.jpg Everything a lettuce should be. Deep green, self folding, leaves. Crunchy hearts and an excellent flavour. Slow to bolt as well.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Lettuce Seed - In Perpetuity Blend

sq-lettuce-mixed-002.jpg Our carefully blended selection of 15 distinct varieties of lettuce. Will provide both varietal interest and the potential of year-round cropping from one packet of seed.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Marrow Seed 'Tiger Cross'

sq-marrow-tiger-cross-003.jpg An excellent relatively new British-bred bush marrow producing a uniform crop of green and cream-striped fruits. Heavy cropping and good disease resistance.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Rocket Plant Mix

Hundreds of lush green, upward growing, serrated rocket leaves. So easy to grow and such amazing flavour. Cut again and again all season long for fresh, healthy and flavoursome leaves with mixed appearance.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Mizuna Greens Seed

Lots of serrated green upward growing, soft leaves of Mizuana Oriental Greens Sometimes known as Japanese Mustard. Green serrated leaves have a mild mustard flavour. Use in stir-fries or as a baby leaf. Excellent cold resistance.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 180 seeds.

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Mouse Melon Seed

Two small melons with dark and light green like blotchy stripes of mouse melons hanging from their green stalks. Sometimes known as the Mexican Sour Gherkin. Tiny watermelon-shaped fruits are produced in abundance all summer long. Perfect for salads, pickling or desserts.
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Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

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Okra Seed 'Clemson Spineless'

A large long, pointed ended, dark green okra sat across the centre of the photo, with more okra vertically behind it and red and yellow cabbages, in the forefront is brocoli on the right and leaves to the left. Also known as 'Ladies Fingers' or 'Gumbo'. Use in soups, stews and curries. Pods are virtually spineless so easier for harvesting. Best grown under protection.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 35 seeds.

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Onion Seed 'Paris Silverskin' (Pickling)

Five plump, bulbous Paris Silverskin onions layig on the soil in the sunshine, with their brown/white roots at the base and their long green fleshy leaves above. An excellent multi-purpose onion. Grow, pull and eat as you would for Spring Onions – or leave to bulb up for perfect pickling onions. Gorgeously sweet and crisp.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Onion Seed 'Red Brunswick'

Three vibrant red/maroon Brunswick onions with their white/brown roots on display, laying on brown soil. A reliable cropping variety. Medium to large red onions are mild and have a gorgeously sweet flavour. Will store well into spring (if you don't eat them before!).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Onion Seed 'Shirley's Giant Exhibition'

A large Giant Exhibition onion being held in a hand (which can only be partially seen due to the size of the onion), with brown roots at the base and the skin is starting to darken due to it being harvested and drying. One of the largest golden-skinned onion varieties you are ever likely to see. Excellent flavour and very good keeping qualities. A prize-winner in every way.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.

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Onion Seed 'Siberian Everlasting'

Onion Seed 'Siberian Everlasting' Sometimes also referred to as the Welsh Onion. Grows into strong clumps that you pull as required. Can regenerate for many years.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Onion Seed 'White Lisbon' (Spring Onion)

A hand holding three bulbous White Lisbon salad onions with their white roots and long lush green leaves, just pulled from the dark brown soil. Other spring onions remain in the soil in a row behind them. An old commercial variety that remains unsurpassed. Reliable and fast to grow. Probably the best-known salad onion – and rightly so.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 450 seeds.

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Oriental Veg 'Lucky 13' Surprise Seed Mix

A selection of different Oriental leaves, in different shades of green and different shapes, the prominent one in the front is green, tinged with purple, surrounded by darker green, serrated leaves. A special blend of now more than 13 oriental vegetables, all different. Use young as baby leaf or grow on for a mixed 'stir fry' selection.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Pak Choi Seed 'Bonsai'

A Bonsai Pak Choi plant laying on brown soil The pak choy has a brilliant white very wide stem, topped with a dark green, curly leaf. Sometimes known as Bok Choy. Quick to mature, leaves, stems and flowering shoots are all edible. Large rounded green leaves have pure white stems.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Pak Choi Seed 'Red Lady'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Stunning wine red and green leaf in an oval shape and contrasting stems and veins. Perfect for micro greens and baby leaves. F1 hybrid
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Parsnip Seed 'Hollow Crown'

Two fat Hollow Crown parsnips held in one hand, just pulled from the soil, green stems and leaves still attached at the top, background is more parnsip folage from those still planted. Dating back to the 1800s this is still a very difficult variety to beat! Sweet mellow flavour. Very high yielding and with excellent resistance to canker.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Parsnip Seed Blend

Seven freshly dug up, washed parsnips laid on brown soil in a fan shape, the leave foliage has been detached. Two of our favourite varieties of Parsnip! Long roots from one short and stubby from the other. Both resistant to canker and both have an excellent flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Plant 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. Bush peas that don't need support! Will grow to around 2 ft tall and produce a lovely crop of sweet delicious peas. Very easy to grow.
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Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Pea Plant 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. Waverex Pea Delicious, sweet, small petit pois peas. This variety is high-yielding, easy to grow in rows or circles, and can be grown without support.
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Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Pea Seed 'Carouby de Mausanne' (Mange Tout)

A close up photo of two long, flat mange tout carouby de mausanne pods attached to their green stems with lush green leaves behind the,. This old French variety of mange tout produces large flat pods of extremely sweet flavour. Reliable in habit and very heavy cropping.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. An excellent bush variety from France. Produces large crops of sweet and succulent peas. Perfect for spring, summer, autumn, and even over-wintering crops.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

pea-alderman-composite-001.jpg A climbing pea that produces heavy crops of deliciously sweet peas over an extended cropping period. A must for the garden!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 power-packed seeds of this superb variety.

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Pea Seed 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. This is, we believe, the sweetest early pea of all. Heavy cropping, the pods are crammed with tiny peas - true Petit Pois.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds of this superb variety.

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Potato Tuber 'Nicola'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Second Early / Salad. Excellent boiled or steam and used as a salad potato. High yielding, excellent flavour.
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Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.

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Potato Tuber 'Pentland Javelin'

A collection of small and large, beige coloured Pentland Javelin potatoes, looking like they have just been dug up from the brown soil they sit on, with green stems falling away behind them. First early. High yielding white, waxy potato, good for salad potatoes and popular for its flavour. Disease resistant. First introduced by Dr Dunnett in 1968.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes

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Potato Tuber Casablanca

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' First early variety of Scottish white potato. Excellent for chips, boiled, baked and more. Quick to crop and easy to grow with good disease resistance.
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Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes

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Potato Tuber Sarpo Mira

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' A floury, red skinned main crop variety of potato with excellent blight resistance that stores well. Great for baking, roasting and chips.
Available Now
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes

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Pumpkin Seed 'Atlantic Giant'

A young girl in a blue cardigan and pink skirt trying to pick up a huge, orange, with pale orange stripes/ribs Atlantic Giant pumpkin. The ground is covered in large green pumpkin leaves. Not for the faint-hearted! These astonishing huge pale orange fruits hold the world record for both weight and diameter.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Pumpkin Seed 'Jack Be Little'

Close up of a small, ribbed, orange Jack Be Little Pumpkin, held easily in the fingers of a human hand. Many other pumpkins in the background. One of the smallest pumpkins.A fully grown fruit barely fills the hand. Wonderful for stuffing, or as 'glasses' for Halloween party drinks, or for making miniature lanterns.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Pumpkin Seed Selection

sq-halloween-pumpkins-002.jpg A pumpkin patch in a packet! Different shapes, sizes and even colours. A splendid 'fun' selection sure to delight children and adults alike - whether eaten or carved. (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of 10 different pumpkin seeds (not individually named).

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Summer Purple, Purple Sprouting Broccoli Seed

broccoli-purple-sprouting-002.jpg A British-bred purple sprouting broccoli to be harvested in the summer. High-yielding, with a lovely purple colour and very tasty!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Radish Rambo Seed

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Stunning red stem and foliage, full of vitamins and minerals and quick growing. Perfect for Micro greens and Sprouting.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds

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Radish Seed 'Spring, Summer & Autumn Blend'

A brown china bowl, sat on a wooden counter, filled with cherry red, round radishes, with green leavey stalks falling away from them. Our special seed blend will give you a variety of different colours and shapes of radish. Will add both colour and piquancy to the salad bowl.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 800 seeds.

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Rainbow Cauliflower Seed

Close up photo of two cauliflowers, the front left one is green and the back right is purple, both encompassed with large deep green cauliflower/brassica leaves. A blend of four of the most unusual cauliflowers around! Will produce violet, orange, green and 'turreted' heads (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds.

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Rainbow Chard Seed

Broad red, purple, white and yellow stems of Rainbow Chard, attached to deep green leaves with the same colourful veins as their stalks, being held vertically by a human hand. Cheerful stems in a multitude of colours will brighten up the veg patch and the dining table! Harvestable as a baby leaf in just 28 days, it can go on to be cropped for up to two years.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 125 seeds.

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Red Cabbage Seed Blend

sq-cabbage-red-001.jpg Just a little bit different to the normal green. Can be used in the normal way or used for pickling, etc. A blend of varieties to ensure successional cropping. (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Rhubarb Plant 'Champagne'

Rhubarb Plant 'Champagne' One of the earliest varieties and recognised as one of the best for forcing. Slender pink stems are juicy and sweet. A heritage variety that is reliable and easy to grow.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Rhubarb Plant 'Victoria'

Very close up photo of long green and green and red, thick stalks of Victoria rhubarb, with a few crinkled green leaves at the top and bottom right. A tried and tested variety of Rhubarb that has proved to be reliable, with high yields of quality stalks that are green flushed red. Excellent for forcing.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Rocket Seed Blend

Hundreds of lush green, upward growing, serrated rocket leaves. A blend of popular varieties. Produces heavy crops of the spicy salad leaf over a long period. Easy to grow and with good disease resistance.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Runner Bean Seed 'Polestar'

Several long, green Polestar Runner beans growing from their horizontal green stem, which start small at the tip getting large further back towards the large green, round leaves behind them. A heavy-cropping variety that produces bright green fleshy pods that are completely stringless. Early cropper.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Salsify Seed 'Sandwich Island Mammoth'

Lots of tall, upright, iris type leave of Sandwich Island Salisfy in several rows, planted in the ground. Possibly the best-tasting Salsify of them all. Long tapered roots have a sweet tender flesh. Keeps well in the ground and will remain 'good' until March.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Savoy Cabbage Seed Blend

sq-cabbage-savoy-001.jpg Probably the hardiest of all the cabbage family - so versatile. A blend of varieties to ensure successional cropping (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Scorzonera Seed 'Long Black Maxima'

Upward growing clumps of wide topped grass like leaves of Scorzonera Maxima in brown soil, with a wooden board along the back. Often known as Black Salsify. A fairly new variety that produces long, black-skinned roots. Can be harvested in autumn or left in the ground over winter.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Sea Kale Seed 'Lily White'

Light green curling leaves with an upward growth, attached to similar colour stalks growing in mid brown compost bed. Often found growing by the sea. A very old vegetable that pre-dates Victorian times. Once established plants can crop for 5 - 7 years.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Seed Sprouting Fenugreek Seed

fenugreek-001.jpg A delicious, easy, fast-growing seed that will add a curry flavour to your dish (often used in Indian cooking). Very good for you as full of antioxidants and vitamins.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 1000 seeds.

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Seed Sprouting Sunflower Seed

Seed Sprouting Sunflower Seed These sprouting seeds are full of nutrients including magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, whilst being delicious and quick to grow, taking only about 4 - 6 days.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 400 seeds.

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Shallot Seed 'Matador'

Freshly, dug up and washing elongated white, tinged red Matador shallots with green tops next to the bottom of a fork which is in the dark brown soil with a little bark around. Consistently produces heavy crops of uniform quality bulbs. Thick brown skins protect the pure white flesh below. Very crisp. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 90 seeds.

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Spinach Plant 'Amazon'

Spinach Plant 'Amazon' An excellent variety of spinach, bred for the UK climate. Grow under protection early and late in the season to extend your cropping time. Delicious round, dark green leaves.
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Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Spinach Seed 'Amazon'

Spinach Seed 'Amazon' F1 hybrid, bolt- and mildew-resistant variety bred in the UK to combat our short colder days. Reaches approx 8" (20 cm) high with dark green rounded leaves.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Spinach Seed 'Little Grandad's Original'

Lots of medium sized, mid greenm perpetual spinach leaves growing in an upward direction in a row. Dark green leaves have small midribs and a rich and hearty spinach flavour. Extremely hardy and will crop over a long period.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Spring Sprouting Broccoli Seed Blend

sq-broccoli-spring-sprouting-mix-002.jpg A useful blend of both purple and white sprouting broccoli to extend the cropping season and provide colour interest (includes some F1 Hybrid varieties).
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Crown Prince'

A large, flattened round, grey/blue Crown Prince Squash with a fat brown striped dark green stalk attached to lime green stems that look like a five legged spide, sat on brown soil. Another squash is partly in the photo to the middle right. Winter Squash. The best storing variety of squash we know - and probably the best flavoured, too. Grey-blue skinned fruits have rich orange flesh.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Honey Bear'

Squash Seed 'Honey Bear' Winter Squash. A lovely individual-sized squash with green skin and yellow middle. Deliciously sweet and has a compact growing habit.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Hunter'

Two large, beige, almost peanut (in their shell) type shape Butternut squash, attached to mid green stalks and stems, laying on brown/black soil. Winter Squash. Pale cream-skinned fruits have rich golden orange flesh which is exceptionally sweet. Specifically bred for the UK climate.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Kabocha'

A large, deep, dark green Kabocha fruit, which is slightly ribbed and round, with a pale brown crusty and green striped stalk attached to lime green, prickly stem. Quarter of a green blotchy leaf at the front bottom left. Winter Squash. Also known as Japanese Pumpkin. Rich orange flesh is protected by a thick dark green striped pale green skin. Exceptionally good keeping qualities. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Spaghetti'

Three medium sized, pale green, wth yellow splotches and darker green stripes  and turning yellow ends, of the Vegetable spaghetti squashes. Attached to thick geen stems, on deep, dark, wet soil. Winter Squash. Fantastic in every way! The plump rugby ball-shaped fruits mature to a pale yellow orange. Flesh resembles spaghetti when cooked.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Squash Seed 'Turks Turban'

Close up of a orange, Turks turban squash. The top band of orange sits on a light brown scabby type bad and underneath is a bulboss orange, striped with white base. The base of the fruit it pale brown and scabby like again, edged with green. Winter Squash. A fruit hard to mistake! Sweet orange fruits with multi-coloured protuberances. Excellent keeping qualities.
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Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

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Strawberry Seed 'Sweet Temptation'

A pale brown trug, with it's handles wrapped around it's edges, sat on a wooden slated table, filled with lots and lots of delicious, bright red strawberries with little yellow seeds on the outside and their lime green stalks attached. Possibly the cheapest way to establish your own strawberry bed. Produce heavy crops of sweet and juicy fruits on compact plants. Self-fertile.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds.

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Strawbini Seed

Many clusters of vibrant, red, balls, some with little black seeds on them, making up strawbini, attached to medium size green leaves with pointy edges Also known as the Beetberry or Strawberry Spinach. Green foliage can be eaten as an alternative to Spinach. Rich red fruits have a taste reminiscent of Strawberries.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Swede and Turnip Seed Selection

One very large and one small, white Milan turnip growing in black soil with lush green stalks A blend of these two similarly different vegetables. Will grow together in harmony and provide both a 'fresh' root crop as well as Winter storing crop.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 350 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'Alma Paprika'

Glossy red, flattened round Alma Paprika Sweet Peppers, attached to green stems Sweet Pepper. A paprika variety with a thick, fleshy, crunchy skin which is ideal for drying and grinding as well as stuffing. Has a mild peppery flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'Marconi'

Several dominant, glossy red, long Marconi sweet peppers hanging from green stalks, surrounded by green leaves and two green Marconi peppers to the bottom, front left. Sweet Pepper. Long tapered green fruits mature to a bright red. Thick-walled and very crunchy. Ideal for summer salads. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'Mini Bell Red'

Close up photo of a glossy red, nearly heart shaped, Mini Bell Red sweet pepper (with another part of one top right) hanging by a green stalk. Sweet Pepper. 4 - 5 cm diameter rounded fruits mature to bright red. Lovely sweet flavour and very prolific. Compact in habit and tolerates cooler growing conditions.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'Mini Bell Yellow'

Close up photo of an orange, almost square shaped, Mini Bell Yellow pepper hanging from a green stalk. Sweet Pepper. 4 - 5 cm diameter rounded fruits mature to a rich golden yellow. Lovely sweet flavour and very prolific. Compact in habit and tolerates cooler growing conditions.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'NuMex Garnet'

Long, slim, red Garnet Sweet Peppers hanging from green stalks in the right of the photo. To the back left are long slim brown druits. Large green leaves are also visable. Sweet Pepper. Long red fruits have an intense deep flavour. Whilst bred for drying and making paprika, this variety is perfect for all conventional culinary uses.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed 'Padron'

Four medium sized, green, Padron sweet peppers, almost with central creases, hanging from green stalks with a few large green leaves. This is a Spanish Tapas sweet pepper, best picked when green. Fruit is curved and wrinkly. The odd fruit will have heat so can be good fun!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Sweet Pepper Seed - Rainbow Blend

Several Rainbow Sweet Peppers in vibrant colours of red, yellow, orange and green, hanging fomr large, deep green leaves. Sweet Pepper. This blend of sweet peppers gives a range of colours that includes red, yellow and green, some of traditional shape and some a bit longer.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed Minipop

Two hands holding a medium sized Minipop Babycorn with the lime yellow husk pulled back to reveal the pale yellow babycorn. Lots of green tassels at the top of the plant. Large, dark green sweetcorn leaves in the background. Babycorn. Four or five pale yellow babycorns are produced on each plant. Vigorous in habit and easy to grow with no pollination concerns. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed 'Strawberry Popcorn'

Five small, red Strawberry sweetcorn cobs, being held in two small hands on the right. On the bottom left is a white bowl with a blue rim around the top being held by someone containing lots of white popcorn. Popping Corn. Ruby-red rounded cobs are produced in abundance. Once dried, the kernels are simply the best variety for popping!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed 'Swift'

Sweetcorn Seed 'Swift' A delicious early, sweet yellow variety which performs well in cooler climates including northern England. F1 hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed 'Golden Gate'

Two large, green Swift sweetcorn cobs, attached to their green plants, growing upright. Cobs have dark brown tassles to the top of them. Mid-season tendersweet variety. Produces medium-sized well-filled, delicious cobs. Tolerates cooler and wetter growing conditions well. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Swiss Chard Seed 'Rhubarb Chard'

Large purple/green leaves growing upright on vibrant red stems of a Swiss Chard plant. Green leafed foliage of sweetcorn plants in the background Bright red stems are topped by dark green or purple leaves. Stem, leaves and even flower stalks can be eaten. Slow to run to seed.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Tamarillo Tree Tomato Seed

Plum shaped and sized, red Tamarillo tomato, held in someones hand (with another one half cut out of the photo to the right) with a pale green leaf in the background. Not a tomato at all! Grows into a substantial tree that bears plum shaped fruits which are deep red in colour. More of a 'sweet' than a 'savoury'. Perennial in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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The Chilli Fest Favourites Seed Collection

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg A collection of chilli seed varieties that are favourites at Challock Chilli Fest. Five distinct varieties that are not only ornamental but have good flavour and versatility.
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Supplied as 5 individual packets of seed, gift bag and growing instructions.

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The Medium Heat Chilli Fest Seed Collection

Hungarian Hot wax chillies on a plant with green leaves, the fruits are yellow (immature) and red (ripe) Selection of 5 different packets of medium heat chilli pepper seeds, complete with gift bag and growing instructions. An ideal present for novice and keen grower alike.
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Supplied as 5 individual packets of seed, gift bag and growing instructions.

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The Mild Heat Chilli Fest Seed Selection

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-heritage-big-jim-003.jpg Five packets of cool chilli pepper seeds, complete with gift bag and growing instructions. Great for those who love the flavour of chillies but not the heat! Perfect for children.
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Supplied as 5 individual packets of seed, gift bag and growing instructions.

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The Spicy Chilli Fest Seed Selection

sq-chilli-pepper-carribean-antillais-001.jpg A selection of five packets of spicy hot chilli seed varieties complete with gift bag and growing instructions. Makes the perfect gardening gift for any Chilli Head !
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Supplied as 5 individual packets of seed, gift bag and growing instructions.

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Tomato Seed 'Aurora'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Bush Tomato. Early to crop with a good yield and flavour. Copes well with cooler climates and is a good beginners variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Austin's Red Pear'

Two vibrant red, pear shaped, Austins Red Pear tomatoes hanging from a horizontal green stem by green stalks. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A cherry tomato that looks like a pear! Bright red fruits are lovely and sweet and satisfyingly firm. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Abraham Lincoln'

A medium to large, close up photo of a shiny, bright red, round, smooth skinned Abraham Lincoln tomato, hanging from the top right of the photo by a green stalk and stem. There is another red and two green top part of tomatoes at the bottom of the picture Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large beefsteak fruits have smooth deep red skin and a rich dense flesh. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Ailsa Craig'

A group of three shiny red, wet, round, smooth skinned Ailsa Craig tomatoes, hanging down from green stalks and stems. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Medium-sized fruits have a fine flavour - some say the finest. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Aker's West Virginia'

Very close up view of a large red, smooth skinned, red, Akers West Virginia tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large, slightly flattened tomatoes in clusters of two with a delicious flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'All Meat'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Red, oval fruits with good flavour, meaty flesh and skins are crack resistant.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Amish Paste'

Four, long, fat, smooth skinned, red Amish Paste tomatoes, hanging down from green stalks and stems, just visable at the bottom of the photo is a black pot with soil. Green leaves visable in the background. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large sized plum tomatoes have deep red skin and a rich dense flesh ideal for pasting. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Amy's Sugar Gem'

Cluster of mainly bright red, shiny, round Amys Sugar Gem tomatoes attached to green stalks and a green stem. Two green round fruits hiding behind the red. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Golf ball sized fruits are gorgeously sweet and very meaty. Very heavy cropping. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Artisan Green Tiger'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Cordon (Vine) tomato. Green with yellow stripes, bush tomato. Good sweet flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Aunt Ginny's Purple'

A large pink/red beef steak, slightly pleated Aunt Ginnys Purple tomato with wide pale green/yellow stripes at the top, hanging from a green stalk Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Originating from Germany, produces large, deep-pink purple fruits of exceptional flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Auriga'

Close up of a vine of yellow/orange Auriga tomatoes hanging from a green stem with green stalks, stem is front, central and vertical in the photo. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An excellent variety for outdoor growing. Produces high yields of medium-sized golden-orange fruit that have an almost melon flavour. Very juicy!
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Supplied as a packet of 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Banana Legs'

Lots of long yellow and yellow/green Banana Legs tomatoes hanging down with green stalks attached to a verticle green stem with soil in the background. Bush Tomato. 4 " (10 cm) long, bright yellow banana shaped fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Big Girl'

Tomato Seed 'Big Girl' Cordon (vine) tomato seed. Produces a large, heart shaped, ribbed red tomato which is excellent for tomato juice and salads.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Black Cherry'

Five large, red/black, topped green/black, round Black Cherry tomatoes, hanging from green stalks and stem, the stem is at the front of the photo and verticle. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Mahogany-brown cherry tomatoes are produced in profusion. Good disease resistance. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Black from Tula'

Close up of an orange/black, large, beefsteak Black from Tula tomato, with small pleats, hanging from the top right of the picture from a green stem and stalk. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. The largest of the black tomato varieties. 3" - 4" dark brown to purple fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Black Krim'

Close up of a very large, red/black/green beefsteak tomatoe witha pleated top, attached to a green stalk and green stems at the top of the photo. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A very old beefsteak variety that produces heavy crops of large dark brown-red fruits with firm flesh. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Black Plum'

Three, long, deep red/black meaty, shiny tomatoes hanging down from green stalks Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Deep mahogany-red fruits resemble small plum tomatoes. Tangy sweet flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Blizzard'

Group of traditional sized, smooth skineed, dull red Blizard tomatoes, hanging with green stalkts to green stems, surrounded with green tomato leaves. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Now exclusive to us! Huge crops of juicy billiard ball-sized fruits. Sets well even in low light. Suitable for protected growing only. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Bloody Butcher'

Close up of a traditional sized, red/orange, smooth skinned red tomato, with an upright growing green stalk attached to a green stem. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Excellent for cooler growing conditions, early and heavy cropping! Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Carmello'

A group of large and smaller, bright, vibrant red, smooth skinned Carmello tomatoes hanging to a green stalk, with black pots with compost at the base of the picture which are only partly visable. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Very large beefsteak fruits have a rich and deep flavour and very little seed. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Caspian Pink'

Close up of a very large, pink/orange beefsteak Caspian Pink tomato which is starting to form pleats at the top of the fruit, hanging from a green stem. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. One of the best pink tomatoes there is. Large, sweet and juicy fruits that will tolerate cooler climates. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Christmas Grapes'

Cluster of orange/red Christmas Grapes tomatoes hanging from green stalks and stems, one green fruit to bottom left. Hanging from a horizontal black and white string. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Produces lovely bunches of red grape-sized fruits, 10-20 per cluster. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Clou'

Cluster of yellow, cherry sized Clou tomatoes, hanging like a bunch of grapes with green stalks to a green stem. Verticle bamboo cane in the background. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bright orange-yellow fruits hang in dense bunches. Highly blight-resistant and perfect for growing both outside and under protection. Open pollinated.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Cream Sausage'

Four, pale cream/yellow, oblong/round Cream Sausage tomatoes coming to a point at the bottom of the fruit. Hanging with green stalks to green verticle stems. Several vertical bamboo canes to the right of the photo. Bush Tomato. Creamy-white sausage shaped tomatoes - excellent for making sauces. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Cuostralee'

A very large, pleated, red/orange beef steak Cuostralee tomato hanging from a green stalk to a green stem. Another similar fruit in the background, left of the photo Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large beefsteak fruits have a pleated shape and a really deep and intense flavour. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'De Barrao Paste'

Three vibrant red De Barrao Paste tomatoes with points at the base of the fruit and green stalks at the top attached to a green stem. Black pot at the bottom of the photo in the background with green Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An old Russian variety that produces heavy crops of plum tomatoes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Egyptian'

Four, elongated black/red Egyptian tomatoes, with a little green patch at the top of the fruits, green stalks attaching them their green stems, hanging. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Purportedly descended from seeds found in an Egyptian tomb. Dense and fleshy, near plum-shaped fruits. Suitable for protected growing only. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'English Vesuviano Piennolo'

tomato-english-vesuviano-piennolo-001.jpg Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Amazing flavour packed into a small pear shaped red fruit. Originated from Naples. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Fireworks'

Close up of a large orange/red Firework tomato, with a large green stalk attached to a stem. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. The largest early-fruiting tomato there is, and with a great flavour too! Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Gardener's Delight'

A large truss hanging down full of Gardeners Delight, bright red, round tomatoes, some at the top of the green truss are green or orange round fruits. Two black post in the background with green pointy leaves. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Just a little larger than most cherry tomatoes. Excellent flavour and reliable even in cooler years. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Gartenperle'

A hanging basket in the centre of a white beamed greenhouse with Gartenperle tomatoes in it - lots of little red, round fruits with green stems and leaves with a few deep purple flowers at the top edges Basket Tomato. Masses of cherry-sized fruits are produced on this wonderful trailing variety. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Ghost Cherry'

Pale yellow, cherry sized Ghost Cherry tomatoes hanging with green stalks to a green stem with a bamboo cane vertically in the centre background of the photo. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Produces masses of very sweet, white cherry tomatoes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Giant Delicious'

Exceptionally large, red, beefsteak Giant Delicious tomato with a white dress makers tape measure around it with black numbers to 18 Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Huge Beefsteak fruits are filled with juicy, meaty flesh. One slice will fill a sandwich. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Gogoshari Striped'

Close up photo of a large, slightly pleated, red, part striped orange Gogoshari Striped tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Red and yellow striped fruits are semi-hollow. Perfect for stuffing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Gold Medal'

Four, large vibrant yellow, gold medal, pleated tomated hanging with green stalks to green stems, with parts of green leaves in the photo. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Medium-sized golden yellow fruits with thick walls but very little flesh, ideal for stuffing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Gold Rush Currant'

Lots of currant size, orange/yellow Gold Rush Currant tomatoes hanging on green stalks and stems, with green leaves in the background and part of a vertical bamboo cane. Bush Tomato. Tiny golden yellow fruits burst in the mouth to reveal huge flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Golden Sunrise'

Three medium sized, round, bright yellow Golden Sunrise tomatoes hanging with green stalks on green stems Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bright golden-yellow table tennis to billiard ball-sized fruits. Early into cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Green Sausage'

Several large, long, green with faint pink/orange downwards stripes of the Green Sausage tomatoes, hanging from green stalks to stems with green part curling leaves surrounding them. Bush Tomato. 3" long, yellow-green, sausage shaped fruits have a lovely sweet taste. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Harry's Italian Plum'

Two very long, fat, large, bright red Harrys Plum tomates, held in a hand, with large green stalks at the top, tomato plant foliage in the background, in a glass house Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A plum tomato from Italy with a real history! Large fruits are extremely meaty with a lovely flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Hawaiian Pineapple'

A large, beef steak, pleated, yellow/orange Hawaiian Pineapple tomato hanging from a pale brow stalk to a green stem. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Huge beefsteak fruits. Pale yellow-red skin and deep orange meaty flesh. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Hog's Heart'

Two, large, dull red Hogs Heart tomatoes, square shapes with a pointy base hanging to green stalks and stems. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Long, red heart-shaped to banana-shaped fruits are sweetly flavoured. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Indigo Blue Berries'

Four small to medium, purple, smooth skinned, Indigo Blue Berries tomatoes with a hint of a green base to them, hanging with deep green stalks to  a green stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato, a beautiful blue-black cherry-sized fruit that is packed full of antioxidants and goodness. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Indigo Rose'

Medium sized, black, edged with green, smooth skinned Indigo Rose tomato, hanging on a green stalk to a green stem, parts of green leaves are visable. Cordon (vine) Tomato. Full of goodness and antioxidants this variety ripens to a deep brown/black colour on the top (paler at the bottom) and has incredible flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Jersey Devil'

Clost up of a large, elongated, red/orange Jersey Devil tomato with a pointed bottom, attached with a green stalk to a green stem with the sun reflected off the tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. 5" - 6" long tapered bright red fruits. Meaty flesh perfect for sauces, pastes and vegan hotdogs. Best grown under protection.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Jumbley'

picking-tomatoes-009.jpg A little bit of fun! For those who like to experiment and take a chance this is a mix of varieties that we grow here. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. All are open pollinated heritage (heirloom) varieties.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Long Keeper'

Three, green, round (with a point at the base) Long Keeper tomatoes attached with darker green stalk to a green stem and bamboo cane. The tomato to the left is double the size of the one in the middle. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A late ripening beefsteak variety that can be grown in the normal way or picked green to ripen in storage over the winter. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Long Tom'

Two, large, heart shaped, orange/red/green Long Tom tomatoes draped from their green stalks with green foliage blurred in the background Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Heavy crops of meaty sweet fruits that can be up to 9" long. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Matt's Wild Cherry'

A truss with nine, cherry sized, smooth, red Matts Wild Cherry tomatoes hanging with green stalks to a green stem. Green tomato leaves in the background. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Sweet and delicious cherry tomatoes are born on open trusses. Vigorous and very prolific. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Mexico Midget'

 Six, small, red, round, smooth Mexico Midget cherry tomato truss, with vivid green stalks and stem sat on a hand. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Gorgeously sweet cherry tomatoes are born on very neat and compact trusses. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Money Maker'

A horizontal double row of mainly middle sized, red, round, smooth tomatoes with green stalks attached to a green stem with a bamboo cane vertically in the middle.The few to the bottom left are green or orange Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A tried and trusted old variety. Produces good yields of flavoursome fruit. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Nepal'

A group of four Nepal tomatoes hanging with green stalks to a green stem with a bamboo can behind. The top left fruit is large, round and slightly pleated, the two the right, one under each other are a little smaller. Bottom right fruit is round but green Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large, smooth fruits have crimson skin and a really sweet flavour. A good variety for storing and late ripening. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Outdoor Girl'

Three oblong, bright red Outdoor Girl tomatoes with a pointed tip at the base, hanging with glimses of green stalks and a green verticle stem with bark chipping on the floor in the background with two large black pots Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An early variety well suited to growing outside. Heavy crops of billiard ball sized fruits with a good flavour. Also suitable for protected. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Paul Robeson'

Close up of a large, pleated, black/red Paul Robeson tomato fruit, hanging with a green stalk to a green stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Dusky dark red beefsteak fruits have an earthy and sweet flavour which is early to ripen. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Pink Grapefruit'

Three round, medium sized orange, Pink Grapefruit tomatoes hanging with green stalks to a green stem. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Dark yellow fruits have pink blushed flesh. Sweet-sharp taste with citrus overtones. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Pink Lemon'

Several yellow, small lemon shaped Pink Lemon tomato fruits, hanging with green stalks to a green stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Lemon shaped yellow fruits have yellow-orange flesh blushed pink. Firm and meaty texture. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Primabella'

culinaris-tomato-primabella-001.jpg Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Arguably the most blight resistant variety of tomato currently available. Sweet juicy cherry tomatoes hang in bunches like grapes. Suitable for both outdoor and protected growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Primavera'

Lots of red, round Primavera tomatoes haning on a green stemmed truss a few green round tomatoes to the bottom left of the photo Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A highly blight resistant variety cocktail tomato suitable for both outdoor and protected growing. Juicy and sweet fruits almost melt in the mouth. Open pollinated.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Purple Calabash'

Two large red/purple, pleated Purple Calabash tomatoes, hanging with green, tinged black stalks to green stems, Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Ugly purple-blue fruits have a pleasantly sharp tomato flavour. Perfect for salsas. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Red Fig'

A long string of Red Fig tomatoes which are pear shaped, they are red at the top of the truss with a green one at the bottom, attached with green stalks to their stem and plant. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large trusses of bright red 'fig'-shaped'cherry tomatoes are produced in profusion. Very sweet and juicy. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'San Marzano Redorta'

Two large, long, fleshy looking San Marzano Redorta tomatoes attached with green stalks at the top to a main stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A superior form of 'San Marzano'. Large, delicious, full-flavoured plum tomatoes. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Shirley'

Three, medium sized, red tomatoes attached with green stalks to a green stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Early cropping and reliable. Heavy crops of billiard ball-sized red fruits with an excellent flavour. Suitable for protected growing only. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Shirleys' Pixie'

A young girl in a white t-shirt and denim skirt, smiling and wearing pink glasses next to a tomato plant that is chest height with red, round, Pixie tomatoes on a plant with green leaves and a bamboo cane. Cucumber plants in the background. Bush Tomato. Produces heavy crops of medium-sized fruits with a rich traditional flavour. Also useful for autumn and winter cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Snow White'

Long truss of ripe pale yellow, Snow White tomatoes attached with their green stalks to a green stem with a bamboo cane in the background Cordon (Vine) Tomato. One of the palest coloured tomatoes there is! Masses of gorgeously sweet fruits. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Striped Stuffer'

Group of large, red, orange and yellow striped stuffer tomatoes attached to their truss with green stalks and stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bell pepper-shaped bright red fruits are striped golden orange. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Sungold'

Eight sungold yellow tomatoes haning on their truss, attached with green stalks and stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Masses of golden-orange cherry tomatoes. Heavy cropping and very reliable. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Super Sweet 100'

Bunch of vibrant red, round Super Sweet 100 tomatoes hanging from top to bottom of the photo with green stems and leaves and black pots blurred in the background Cordon (Vine) Tomato.So very well named! Produces long trusses with masses of oh-so sweet cherry-sized fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Surender's Indian Curry'

Groupd of red, round Surenders Indian Curry Tomatoes on their purple green stem and stalks tied up with brown twine Bush Tomato. A sour tomato from India particularly well suited for use in curries and similar ethnic dishes. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Sweet Pea Currant'

Small, red, round sweet pea currant fruits attached with their green stalks to green stems with lots of green leaves surrounding them Bush Tomato. Pea sized red fruits are sweet and juicy. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Taxi'

Two lemon yellow Taxi tomato fruits hanging from their plant with green stalk and stems Bush Tomato. Bright yellow, gorgeously sweet fruits - almost acid-free. Can be grown in a hanging basket. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Thai Pink'

Cluster of elongated pink Thai Pink tomato fruits with green stalks hanging down from the top to the bottom of the photo Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Small, pale pink egg-shaped fruits ripen to a deep pink. Very heavy cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Tigerella'

Three large red, striped yellow Tigerella tomato fruits hanging on green stalks and stems with a few green leaves Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Billiard ball sized ruits are red striped with green. Firm fruit with a good flavour. Suitable for protected growing only. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Tiny Tim'

Small tomato plant in the middle of a wooden table laid up with oil and vinegar glass bottles, wooden salt and pepper and two chairs. Tomato plant is in a black pot with some green leaves and lots of tomatoes growing from green to red. Bush Tomato. A tiny dwarf variety that will happily live on a windowsill and fruit at no more than 12" tall. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Vintage Wine'

Cluster of very large, red, pleated and striped pale yellow Vintage Wine tomato fruits attached to a green stem which is tied to a bamboo cane with brown string Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large pink beefsteak fruits with golden-yellow stripes. Sweet and subtly flavoured meaty flesh. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Yellow Pear'

Lush yellow pear tomato fruits growing along a green stem from left to right. Fruits are yellow and pear shaped. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Small golden-yellow pear-shaped fruits are produced in clusters. A real lunch-box treat! Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Zapotec Pleated'

Very large, red, pleated Zapotec tomato fruit, attached to it's green stalk, with green similar fruits in the background Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A very, very old variety producing bright red deeply pleated fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'Zhefen Short'

Large, red, round Zhefen tomato fruit, with forming pleats at the top, attached to a green stalk Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Heavy crops of large, slightly oval fruits that are sweet and juicy. Early to ripen.Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Walking Stick Cabbage Seed

sq-brassica-oleracea-palmifolia-001.jpg Also known as Giant Jersey Kale. In time gone by this very tall growing variety of cabbage was grown for making walking sticks. Of course it is also edible!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Close up of lots of round, plump, green water cress leaves witha few drops of water on some. An excellent, easy to grow plant that will grow in a pot, pond or boggy area of your garden. Tastes delicious and has lots of health benefits, including fighting cancer.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Watercress Seed

Close up of lots of round, plump, green water cress leaves witha few drops of water on some. Far easier to grow than many think. Does not require running water to grow successfully. Can be grown in troughs, a damp spot in the garden - or the garden pond.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Watermelon Seed 'Charleston Gray'

A whole elongated, blotchy, pale green water melon on a bed of straw, with the ends of some of the large, green, lobed leaves. Perfect for protected growing in the UK. Elongated fruits have a grey-green fairly thick skin; inside the flesh is pinky-orange and crisp to the bite.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 8 seeds.

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Windowsill Baby Leaf Kit

A small, green, trough on a window sill with rocket leaves growing inside, they are lush, green and spikey with upward growing habit. The trough sits on a tiled white and blue window still and the corner of a wooden framed window is in view. Everything needed to grow your own supermarket 'bag of baby leaves' on your windowsill. Beat the supermarkets at their own game! Can be grown any time of year. Easy and reliable.
Available Now
Supplied as a complete kit including windowsill trough, compost and Lucky 13 Oriental Vegetable seeds.

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Artichoke Plant 'Green Globe'

sq-artichoke-green-globe-003.jpg A reliable hardy, heritage variety of Globe Artichoke. Perennial in habit it will produce fine quality globes that can be harvested small or large.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Artichoke Plant 'Romanesco'

sq-artichoke-purple-001.jpg The traditional artichoke with a twist! Produces eye catching purple-tinted globes. Heads are tight and firm. A highly ornamental plant in its own right.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Artichoke Plant 'Tavor'

sq-artichoke-tavor-001.jpg A hardy perennial vegetable. An improved selection of 'Green Globe'. Excellent Winter cold tolerance. Can crop in first year. Mature plants produce 8 or more globes per year.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Asparagus Plant 'Connover's Colossal'

sq-cutting-asparagus-006.jpg A tried and trusted heritage variety from the 1800's with an excellent flavour. Large and thick spears are produced in abundance. Adaptable and very reliable.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Asparagus Plant 'Mary Washington'

Asparagus Plant 'Mary Washington' A delicious heirloom variety of asparagus that produces dark green succulent spears. A tried and trusted variety that will not disappoint!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Asparagus Plant 'Pacific Purple'

Asparagus Plant 'Pacific Purple' A fairly new variety of Asparagus from New Zealand. One of the highest yielding purple types. Spears have a very high sugar content. Good resistance to Fusarium.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants (not bare root crowns).

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Aubergine Plant 'Black Beauty'

sq-aubergine-black-beauty-002.jpg Sometimes known as eggplant. Purple-black fruits are good-sized and well textured. Very prolific cropper, suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Aubergine Plant 'White Casper'

Aubergine Plant 'White Casper' An excellent variety for UK growing. An heirloom variety producing white skinned and fleshed fruits approximately 7" long with a firm texture and mild flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Beetroot Plant 'Boltardy'

sq-beetroot-boltardy-005.jpg A deliciously sweet beetroot which is easy to grow. Very nutritious! You can either harvest as baby beetroot or allow to grow larger for roasting.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March / early April
Supplied as compost blocks each containing approximately four plantlets .

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Beginners Vegetable Plant Collection

sq-broad-bean-the-sutton-003.jpg Our selection of vegetable plants for you if you're not sure where to start (there really is too much choice!) All easy to grow and ready to go straight in the garden.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as 6 varieties compost block grown plants (5 of each).

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Cardoon Plant 'Bianco Avorio'

sq-cardoon-002.jpg A pretty vegetable widely cultivated in Victorian England and now enjoying a resurgence of popularity. It is related to the Globe Artichoke but it is the stem rather than the flower that is eaten.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ají Limon'

sq-chilli-pepper-aji-limon-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A delicious lemon / citrus flavour hides in this chilli making it a perfect variety to spice and flavour your dishes (works so well with fish).
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ancho'

sq-chilli-pepper-ancho-001.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. Deep red fruit, similar in size and shape to a sweet pepper. Perfect for drying or smoking - or chilli rellenos. Often mistakenly known as Poblano Chilli.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Bhut Jolokia'

sq-chilli-pepper-bhut-jolokia-001.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. An exceptionally hot Chilli Pepper - should be treated with respect. Crinkled fruits mature to a bright red. Gorgeous smoked citrus flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Carolina Reaper'

sq-chilli-pepper-carolina-reaper-006.jpg Volcanic Chilli Pepper. Previous World Record holder for being the hottest variety! Has a fruity, smoky flavour (if you can stand the heat!) and matures to a red colour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Christmas Bell'

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Highly decorative bell shaped fruits hang in profusion. Sweet and crisp flesh has little heat in the wings, whilst being fiery at the centre.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Explosive Ember'

sq-chilli-pepper-explosive-ember-001.jpg Hot Chilli Pepper. A compact variety that can be grown on the window sill, produces purple foliage and small fruits which ripen to red, very ornamental.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-hot-wax-005.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A delightful early, large fruiting chilli with an almost citrus flavour. Heats up as it matures. Great for stuffing, roasting, grilling - in fact most things!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant Jalapeño

chilli-pepper-jalapeno-004.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper Plant. Delicious thick flesh that matures to red with good flavour. Reliable grower and cropper in the UK climate.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Joe's Long Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-joes-long-cayenne-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A long, beautiful red chilli with a well balanced spicy heat that makes it excellent for making sauces and jams. Fruits can be 8" or more long.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Peter Pepper'

sq-chilli-pepper-peter-pepper-007.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A fun variety to grow as it looks like a penis when fully grown! Mature to orange / red.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Ring Of Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-ring-of-fire-009.jpg Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Early to start cropping. Produces heavy crops of spicy fruits. An excellent variety for rich spicy sauces or making ristras. Very reliable.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Serrano'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Green fruits mature to orange-red, and have a 'lively' heat! A Mexican favourite that produces huge crops. If you only grow one chilli, make it this one.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Climbing French Bean Plant 'Blue Lake'

sq-climbing-french-bean-blue-lake-001.jpg A most delicious and reliable French Bean that defies any Summer drought and remain sugar sweet and tender. Easy to grow and very long cropping.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Climbing French Bean Plant 'Fasold'

sq-climbing-french-bean-fasold-001.jpg A black seeded Climbing French Bean with excellent flavour and continuity of cropping performance. Can be dried and used as a haricot bean.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Edamame Bean Seed 'Green Shell'

Edamame Bean Seed 'Green Shell' A delicious soy bean, high in protein, with a nutty flavour. Can be grown in the UK and reaches approximately 3 feet tall with lovely green beans.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March
Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.

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Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber 'Fuseau'

sq-jerusalem-artichoke-fuseau-005.jpg Non-knobbly and smooth-skinned. A winter veg essential that is seeing a resurgence in popularity. Very easy to grow and self-regenerating.
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as freshly dug and washed tubers.

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Leek Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'

sq-leek-musselburgh-006.jpg Our own re-selection of the tried and trusted variety 'Musselburgh'. Very hardy and will grow to huge proportions; perfect for the exhibition bench.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery fresh transplants.

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Onion Plant 'Red Brunswick'

Three vibrant red/maroon Brunswick onions with their white/brown roots on display, laying on brown soil. An excellent traditional variety of red onion with a mild sweet taste. Produces a good-sized onion that stores well and has an excellent flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.

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Onion Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'

A large Giant Exhibition onion being held in a hand (which can only be partially seen due to the size of the onion), with brown roots at the base and the skin is starting to darken due to it being harvested and drying. Prize-winning, huge white onions. Individual onions weighing in at 6lbs each! Stores well for winter use and good flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.

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Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

A close up of a young girl in glasses picking juicy, large pods of peas. The pea plants are huge, much taller than her, looks like a hedge of peas! The most amazing variety of pea there is! Once you've grown these no other pea will do.They have the best flavour, sweet, delicious and very prolific.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

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Runner Bean Plant 'Polestar'

Several long, green Polestar Runner beans growing from their horizontal green stem, which start small at the tip getting large further back towards the large green, round leaves behind them. A stringless runner bean with excellent cropping potential and delicious flavour. Perfect raw in salads or as a cooked vegetable. Requires support.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sea Kale Plant 'Lily White'

Light green curling leaves with an upward growth, attached to similar colour stalks growing in mid brown compost bed. Once a most popular vegetable this long predates Victorian times and was often found near the seaside. Really good if forced.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late May / early June
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Strawbini Plant

Many clusters of vibrant, red, balls, some with little black seeds on them, making up strawbini, attached to medium size green leaves with pointy edges Eaten like Spinach with the added bonus of little strawberry-like red fruits - delicious. Also known as the Beetberry or Strawberry Spinach.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Sweet Pepper Plant 'Marconi'

Several dominant, glossy red, long Marconi sweet peppers hanging from green stalks, surrounded by green leaves and two green Marconi peppers to the bottom, front left. A long, delicious sweet pepper. Marconi starts off with green fruits that mature to a bright red colour. Thick-walled and very crunchy.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Sweet Pepper Plant - Rainbow

Several Rainbow Sweet Peppers in vibrant colours of red, yellow, orange and green, hanging fomr large, deep green leaves. With our Rainbow blend of sweet peppers, it's pot luck what colour fruits you will get! They could be red, yellow or green, traditional square shape or long how exciting!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweet Potato Plant 'Beauregard'

Two long slim orangey/pink Beauregard Sweet potatoes, with various white fine fibrous roots attached, lying at a 20% angle in the photo, on dark brown/black compost, with green stems and leaves in top left. Orange variety. Prefers to be grown under protection where it is warmer and lots of sunshine. Offers a good yield and delicious results, well worth growing.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Sweet Potato Plant 'O'Henry'

One curled round light brown O'Henry sweet potato, with a little compost on it, sat in the middle to bottom right of the photo. To the left the sweet potatoes are straighter. Behind are lots of green stems and leaves to the top right. White variety with lovely green heart-shaped leaves. High yielding variety with a lovely nutty / honey flavour. Best grown under protection in a sunny position.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Sweetcorn Plant Minipop

Two hands holding a medium sized Minipop Babycorn with the lime yellow husk pulled back to reveal the pale yellow babycorn. Lots of green tassels at the top of the plant. Large, dark green sweetcorn leaves in the background. Pale yellow, sweet and crunchy babycorn cobs. Easy to grow (no cross pollinating required as for other sweetcorn varieties). Vigorous and very reliable habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Sweetcorn Plant 'Swift'

Sweetcorn Plant 'Swift' A delicious early, sweet yellow variety which performs well in cooler climates including Northern England. F1 hybrid.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Sweetcorn Plant 'Golden Gate'

Two large, green Swift sweetcorn cobs, attached to their green plants, growing upright. Cobs have dark brown tassles to the top of them. Produces medium-sized golden yellow cobs with sweet, juicy thin-skinned kernels. Good tolerance to cooler and wetter growing conditions. F1 Hybrid.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Tamarillo Tree Tomato Plant

Plum shaped and sized, red Tamarillo tomato, held in someones hand (with another one half cut out of the photo to the right) with a pale green leaf in the background. A perennial tomato with ruby red egg shaped fruits that are produced in late autumn and winter. Requires frost protection. Can be eaten raw, stewed or made in to jams and jellies.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as pot grown plants approximately 4" (10 cm) tall.

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Tomato Plant 'Ailsa Craig'

tomato-ailsa-craig-005.jpg Traditional, heritage delicious cordon tomato, medium sized, red fruit. Very prolific and can be grown indoors or outside.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant.

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Tomato Plant 'Black Krim'

tomato-black-krim-006.jpg A heritage, purple/black fruiting beefsteak tomato. Amazing flavour and large fruits on a prolific plant. Can be grown inside or out.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Tomato Plant 'Harry's Italian Plum'

tomato-harrys-italian-plum-004.jpg Delicious, heritage, large, meaty, plum tomato. Originating from Italy and exclusive to Victoriana.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Tomato Plant Shirleys' Pixie

A young girl in a white t-shirt and denim skirt, smiling and wearing pink glasses next to a tomato plant that is chest height with red, round, Pixie tomatoes on a plant with green leaves and a bamboo cane. Cucumber plants in the background. A bush tomato that can be grown in the conventional way - or late planted for Winter cropping. Dwarf in habit it produces heavy crops of medium sized fruit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Tomato Plant 'Sungold'

tomato-sungold-001.jpg A sunshine yellow/orange cherry tomato with lovely flavour and texture. Easy to grow and reliable and heavy cropping. Can be grown indoor or outside.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Tomato Plant 'Super Sweet 100'

tomato-super-sweet-100-001.jpg Extremely tasty thin skinned cherry sized tomato that produces amazing trusses (of up to a 100 fruits per truss!). Cordon or indeterminate F1 hybrid variety.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Tomato Seed 'Amateur'

Three medium sizes red/orange, smooth skinned, round Amateur tomatoes hanging from green/brown stalks with two bamboo canes in the back ground and a few more round red tomatoes Bush Tomato. A heavy cropping variety that is very well suited to growing outside. Suitable for protected growing also. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

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Light brown potatoes at the bottom of the photos with red, round tomatoes in the centre surrounded by lush, green, pointed/loped tomato leaves Tomatoes and potatoes that grow from the same plant! Recommended for outdoor growing, these are great fun and it really works, you do get tomatoes and potatoes together!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant.

More information about Tomtatoes

Aubergine Plant 'Snowy'

sq-aubergine-snowy-001.jpg A plant that produces a delightful, firm white aubergines, sometimes known as egg plant. An early cropping variety with a good yield.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

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Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information...

Aubergine Seed 'Snowy'

sq-aubergine-snowy-001.jpg An early-maturing variety of all-white skinned eggplant that produces fruits up to 7" (17 cm) in length with a dense flesh. Highly recommended.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY Late July / August
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.

More information about Aubergine Seed 'Snowy'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cozumel'

sq-chilli-pepper-cozumel-002.jpg Mild Chilli Pepper. A fruity flavour in a mild chilli with a thin skin that ripens from yellow to red and is simply delicious! Originally from Mexico.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY Late July / August
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

More information about Chilli Pepper Seed 'Cozumel'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Zing'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Volcanic Chilli Pepper Seed. Produces red chillies that are thought to be the 'new' hottest variety in the world.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplies as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

More information about Chilli Pepper Seed 'Zing'

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information...

Gourd Seed 'Speckled Swan'

sq-gourd-speckled-swan-004.jpg A highly attractive ornamental gourd, the long neck of which curves elegantly downward resembling a swan's head. Dark green flesh is speckled white.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

More information about Gourd Seed 'Speckled Swan'

Potato Tuber 'Forest Gold'

Lots of well spaced, medium sized Forest Gold potatoes, laying on brown soil, with flecks of white. First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Thin white skin covers the deliciously sweet white flesh. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.

More information about Potato Tuber 'Forest Gold'

Potato Tuber 'Home Guard'

A collection of large beige Home Guard potatoes, with a little soil remaining on them, sitting at the base of some forks on the brown soil. First Early. First introduced in 1942. A very early variety with a fantastic flavour and good scab resistance. A good all rounder perfect for steaming / boiling, baking, mash, roasting, frying and sauté.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.

More information about Potato Tuber 'Home Guard'

Potato Tuber 'International Kidney'

Ten large beige International Kidney pototoes laying on brown soil and a few tiny ones hiding behind them.
First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Harvested early this produces heavy crops of small, waxy potatoes which rarely need peeling before use. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.

More information about Potato Tuber 'International Kidney'

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information...Award Of Garden MeritAward Of Garden Merit

Potato Tuber 'Pink Fir Apple'

Lots of long, a bit fatter than thumb, pink/beige Pink Fir Apple potatoes laying on brown soil. Maincrop / Salad. First introduced in 1850. Pink skinned long and knobbly potatoes have a waxy yellow flesh and rich flavour. Best for steaming / boiling, salads, roasting and chips.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.

More information about Potato Tuber 'Pink Fir Apple'

Rhubarb Plant 'Glaskin's Perpetual'

Rhubarb Plant 'Glaskin's Perpetual' A gorgeously sweet heritage variety of Rhubarb. Can be harvested late into the season as it remains sweet. Heavy cropping and very reliable.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant.

More information about Rhubarb Plant 'Glaskin's Perpetual'

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information...Award Of Garden MeritAward Of Garden Merit Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Squash Seed 'Harlequin'

An almost heart shaped, pale yellow and dark green Harlequin Squash attached with a dark green stalk to a dark green stem, with many other lighter green stems also leading from it. Winter Squash. A highly attractive green, gold and yellow striped acorn / dumpling squash. Exceptionally sweet flesh. F1 Hybrid.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a packet of 5 seeds.

More information about Squash Seed 'Harlequin'

Tomato Seed 'Tigro'

Close up of a red Tigro tomato fruit with fading green tiger style stripes, with other fruits in the background Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Intense red cherry tomato fruits have dark stripes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

More information about Tomato Seed 'Tigro'

Tomato Seed 'Tomatoberry'

Long heart shaped, lush, shiny red Tomatoberry tomatoes, with green stalks and stem Cordon (Vine) Tomato.Bright red heart-shaped fruits have a lovely sweet flavour and satisfying crunch. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

More information about Tomato Seed 'Tomatoberry'