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Grape Vine Kentish Claret

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Vitis 'Rondo'

  • Eating / Wine Grape.
  • Almost black grapes are perfect for eating, wine or jams.
  • Suitable for outdoor and protected growing.
  • Self fertile.

Supplied as a non grafted containerised vine approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

This Product is Available Now.

1 or more £15.75GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

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There's a really good story behind this grape vine; twenty five years or so ago we were lucky enough to be given some sample vines for evaluation purposes - one of these was an as-then-unnamed variety known by its breeder code name Gm 6494-5 (don't panic: Gm doesn't mean it's genetically modified).

Recognising its potential as an excellent black grape for the UK climate (due to its exceptional hardiness and vigour) we started working up stocks and chose to name it Kentish Claret, as the grape was obviously well suited for making claret-style wines. During our move and troubles in 1994 we lost our stocks (or so we thought). Five years on, when planting up their first garden, Stephen and Serena happened to find a tatty old plant in a muddle of un-sorted stock which reminded us what a truly wonderful grape it is! Along the way it had been officially named 'Rondo', but we prefer to keep our name of Kentish Claret.

This is a very high-yielding black grape producing fruit of good size and an excellent flavour. Ideal for claret style wines but similarly it makes flavoursome jams and jellies Or eat the grapes straight from the vine.


This Product is Available Now.

1 = £15.75
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3 = £15.25
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5 = £14.75
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10 = £14.25
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25 = £13.75
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50 = £12.75
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add 50 to Trug
100 = £11.00
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How To...

How To Plant, Grow & Train Grape Vines
Detailed advice on siting, planting and training grape vines - both outside and under protection. Includes basic pruning advice.

Magazine Articles

Not So Sour Grapes
An article on the basics of growing grapes written by Paul Peacock that appeared in the June 2007 issue of Grow It! magazine.

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