Tomato Plants
Basket Tomatoes
Bush Tomatoes
Cordon Tomatoes
Tomatoes For Outdoors
Tomatoes For Protected Growing
Tree Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an incredibly popular 'grow your own' fruit, and as such here at Victoriana we've put together a comprehensive selection of bush and cordon tomato seeds.
You'll find many heirloom varieties feature in our listings, as they often have the dual advantage of natural disease resistance alongside a tendency to produce flavoursome crops of fruit. And for those who like to try something a little different, we also offer exotic Tamarillo plants and seeds for sale too!
Tomatoes are one of the UK's most popular 'grow your own' plants, with beginners and seasoned growers alike tempted by the promise of their sun-ripened sweet and juicy fruits. With several thousand varieties of tomato seeds and tomato plants to choose from, here at Victoriana Nursery Gardens the Shirley family has endeavoured to offer a comprehensive selection of tried and tested tomato seed varieties, based on their own growing (and eating!) experiences.
That's why, alongside the pick of our commercial varieties, you'll find a number of heirloom tomato seeds for sale on our website. These older varieties of tomato often feature some unusual characteristics, offering an abundance of appealing colours, shapes and flavours. You'll also notice that our online selection includes a wealth of cordon (vine) and bush tomatoes, ranging from plants that produce sweet pea- and cherry-sized fruits through to giant meaty 'oxheart' tomatoes weighing over 1lb each!
As DEFRA-registered seed packers, we are also able to supply our own Victoriana tomato seed, which is harvested fresh, cleaned and then checked for viability before being packed using traditional methods.
For the novice grower who is keen to grow tomatoes from seed, there is a plethora of information on the internet - some of which can make it seem like an overly complicated and tricky business! But Victoriana's own Shirley family has put together a number of exceedingly useful 'how to grow tomatoes' resources to help you get the best possible results from your tomato seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Aurora'
Bush Tomato. Early to crop with a good yield and flavour. Copes well with cooler climates and is a good beginners variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Austin's Red Pear'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A cherry tomato that looks like a pear! Bright red fruits are lovely and sweet and satisfyingly firm. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Abraham Lincoln'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large beefsteak fruits have smooth deep red skin and a rich dense flesh. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Ailsa Craig'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Medium-sized fruits have a fine flavour - some say the finest. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Aker's West Virginia'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large, slightly flattened tomatoes in clusters of two with a delicious flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'All Meat'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Red, oval fruits with good flavour, meaty flesh and skins are crack resistant.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Amish Paste'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large sized plum tomatoes have deep red skin and a rich dense flesh ideal for pasting. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Amy's Sugar Gem'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Golf ball sized fruits are gorgeously sweet and very meaty. Very heavy cropping. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Artisan Green Tiger'
Cordon (Vine) tomato. Green with yellow stripes, bush tomato. Good sweet flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Aunt Ginny's Purple'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Originating from Germany, produces large, deep-pink purple fruits of exceptional flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Auriga'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An excellent variety for outdoor growing. Produces high yields of medium-sized golden-orange fruit that have an almost melon flavour. Very juicy!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Banana Legs'
Bush Tomato. 4 " (10 cm) long, bright yellow banana shaped fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Big Girl'
Cordon (vine) tomato seed. Produces a large, heart shaped, ribbed red tomato which is excellent for tomato juice and salads.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Black Cherry'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Mahogany-brown cherry tomatoes are produced in profusion. Good disease resistance. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Black from Tula'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. The largest of the black tomato varieties. 3" - 4" dark brown to purple fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Black Krim'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A very old beefsteak variety that produces heavy crops of large dark brown-red fruits with firm flesh. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Black Plum'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Deep mahogany-red fruits resemble small plum tomatoes. Tangy sweet flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Blizzard'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Now exclusive to us! Huge crops of juicy billiard ball-sized fruits. Sets well even in low light. Suitable for protected growing only. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Bloody Butcher'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Excellent for cooler growing conditions, early and heavy cropping! Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Carmello'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Very large beefsteak fruits have a rich and deep flavour and very little seed. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Caspian Pink'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. One of the best pink tomatoes there is. Large, sweet and juicy fruits that will tolerate cooler climates. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Christmas Grapes'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Produces lovely bunches of red grape-sized fruits, 10-20 per cluster. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Clou'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bright orange-yellow fruits hang in dense bunches. Highly blight-resistant and perfect for growing both outside and under protection. Open pollinated.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Cream Sausage'
Bush Tomato. Creamy-white sausage shaped tomatoes - excellent for making sauces. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Cuostralee'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large beefsteak fruits have a pleated shape and a really deep and intense flavour. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'De Barrao Paste'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An old Russian variety that produces heavy crops of plum tomatoes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Egyptian'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Purportedly descended from seeds found in an Egyptian tomb. Dense and fleshy, near plum-shaped fruits. Suitable for protected growing only. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'English Vesuviano Piennolo'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Amazing flavour packed into a small pear shaped red fruit. Originated from Naples. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Fireworks'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. The largest early-fruiting tomato there is, and with a great flavour too! Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Gardener's Delight'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Just a little larger than most cherry tomatoes. Excellent flavour and reliable even in cooler years. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Gartenperle'
Basket Tomato. Masses of cherry-sized fruits are produced on this wonderful trailing variety. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Ghost Cherry'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Produces masses of very sweet, white cherry tomatoes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Giant Delicious'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Huge Beefsteak fruits are filled with juicy, meaty flesh. One slice will fill a sandwich. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Gogoshari Striped'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Red and yellow striped fruits are semi-hollow. Perfect for stuffing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Gold Medal'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Medium-sized golden yellow fruits with thick walls but very little flesh, ideal for stuffing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Gold Rush Currant'
Bush Tomato. Tiny golden yellow fruits burst in the mouth to reveal huge flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Golden Sunrise'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bright golden-yellow table tennis to billiard ball-sized fruits. Early into cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Green Sausage'
Bush Tomato. 3" long, yellow-green, sausage shaped fruits have a lovely sweet taste. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Harry's Italian Plum'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A plum tomato from Italy with a real history! Large fruits are extremely meaty with a lovely flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Hawaiian Pineapple'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Huge beefsteak fruits. Pale yellow-red skin and deep orange meaty flesh. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Hog's Heart'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Long, red heart-shaped to banana-shaped fruits are sweetly flavoured. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Indigo Blue Berries'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato, a beautiful blue-black cherry-sized fruit that is packed full of antioxidants and goodness. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Indigo Rose'
Cordon (vine) Tomato. Full of goodness and antioxidants this variety ripens to a deep brown/black colour on the top (paler at the bottom) and has incredible flavour.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Jersey Devil'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. 5" - 6" long tapered bright red fruits. Meaty flesh perfect for sauces, pastes and vegan hotdogs. Best grown under protection.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Jumbley'
A little bit of fun! For those who like to experiment and take a chance this is a mix of varieties that we grow here. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. All are open pollinated heritage (heirloom) varieties.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Long Keeper'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A late ripening beefsteak variety that can be grown in the normal way or picked green to ripen in storage over the winter. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Long Tom'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Heavy crops of meaty sweet fruits that can be up to 9" long. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Matt's Wild Cherry'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Sweet and delicious cherry tomatoes are born on open trusses. Vigorous and very prolific. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Mexico Midget'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Gorgeously sweet cherry tomatoes are born on very neat and compact trusses. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Money Maker'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A tried and trusted old variety. Produces good yields of flavoursome fruit. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Nepal'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large, smooth fruits have crimson skin and a really sweet flavour. A good variety for storing and late ripening. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Outdoor Girl'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. An early variety well suited to growing outside. Heavy crops of billiard ball sized fruits with a good flavour. Also suitable for protected. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Paul Robeson'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Dusky dark red beefsteak fruits have an earthy and sweet flavour which is early to ripen. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Pink Grapefruit'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Dark yellow fruits have pink blushed flesh. Sweet-sharp taste with citrus overtones. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Pink Lemon'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Lemon shaped yellow fruits have yellow-orange flesh blushed pink. Firm and meaty texture. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Primabella'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Arguably the most blight resistant variety of tomato currently available. Sweet juicy cherry tomatoes hang in bunches like grapes. Suitable for both outdoor and protected growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Primavera'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A highly blight resistant variety cocktail tomato suitable for both outdoor and protected growing. Juicy and sweet fruits almost melt in the mouth. Open pollinated.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Purple Calabash'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Ugly purple-blue fruits have a pleasantly sharp tomato flavour. Perfect for salsas. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Red Fig'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large trusses of bright red 'fig'-shaped'cherry tomatoes are produced in profusion. Very sweet and juicy. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'San Marzano Redorta'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A superior form of 'San Marzano'. Large, delicious, full-flavoured plum tomatoes. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Shirley'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Early cropping and reliable. Heavy crops of billiard ball-sized red fruits with an excellent flavour. Suitable for protected growing only. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Shirleys' Pixie'
Bush Tomato. Produces heavy crops of medium-sized fruits with a rich traditional flavour. Also useful for autumn and winter cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Snow White'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. One of the palest coloured tomatoes there is! Masses of gorgeously sweet fruits. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Striped Stuffer'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Bell pepper-shaped bright red fruits are striped golden orange. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Sungold'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Masses of golden-orange cherry tomatoes. Heavy cropping and very reliable. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Super Sweet 100'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato.So very well named! Produces long trusses with masses of oh-so sweet cherry-sized fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Surender's Indian Curry'
Bush Tomato. A sour tomato from India particularly well suited for use in curries and similar ethnic dishes. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Sweet Pea Currant'
Bush Tomato. Pea sized red fruits are sweet and juicy. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Taxi'
Bush Tomato. Bright yellow, gorgeously sweet fruits - almost acid-free. Can be grown in a hanging basket. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Thai Pink'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Small, pale pink egg-shaped fruits ripen to a deep pink. Very heavy cropping. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Tigerella'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Billiard ball sized ruits are red striped with green. Firm fruit with a good flavour. Suitable for protected growing only. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Tiny Tim'
Bush Tomato. A tiny dwarf variety that will happily live on a windowsill and fruit at no more than 12" tall. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Vintage Wine'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large pink beefsteak fruits with golden-yellow stripes. Sweet and subtly flavoured meaty flesh. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Yellow Pear'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Small golden-yellow pear-shaped fruits are produced in clusters. A real lunch-box treat! Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Zapotec Pleated'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A very, very old variety producing bright red deeply pleated fruits. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Zhefen Short'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Heavy crops of large, slightly oval fruits that are sweet and juicy. Early to ripen.Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tamarillo Tree Tomato Plant
A perennial tomato with ruby red egg shaped fruits that are produced in late autumn and winter. Requires frost protection. Can be eaten raw, stewed or made in to jams and jellies.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as pot grown plants approximately 4" (10 cm) tall.
Tomato Plant 'Black Krim'
A heritage, purple/black fruiting beefsteak tomato. Amazing flavour and large fruits on a prolific plant. Can be grown inside or out.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant 'Harry's Italian Plum'
Delicious, heritage, large, meaty, plum tomato. Originating from Italy and exclusive to Victoriana.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant 'Sungold'
A sunshine yellow/orange cherry tomato with lovely flavour and texture. Easy to grow and reliable and heavy cropping. Can be grown indoor or outside.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant
Tomato Plant 'Super Sweet 100'
Extremely tasty thin skinned cherry sized tomato that produces amazing trusses (of up to a 100 fruits per truss!). Cordon or indeterminate F1 hybrid variety.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
Tomato Seed 'Amateur'
Bush Tomato. A heavy cropping variety that is very well suited to growing outside. Suitable for protected growing also. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds.
Tomatoes and potatoes that grow from the same plant! Recommended for outdoor growing, these are great fun and it really works, you do get tomatoes and potatoes together!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant.
Tomato Seed 'Tigro'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Intense red cherry tomato fruits have dark stripes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. F1 Hybrid.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.
Tomato Seed 'Tomatoberry'
Cordon (Vine) Tomato.Bright red heart-shaped fruits have a lovely sweet flavour and satisfying crunch. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.