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Pea & Bean Seeds

Choose from our selection of runner beans, broad beans, French beans, dwarf beans and pea varieties and you can enjoy looking forward to some seriously delicious produce!

That's because our pea seeds and bean seeds come from varieties that we've personally trialled and taste-tested, and represent what we believe to the best, most reliable and flavoursome varieties of beans and peas currently available.

We supply a variety of pea seeds and bean seeds, offering only those varieties that not only perform well in our UK climate but provide the best-tasting produce. That's why you may find some heritage varieties of runner beans, broad beans and more listed amongst the more common modern varieties, as taste was almost always one of the most distinctive factors in vegetable and legume production before mass production stripped away those important flavours!

But peas and beans - in fact, nearly all legumes - are also highly favoured by green-fingered types for two reasons. First, peas and beans are well-suited to growing in the British climate, and a great number of utterly delicious varieties will thrive here, if given the best start from seed. Secondly, once your pea seeds and bean seeds have established themselves in the soil, their roots systems will work with certain bacteria in the soil and begin the process of 'fixing nitrogen'. Broadly speaking, the peas and beans that you grow in your vegetable plot will absorb nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil, essentially offering a free and totally natural fertilisation service and leaving soil well-nourished!

Growing climbing peas, bush peas, broad beans, runner beans, dwarf beans and French beans - and all the other varieties in between - is generally quite easy!

17 Results
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Asparagus Pea Seed

sq-asparagus-pea-002.jpg With a flavour that's a cross between peas and asparagus, this old vegetable is a real gourmet delight that is now making a welcome comeback.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Black Turtle Beans

Black Turtle Beans Very popular in Latin American dishes and a really meaty meat substitute! A store cupboard essential! Grow just as you would Dwarf French beans and then dry.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds

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Borlotto Bean Seed 'Lingua di Fuoco'

sq-borlotto-bean-lingua-di-fuoco-001.jpg A colourful dual-purpose bean that can be used conventionally just like a Climbing French Bean, or dried and used in soups and stews. Perfect for winter storage.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Broad Bean Seed 'Bunyard's Exhibition'

sq-broad-bean-bunyards-exhibition-002.jpg A heavy-cropping white-seeded variety producing long pods containing 8 or 9 beans. Very good flavour and excellent for freezing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Broad Bean Seed 'Monica'

Broad Bean Seed 'Monica' A quick-maturing, high-yielding broad bean suitable for early, mid, late and over-winter sowings. Produces long pods with delicious creamy white beans.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Broad Bean Seed 'The Sutton'

sq-broad-bean-the-sutton-003.jpg A dwarf broad bean ideal for the smaller plot, producing deliciously tender beans. Extremely hardy and perfect for over-wintering.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Climbing French Bean Seed 'Blue Lake'

sq-climbing-french-bean-blue-lake-001.jpg A stringless variety of this popular bean. Gorgeously sweet flavour either raw or cooked, and well suited for freezing or drying. Can be dried and used as a haricot.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 115 seeds.

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Climbing French Bean Seed 'Fasold'

sq-climbing-french-bean-fasold-001.jpg A black-seeded variety that produces heavy crops of pencil-thick beans with good flavour and very good freezing qualities.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Hildora'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-hildora-001.jpg A delicious, colourful, high-yielding, long, yellow French Bean, which is easy to grow and keeps its colour when cooked. Can be grown inside or out.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Purple Queen'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-purple-queen-001.jpg A beautiful dark purple dwarf French Bean, plants reach approximately 14" (35 cm) tall. Has a good yield and is delicious cooked or raw. Easy to grow from seed.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Dwarf French Bean Seed 'Tendergreen'

sq-dwarf-french-bean-tendergreen-003.jpg Light green pods have distinctive purple markings and good flavour; virtually stringless and well suited for freezing. Support not essential.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Carouby de Mausanne' (Mange Tout)

A close up photo of two long, flat mange tout carouby de mausanne pods attached to their green stems with lush green leaves behind the,. This old French variety of mange tout produces large flat pods of extremely sweet flavour. Reliable in habit and very heavy cropping.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

More information about Pea Seed 'Carouby de Mausanne' (Mange Tout)

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Pea Seed 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. An excellent bush variety from France. Produces large crops of sweet and succulent peas. Perfect for spring, summer, autumn, and even over-wintering crops.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

pea-alderman-composite-001.jpg A climbing pea that produces heavy crops of deliciously sweet peas over an extended cropping period. A must for the garden!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 power-packed seeds of this superb variety.

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Pea Seed 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. This is, we believe, the sweetest early pea of all. Heavy cropping, the pods are crammed with tiny peas - true Petit Pois.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds of this superb variety.

More information about Pea Seed 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

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Runner Bean Seed 'Polestar'

Several long, green Polestar Runner beans growing from their horizontal green stem, which start small at the tip getting large further back towards the large green, round leaves behind them. A heavy-cropping variety that produces bright green fleshy pods that are completely stringless. Early cropper.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Edamame Bean Seed 'Green Shell'

Edamame Bean Seed 'Green Shell' A delicious soy bean, high in protein, with a nutty flavour. Can be grown in the UK and reaches approximately 3 feet tall with lovely green beans.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March
Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.

More information about Edamame Bean Seed 'Green Shell'