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Sweet Violet Queen Charlotte

Several purple, lobed, pansy like flowers with a small orange/yellow centre of the Viola Ordorata, look a bit like smiling monkey faces on long thin green stems, with round green leaves >
viola-odorata-001.jpg < >
viola-odorata-002.jpg <

Viola 'Königin Charlotte'

  • Very highly scented violet-blue flowers in spring.
  • Pale green foliage carpets the ground.
  • Perfect shade loving ground cover.
  • A lovely and refreshingly sweet cut flower.

Supplied as compost block grown plants.

Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May

5 or more £2.25GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

Several purple, lobed, pansy like flowers with a small orange/yellow centre of the Viola Ordorata, look a bit like smiling monkey faces on long thin green stems, with round green leaves >
viola-odorata-001.jpg < >
viola-odorata-002.jpg <


Where will you find these nowadays? Certainly not in your 'big shed' garden centres!

Also known as Sweet pansy, Wood violet, English violet, Common violet and Garden violet.

These violets were very popular in late Victorian times.

Happy even in quite deep shade, the pale green foliage will carpet the ground. But the real treat comes in late February / early March when the first of the dainty 'lavender-blue flowers appear. In many cases its the scent you will notice before seeing the flower - there is no real way to describe this other than gorgeously sweet! Flowering can continue right through until May - and then sporadically through the year into autumn.


Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May

Please note: This product is only available in multiples of 5

5 = £2.25
Add 5 to Trug
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25 = £2.00
Add 25 to Trug
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50 = £1.90
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add 50 to Trug
100 = £1.80
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250 = £1.70
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add 250 to Trug
500 = £1.60
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add 500 to Trug
1000 = £1.50
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Add 5 to Trug

How To...

How To Plant Out Ornamentals
Detailed advice on how to plant out ornamentals, including information on recommended planting distances.

General Information

What's A Compost Block Grown Plant?
Information on the size of the compost blocks that Victoriana grow their plants in - and what you can expect to receive.

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