Sage Seed
Salvia officinalis
An excellent perennial herb of good flavour.
- Hardy, evergreen.
- Good for winter use.
- Sow in spring.
- Avoid planting in close proximity to Rosemary. Rosemary and Sage do not 'get on' and the Sage will at best struggle, at worst die off!
Supplied as a packet of approximately 85 seeds.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £2.25GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
A perennial herb of good flavour used principally in forcemeat stuffing for game and poultry.
Throughout history Sage has been thought to prolong life and good health.
It is a strongly fragranced and flavoured herb. One chef said 'In the grand opera of cooking, sage represents an easily-offended and capricious prima donna. It likes to have the stage almost to itself.'
A member of the mint family.
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.
- Perennial.
- Hardy evergreen.
- Reaches 24-32" (60- 80 cm).
- Likes a sunny position sheltered from the wind.
- Prefers light, well-drained, slightly chalky (alkaline) soil.
- Ddo not overwater.
- Flowers May-July with pink 'spikes' of flowers.
- Sow in the spring, ½" (1 cm) deep drills.
- Germination usually takes about 14 days.
- Thin or transplant to 8" (20 cm) apart and again (if needed) to it's final position the following Spring.
- Avoid planting in close proximity to Rosemary. Rosemary and Sage do not 'get on' and the Sage will at best struggle, at worst die off!
- Culinary Uses.
- Good for stuffing pork and chicken.
- Makes a yummy butter, which is particularly good on roast chicken!)
- Can be used in salads.
- Use to make sage vinegar.
- Good in stews and soup.
- Medicinal Uses.
- Excellent for helping digest fatty foods.
- Disinfectant and antifungal properties.
- Contains oestrogen.
- Can help combat diarrhoea.
- Can be used as a teeth whitener. or as a mouthwash to help mouth ulcers, inflamed gums, laryngitis and tonsillitis.
- The seeds can be infused in water to remove foreign matter from your eyes.
- Can soothe tired muscles.
- Can be used as a blood tonic.
- Suppresses sweating (so can be useful for hot flushes during menopause).
- Will help strengthen your nervous system.
- Can help soothe coughs, colds and rheumatism.
- Can be used to help insect bites and skin infections.
- Can improve your memory!
- Other Uses.
- Is sometimes used in decorations such as wreaths.
- Discourages insects particularly from laundry.
- Deodorizes animal and cooking smells when burnt.
- Can be used in a conditioner to darken grey hair.
[MedicinalDisclaimer] Should not be taken for long periods. Avoid if you are pregnant or suffering from epilepsy.
This Product is Available Now.This product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
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How To...
How To Sow & Grow Herbs
Detailed advice on sowing and growing herbs outside and under protection. Includes information on watering and pest control.
General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.
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