Walnut Tree 'Broadview'
Juglans regia 'Broadview'
- A compact and hardy variety that is rarely damaged by frost.
- Relatively fast into production - usually within three years.
- Apomictic - so effectively Self Fertile.
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 6 feet tall (190 cm) tall including roots.
This Product is Available Now.GBP1 or more £109.95 each
The King of nuts!
This is an outstanding variety of grafted Walnut, being very hardy and late into leaf - so is rarely damaged by frost.
Unripe nuts are fantastic for pickling. For the more adventurous you can grind the hard shells of ripe nuts and use as a stuffing in the traditional Italian pasta dish 'Agnolotti'.
Despite being a compact variety, if left un-pruned Broadview will grow to a fairly large tree - up to 30 feet (9 metres) tall with a spread of 20 feet (6 metres). With careful pruning a fruiting bush of around 12 - 15 (3.65 - 4.6 metres) can be produced. To keep to this sort of size tip prune regularly throughout the growing season when five or six leaves of growth have been made. It is important to prune regularly otherwise the tree will grow away; if this does occur and you need to perform any heavy pruning this must only be undertaken in the dormant season otherwise the tree will bleed profusely.
- Compact in habit, Broadview can start cropping as early as its third year and produces a heavy crop of nuts.
- Apomictic (produces nuts without pollination) - so effectively Self Fertile.
It is often said that Walnut trees will inhibit the growth of other plants in the garden (apples, potatoes and tomatoes are particularly susceptible as far as edible plants are concerned); this is more so true with Black Walnuts (Juglans nigra) than with cultivars of Juglans regia such as Broadview. That said, care should be taken as these too release juglone (a kind of poison that inhibits plant growth) from their roots and also from their leaves. The rule of thumb is avoid planting anything under or within a few feet of the canopy or eventual canopy of the tree (the roots underneath can be estimated to spread as far as the tree on top) and make sure you clear up and burn the fallen leaves - certainly don't compost them!
This Product is Available Now.How To...
How To Plant Fruit Trees & Nut Trees
Detailed advice on planting fruit and nut trees - including advice on container growing, pruning and training, and advice on specific varieties.
How To Videos
How To Plant Bare Root & Potted Fruit Trees (Video)
An instructional video by Stephen explaining the differences between a bare root and potted fruit tree, and how to plant them.
General Information
Fruit Tree Pollination Simplified (hopefully)
Information on fruit tree fertility, pollination and compatibility, with simple explanations of regularly used terms.
Magazine Articles
Is A Nut Tree For You?
An article on the basics of growing nuts written by Stephen Shirley that appeared in Grow Your Own magazine.
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