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Light brown potatoes at the bottom of the photos with red, round tomatoes in the centre surrounded by lush, green, pointed/loped tomato leaves >
tomtatoes-001.jpg <

Solanum sp.

  • Tomatoes and Potatoes from one plant!
  • Grow outside.
  • Easy to grow.
  • Great fun!

Supplied as a pot grown plant.

Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May

GBP1 or more £5.99 each

Light brown potatoes at the bottom of the photos with red, round tomatoes in the centre surrounded by lush, green, pointed/loped tomato leaves >
tomtatoes-001.jpg <


Tomatoes and potatoes growing from the same plant! Great fun and it really works, we should know we have been growing and enjoying them since approximately 1975!

The spelling of this interesting plant can be done in so many different ways such as tomtato, tom tato, we simply like tomtatoes as they produce lots of delicious tomato fruits and potatoes!

Recommended for outdoor planting only.

Specially featured many years ago in the book Indoor Farming by David Wickers and by Anglia TV.


Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May

1 = £5.99
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