Peach Tree 'Jalousia'

Prunus persica 'Jalousia'
- A delicious flat peach.
- Sweet and very juicy white flesh.
- Small stoned.
- Also known as honey peaches.
- Self Fertile.
- St Julien A rootstock.
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £24.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

These delightful, unusual fruits are delicious and sweet - so sweet they are also known as 'honey peaches'.
Being a flat, or squashed peach (as our kids call them), they are a little different from the norm. The flavour is one not to be missed especially for those with a sweet tooth (as they contain high sugar levels) and children love them.
They have a thin skin, white flesh and a small stone.
- Originally from China.
- Season of use late August.
- Self Fertile.
- Likes a sunny position.
- Prefer a free draining soil.
- St Julian A rootstock.
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.
This Product is Available Now.This product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
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How To...
How To Plant Fruit Trees & Nut Trees
Detailed advice on planting fruit and nut trees - including advice on container growing, pruning and training, and advice on specific varieties.
How To Videos
How To Plant Bare Root & Potted Fruit Trees (Video)
An instructional video by Stephen explaining the differences between a bare root and potted fruit tree, and how to plant them.
General Information
Fruit Tree Pollination Simplified (hopefully)
Information on fruit tree fertility, pollination and compatibility, with simple explanations of regularly used terms.
Magazine Articles
Tree Wishes
Tree Wishes - magazine article giving inspiration to those thinking about growing fruit written by Stephen Shirley for Grow Your Own magazine.
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