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How To Sow & Grow Salad Leaves


Salad Leaves


Likes open, sunny sites, but will tolerate light shade. Prefers fertile, moisture-retentive soil.

Catalogna (cut-and-come-again)

Sow late March onwards under protection either in seed trays, or drills ½" (1 cm) deep in rows 8" apart. When large enough to handle transplant outside, planting 8-10" (20-25 cm) apart in rows 18" (45 cm) apart. Alternatively direct sow mid-April onwards into ½" (1 cm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart and thin to one plant per 8-10" (20-25 cm) apart when large enough to handle (and of course use the thinnings in salads).

Henderson's Black Seeded Simpson, Lobjoit's Green Cos, In Perpetuity Blend

For Early Crops
Sow under protection in seed trays January to March and lightly cover seed. Prick out into mall pots when large enough to handle and grow on under protection. Plant outside after risk of frost is gone, setting out plants 14" (35 cm) apart in rows 18" (45 cm).

For Main Season Crops
Sow thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart. Thin out to one plant per 14" (35 cm) when large enough to handle.

For Later Crops
Sow October and transplant to protected growing - cloches, greenhouse or similar - for harvesting in early spring.


Water in dry spells, and keep plants weeded.

Sow every 2-3 weeks to ensure a succession of lettuces throughout the summer and early autumn. Sowings between September and March are best done under protection.
Lettuces can still be planted outside during the late autumn and over the winter though they will mature quicker if grown under protection.

Cut regularly to encourage a constant supply of young leaves, which are far sweeter than the larger leaves. As a guide the crop should be no taller than 12" (30 cm) tall.


Salad Cress

Thinly sow at regular intervals on folded paper towels or similar placed in a waterproof container or dish - no need to cover. Place in a warm dark place - a kitchen cupboard is ideal. (The airing cupboard will be too warm). After 4 days remove.

The cress will have germinated and be about 2" (5 cm) tall. It will appear blanched (white) because of the lack of light. Place in a well-lit window position (add only a little water if tissue is drying out), turn container round the next day - your cress will now have 'greened up'. Cut with scissors and use.


Sow 3-4 seeds in pots of moist soil or compost. Grow on in moist conditions - soggy wet containers, a polythene-lined trench with mud and water, or even in your pond, if you have one. Pick regularly to ensure a continuing supply of young leaves and to prevent premature flowering.

Land Cress

The flavour is almost identical to watercress, although a little stronger, and it can be used in the same way.

Sow thinly in seed trays or small pots and just cover seed with compost. Plant out when large enough to handle, 10" (25 cm) apart in rows 12" (30 cm) apart. Can be grown under protection for autumn and winter crops. Can also be grown in pots. Pick regularly to ensure a continuing supply of young leaves and to prevent premature flowering.

Salads and Stirfries

Mizuna greens

Likes a fertile, moisture-retentive soil, and plenty of water. Sow thinly April-September in drills ¾" (2 cm) deep in rows 12" (30 cm) apart, or sprinkly thinly in containers. For use as a cut-and-come-again leaf crop thin to 4" (10 cm) apart.

Oriental Lucky 13

Likes a fertile, moisture-retentive soil, and plenty of water. This mixture is perfect for either growing in the vegetable garden or in containers from April-September. Can also be grown under protection through the winter months to produce a useful crop of fresh salad leaves or stir fry mixture.

Sow thinly April - September in drills ¾" (2 cm) deep in rows 12" (30 cm) apart, or sprinkle thinly in containers. For use as a cut-and-come-again leaf crop thin to 4" (10 cm) apart. For eating 'whole' thin to 12" (30 cm) - but remember to eat the thinnings! For overwintering crops sow under protection, in the same manner, from August-mid October.


Sow outside from spring to summer onwards, thinly in drills ½" (1 cm) deep 6" (15 cm) apart. When large enough to handle thin to 6" (15 cm) apart. Cut regularly to maintain a constant supply of young leaves. For late autumn and winter production grow in the same manner under cloches or in a cold greenhouse or polytunnel.

Sorrel, Broad-leaf

A hardy perennial, which is early to crop (usually in March). Likes a sunny or slightly shaded position. Prefers a well-drained soil but grows well on most soils, including heavier types. Water often, especally dring warm, dry summers. Nip out flowers to avoid running to seed. Divide the plants every three years to rejuvenate them. Can be pot-grown or put in the ground. Will self-seed. The older, tougher leaves are best coked, whilst the younger ones are best used as you would herbs or shredded in salads. Has a very tangy, lemony flavour.

Spinach and Chard

Good King Henry

Sow April onwards in ¼" (6cmm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart. Thin seedlings to 12" (30 cm) apart. Plants do not transplant well so always sow where you plan to grow. Keep well watered and mulch well annually. Pick regularly to ensure a supply of young leaves. Treat as spinach but tastes better cooked than raw. Leaves can taste bitter so use sparingly in conjunction with other, sweeter greens. Young shoots can be steamed and are said to taste of asparagus. Trim off flower buds to prevent plants going to seed and use sa a broccoli substitute.

Rainbow Chard

Sow in 1" (2.5 cm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart from April until September. Once large enough to handle thin to 4" (5 cm) apart if using for salads, or 12" (30 cm) apart if using as larger leaves/stems. Remove any flower buds should they appear. Harvest regularly to encourage a supply of fresh young leaves. Protect with cloches for the winter to extend the cropping season.


Sow March to October in 1" (2.5 cm) deep drills 18" (45 cm) apart. These are what are known as a cluster seed in that each 'cluster' contains several seeds so sow approximately 1" (2.5 cm) apart. Once large enough to handle thin to 4-6" (10-15 cm) apart. Water regularly in warm dry spells. Pick frequently to ensure the leaves stay young and succulent. Better to cut more than you need and compost the excess rather than allow the leaves to become large and tough.


Sow thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills in rows 18" (45 cm) apart. Thin plants to 10" (25 cm) apart when large enough to handle. Alternatively, raise in seed trays and transplant from May onwards. Grows to around 2 feet (60 cm) tall. Usually grown as an annual strawbini can overwinter if weather is not too severe as it is perennial in habit. The leaves can be eaten raw, but should be eaten in moderation as they contain oxalates. These are destroyed by cooking leaves as you would spinach.

Winter Leaves

Witloof Chicory (for forcing)

Prefers a sunny site but tolerates light shade. Does well on poor soils. Sow thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills, 12" (30 cm) apart. Thin to one plant per 10" (25 cm) when large enough to handle.

To force, lift the plants and cut off the foliage to approximately 1" (2.5 cm) above the roots; you can also trim back the roots at this point. Pot up into deep containers of moist potting compost so that the tops are just showing,then cover with a further 6-9" (15-23 cm) of compost. Take precautions against slugs!
Move the pots or containers to a warm dark place. After 3-4 weeks the forced chicons should be ready for harvest. After chicons have been cut, cover up the stumps again as you may get a second crop.

Corn Salad

Also known as lamb's lettuce or mache. Likes moderately fertile soil in an open, sunny position. Provide protection for autumn and winter crops for best results. Sow August to September thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills 6" (15 cm) apart. Protect the emerging seedlings from birds and slugs. Thin the plants to 4-6" (10-15 cm) apart (and of course eat the thinnings!). Water in dry spells. Pick as required, avoiding striping a plant bare.

Dwarf Green Curled Kale

Particularly sweet and delicious variety of kale, the young leaves of which can be eaten raw in salads. Can also be steamed or shredded and used in stir-fries. Sow ¾" (2 cm) deep in modules or small pots from March-June. When large enough to handle plant out 2 feet (60 cm) apart in rows 2 feet (60 cm), unless you are planning to grow as a cut-and-come-again crop in which case you can plant as close as 4" (10 cm) apart in the row. Harvest in late autumn-early spring.


Malabar Spinach

The rich green leaves resemble Spinach both in flavour and texture but are thicker and more fleshy. Use as you would conventional Spinach but the leaves are also ideal for stir-fries and similar.

Malabar Spinach requires a growing temperature of around 70F (21C) and so is best grown in a greenhouse, polytunnel or similar. Sow into modules or small pots April-May, covering seeds with ½"(6 mm) of compost. Germinate at a temperature of around 75F (24C). When large enough to handle plant out into the border 9" (23 cm) apart, 3 per growbag or 1 per 12 litre pot. Malabar Spinach likes to climb, and can reach up to 30 ft (10 metres or more), though is best kept at 8 ft (2½ metres) so provide support such as as strings or a bamboo cane teepee.


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Strawbini Seed

Many clusters of vibrant, red, balls, some with little black seeds on them, making up strawbini, attached to medium size green leaves with pointy edges Also known as the Beetberry or Strawberry Spinach. Green foliage can be eaten as an alternative to Spinach. Rich red fruits have a taste reminiscent of Strawberries.
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Swiss Chard Seed 'Rhubarb Chard'

Large purple/green leaves growing upright on vibrant red stems of a Swiss Chard plant. Green leafed foliage of sweetcorn plants in the background Bright red stems are topped by dark green or purple leaves. Stem, leaves and even flower stalks can be eaten. Slow to run to seed.
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Watercress Seed

Close up of lots of round, plump, green water cress leaves witha few drops of water on some. Far easier to grow than many think. Does not require running water to grow successfully. Can be grown in troughs, a damp spot in the garden - or the garden pond.
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Strawbini Plant

Many clusters of vibrant, red, balls, some with little black seeds on them, making up strawbini, attached to medium size green leaves with pointy edges Eaten like Spinach with the added bonus of little strawberry-like red fruits - delicious. Also known as the Beetberry or Strawberry Spinach.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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