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Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Golden Starlit'

Two lemon yellow, multiple petalled Potentilla Atrosanginea Golden Starlit flowers  with green/grey leave at the base/in the background >
potentilla-atrosanguinea-golden-starlit-001.jpg <

Potentilla atrosanguinea var argyrophylla 'Golden Starlit'

  • Easy to grow.
  • Reach approximate 12" (30 cm) tall.
  • Pretty yellow flowers during the Summer.

Supplied as compost block grown plants

This Product is Available Now.

5 or more £1.45GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

Two lemon yellow, multiple petalled Potentilla Atrosanginea Golden Starlit flowers  with green/grey leave at the base/in the background >
potentilla-atrosanguinea-golden-starlit-001.jpg <


These plants are great for a rockery and a good compliment for primulas.

This brilliant yellow flower is perfectly complimented with a grey/green foliage which the bees love.

Sometimes known as Golden Himalayan Cinquefoil.

Quite often seen in the cooler meadows in areas of the world from Afghanistan to South West China.

Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.


This Product is Available Now.

Please note: This product is only available in multiples of 5

5 = £1.45
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25 = £1.35
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50 = £1.25
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100 = £1.00
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How To...

How To Plant Out Ornamentals
Detailed advice on how to plant out ornamentals, including information on recommended planting distances.

General Information

What's A Compost Block Grown Plant?
Information on the size of the compost blocks that Victoriana grow their plants in - and what you can expect to receive.

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