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Privacy Policy

Here at Victoriana we are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping your confidential information exactly that — secure and confidential. Please read on for more details about our privacy policy.


The Quick Version

  1. We never have and never will sell, rent, share, trade or give away any information we hold about you, i.e. we do not sell customer names, addresses (postal or email) or telephone numbers.
  2. We never have and never will send you unsolicited mail (i.e. updated catalogues, mail shots, etc.) either by email or the conventional postal system and we do not 'cold call' by telephone.
  3. Our entire website operates on a secure server using 128 bit encryption. This means that when giving your details, they are fully encrypted (security coded), and remain secure across the internet and after they reach our order processing centre. Throughout payment (and subsequently) the information you provide to us is encrypted to prevent any possibility of unauthorised access or disclosure. We are a PCI Compliant (Payment Card Industry Compliant) Merchant - as such our website, order processing system, the servers they run on and our methods of handling data are regularly validated to ensure we meet compliance requirements.


The Long Version – Privacy Policy Statement

This is the privacy policy of Floriculture International Limited trading as Victoriana Nursery Gardens. This policy sets out our procedures regarding the collection and use of your personal information when you access our website at, when we contact you electronically or when we send you information in the post. Floriculture International Limited is a company registered in England & Wales whose company number is 3002616 and our registered office is Roxburghe House, 273-287 Regent Street, London W1B 2HA. The trading address of Victoriana Nursery Gardens is Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, Kent. TN25 4DG

Floriculture International Limited, (trading as Victoriana Nursery Gardens) is registered as a data controller on the UK Data Protection Register. Our registration number is PZ9310721.

Our privacy policy will describe in detail the personal information we collect about you when you visit our website, receive information by post, and order or enquire about our goods and services, and explain what happens to it.

This Privacy Policy comes into effect from 24th May 2018. This policy applies to all the personal information we collect and process about you when we engage with you, either as a customer or an enquirer. Any questions regarding this Policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email to, by letter to Victoriana Nursery Gardens, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, Kent TN25 4DG, or you can telephone 01233 740529. You can view the detailed Privacy Policy below.

When We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect personal information about you as soon as you access our website using a computer, smartphone, tablet or other similar web browsing device, and also when you call us on the telephone. What information we collect depends on whether you are a customer or a website visitor.

If you buy a product from our website or catalogues, you become a customer of Victoriana Nursery Gardens. The specific information we collect is detailed below in the 'What Personal Information Do We Collect?' section of this document.

When Does This Privacy Policy Apply?

Our Privacy Policy relates to personal information gathered from your use of our website, or if you order from our catalogues by phone or by post, or if you simply make an enquiry. The policy extends to cover your personal information when it is moved from our website and stored for subsequent processing within our Order Processing System in the UK and when we enter information about you directly into our Order Processing System. Our Privacy Policy does not extend to external links on our website to other organisations outside of our control; please ensure that you take time to review the privacy policies of external sites to as their privacy policies may differ from ours.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

What Information Do We Collect From You Via Our Website?

The personal information we collect from you when you access our website comes in two parts; the information you give us when you complete our website forms, and the information we automatically gather from the device you use to access our website.

Information You Give Victoriana Nursery Gardens

We detail this scenario by scenario; you can visit and use our website without giving us any of this information if you do not place an order, make an enquiry or leave Customer Feedback during your visit to our website...

Contact Request Forms / Email Enquiries

When you complete our Contact Form we ask for:

When you make an enquiry via email we have no control over what information you provide us with, but we will collect:

What do we do with your information?
In both cases we will contact you via email unless specifically requested otherwise, or your enquiry is highly time sensitive. With basic enquiries, once your enquiry has been answered / satisfied all information you provided will be destroyed / deleted from our systems.

If your enquiry involves a potential ongoing issue with an order (lack of growing performance of a plant for example) we may record notes against your order in our Order Processing System for our reference should you need to make follow-up contact. The legal basis for holding this information is legitimate interest.

Catalogue Requests

When you complete our Catalogue Request Form we ask for:

What do we do with your information?
Your personal details and your catalogue preferences are stored securely in our Order Processing System until such time as the mailing label for your catalogue(s) is generated (a maximum of three days). Once your mailing label has been generated and your catalogues sent the information you provided will be permanently deleted from our systems. We do not have a mailing list so you will not receive further literature from us unless you repeat the catalogue request process.

Feedback Form

When you complete our Feedback Form we ask for:

What do we do with your information?
Your personal details and your feedback are stored securely in our Order Processing System until such time as you Feedback is manually reviewed and published. Prior to publishing your feedback we permanently anonymise your name by reducing this to single characters (i.e. 'John Smith' would become 'J.S.') and sometimes also, if necessary, making your location less specific.

Placing an Order

When you make an order with us we will ask you for:

What do we do with your information?
As part of the order submission process your payment details are submitted to our payment processor, WorldPay who provide us a with an Authentication Code from which we are later able to complete payment. At no time does Victoriana Nursery Gardens have access to your physical payment details, nor do we store these.

Your personal details, order details and payment authentication code are stored securely in our Order Processing System prior to being manually reviewed and your order dispatched. The information you have provided is then stored in our Secure System. For information on how long we retain your information please see the heading, 'Data Retention – How Long Do We Keep Your Information' below.

Information We May Collect From Your Device

When you access our website using a computer, smartphone, laptop, TV (browser enabled) or tablet, your device will exchange information with to maximise the speed of the site and provide the optimum navigation for your device. Without this information, Victoriana Nursery Gardens cannot ensure the optimum browsing experience and ease-of-use when buying products. To do this, our website may acquire the following information:

Preferences On Our Website

You can change some of your personal details and your email preferences by visiting My Details & Preferences. If you have any other concerns please contact us either by phoning 01233 740529 or emailing

What Information Do We Collect From You By Post Or By Telephone?
Telephone or Postal Enquiry

When you make an enquiry via telephone or post we ask for:

What do we do with your information?
In all cases we will respond to your enquiry via the method you request. For simple phone enquiries (cultivation advice, etc.) no information will be collected if your enquiry can be answered within your phone call. With basic enquiries, once your enquiry has been answered/satisfied all information you provided will be destroyed/deleted from our systems.

If your enquiry involves a potential ongoing issue with an order (lack of growing performance of a plant for example) we may record notes in our Order Processing System against your order for our reference should you need to make follow-up contact. The legal basis for holding this information is legitimate interest.

Placing an Order by Telephone or Post

When you make an order with us we will ask you for:

What do we do with your information?
Your order will be manually inputted into our Order Processing System. As part of this process your payment details are submitted to our payment processor, WorldPay who provide us a with an Authentication Code from which we are able to complete payment. As soon as your order has been inputted into our Order Processing System any physical paper copy of your details (i.e. the letter you sent us) is immediately destroyed by shredding. At no time are your payment details stored. If you attach a cheque to your order placed by post, this is banked and no details of your bank account are stored by us. The other information you have provided is then stored in our Secure System. For information on how long we retain your information please see the heading, 'Data Retention – How Long Do We Keep Your Information' below.

Preferences by Phone and Post

You can change some of your personal details and your email preferences by visiting My Details & Preferences. If you do not want to do this or have any other concerns please contact us either by phoning 01233 740529 or emailing

Why We Collect Your Personal Information

There are two main purposes for gathering your personal information, for transaction processing and for marketing purposes.

Transaction Processing

When you purchase a product from our website or catalogues, you become a customer of Victoriana Nursery Gardens, so we retain personal information on you whilst you remain an active customer of ours and also for a short time when you no longer order from us. Our Data Retention policy below explains how long we retain your personal information. In all cases for transaction processing, our legal basis for processing your personal data is contract.

Marketing Activities

We have separated out each marketing activity that your personal data is used for below. Note that any customers or website visitors who doesn't want to receive marketing communications from us can change their preferences by visiting My Details & Preferences. If you do not want to do this or have any other concerns please contact us either by phoning 01233 740529 or emailing Victoriana Nursery Gardens will never send you a marketing communication that doesn't have a method of opting out from the marketing communications contained within it.


We do not hold a catalogue mailing list or hold any of your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing by post. If you want an updated catalogue you need to contact us!

Product Offers

From time to time Victoriana Nursery Gardens will send you discounted product offers via email if you have chosen to receive these. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest.


We will email customers who have chosen to receive 'Emails & Newsletters' from us, i.e occasional newsletters containing news of upcoming events at the nursery or timely horticultural tips. The legal basis for processing is legitimate interest.

Where Do We Store Your Personal Information?

The personal information we collect about you is stored on our Secure Servers which are located in secure Data Centres in the UK and France. No identifiable personal information is stored or shipped to non-UK/EU locations. Your personal information is stored in databases which are encrypted at rest, providing the highest level of security. Additionally our Servers are regularly scanned for penetration vulnerabilities in order to comply with the requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCIDSS). All personal information is moved to and from our website and Processing System via an HTTPS connection, which means that the transfer of data is also encrypted.

No physical 'paper' records containing your personal information are maintained or stored long term; once inputted onto our Secure Processing System any paper records (orders placed by post, internal telephone contact notes etc.) are shredded. Prior to being inputted on to our Secure Processing System and physical ‘paper' records are stored in our secure offices which are additionally monitored by CCTV.

Access to your personal data held on databases managed by Victoriana Nursery Gardens or its authorised subcontractors is granted only when there is a need to use the data: no permanent access exists.

Data Retention – How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Information For?

If you made a purchase from us we will keep the information you gave us and details of what you bought for up to seven years from the date of the last transaction with us, except in the event of a legal dispute. This seven-year limit is based on the legal requirement to maintain details of transactions as described in the Companies Act 2006. After that time your personal data will be anonymised, but we will keep your purchase and marketing history.

If you are a Scarecrow (a member of our Scarecrow Club loyalty scheme), we will keep your information on an ongoing basis. The legal basis for this is we have an ongoing contract with you to supply our goods to you at a discounted price. If you would prefer to formally leave our Scarecrow Club please email us at Our data retention period would then be the same as above.

Sharing Your Personal Information With Other Organisations


Victoriana Nursery Gardens uses carefully selected subcontractors in order to be able to provide the services that we offer. The information these subcontractors process includes the personal information we gather about you and your transaction and web history with us. Details on these subcontractors are as follows:


Goldhosts is our webhosting company, and co-developed and co-maintain our Website and Order Processing System. In order to maintain and develop our Website and Order Processing System (and the security thereof) Goldhosts has access to all information that Victoriana Nursery Gardens holds. We have absolutely every confidence in GoldHosts and their diligence in maintaining the confidentiality and security of all data that they have access to. Their Privacy Policy can be found at GoldHost's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with GoldHosts you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.

In order to process your credit card or debit card payment we use the SagePay Payment Gateway. The information we share with them is your name, address, postcode, telephone number, value of your order, credit card number and CV2 number. We have every confidence in SagePay and the manner in which they handle your data that we share with them. SagePay's Privacy Policy can be found at SagePay's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with SagePay you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.

PCA Predict

In order that we may validate mailing addresses provided to us we use PCA Predict. The information we share with them is your postcode and first line of your address; the purpose of this is to ensure your address details are correct and a speedy delivery can be achieved. We do not share your name or any other personally identifiable data with PCA Predict. We have every confidence in PCA Predict and the manner in which they handle your data that we share with them. PCA Predict's Privacy Policy can be found at PCA Predict's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with PCA Predict you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.


In order that we may send you password re-set links by text we use TextLocal. The information we share with them is your mobile phone number and a passowrd reset link; the purpose of this is to allow us to send you a passworsd reset link. We have every confidence in TextLocal and the manner in which they handle your data that we share with them. TextLocal's Privacy Policy can be found at TextLocals's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with TextLocal you can, of course, choose not to request password resets to be sent by mobile phone but instead to be sent by email.

Royal Mail

We may use the services of Royal Mail to deliver your purchases. In order to facilitate this we need to share some of your information with them, namely your name and address. We may also share your telephone number and / or your email address, which may assist should there be any delivery issues. Royal Mail's Privacy Policy can be found at Royal Mail's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with Royal Mail (or our other delivery providers) you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.

The Alternative Parcels Company –- APC Overnight – APC

We may use the services of The Alternative Parcels Company (APC Overnight (APC)) to deliver your purchases. In order to facilitate this we need to share some of your information with them, namely your name and address. We may also share your telephone number and/or your email address, which may assist should there be any delivery issues. The Alternative Parcels Company Privacy Policy can be found at APC's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with The Alternative Parcels Company (or our other delivery providers) you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.

TNT Express – TNT

We may use the services of TNT Express (TNT) to deliver your purchases. In order to facilitate this we need to share some of your information with them, namely your name and address. We may also share your telephone number and / or your email address, which may assist should there be any delivery issues. TNT's Privacy Policy can be found at TNT's Privacy Policy. Should you not wish us to share your personal information with TNT (or our other delivery providers) you can, of course, choose not to purchase via our website but instead visit us in person and purchase items directly.

Requesting A Copy Of Your Personal Information

You can contact Victoriana Nursery Gardens using the information below, to request a copy of the personal information we hold on you. If you request this information, you will need to provide proof of your identity. We will return the information to you electronically in a text file. You are legally entitled to request this information under the General Data Protection Regulation, and there is no charge for this service. To request this simply email for a copy of your personal information.

We will supply you with the following information:

How To Control Your Personal Information On The Victoriana Nursery Gardens Website

If you do not want to receive communications from Victoriana Nursery Gardens you can change your preferences by visiting My Details & Preferences. You can also opt-out directly from emails. Lastly, you can phone us on 01233 740529.

Your Rights

This privacy statement reflects the rights that you have under the General Data Protection Regulation, which specifically charges Victoriana Nursery Gardens with providing you with access to your personal information, and ensuring that your data is used appropriately and securely with specific reference to the rights of you, the data subject. Those rights regarding your personal data are as follows:


In this section of our privacy policy we want to explain what some of the terms in the policy mean, for the avoidance of any doubt. If you cannot find the definition you require, or are still unsure about the meaning of any aspect of this privacy policy, please email to request more information.

Data Controller

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), organisations that collect, process and store your personal information are defined as Data Controllers, which makes Victoriana Nursery Gardens the Data Controller for your personal data collected from our website.

Data Subject

GDPR classifies individuals as data subjects. So you, the customer or enquirer of Victoriana Nursery Gardens are a data subject under GDPR if you purchase or enquire about our products.

Data Processor

A data processor is an organisation other than the data controller, who processes your personal data on behalf of the data controller. A good example of this is WorldPay, who are the company who process the payment for any products that you buy online. The data processors who handle your personal information gathered by our website have the same duty of care in handling your personal information.