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An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new'

New For 2025

Every year we like to make some additions to our listings, and 2025 is certainly no exception!

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22 Results
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Alexanders Plant

Alexanders Plant Reaches 47" (1.2 metres) tall with lovely green leaves, producing green / yellow flowers which mature to black fruits. All of the plant and roots can be eaten.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late March
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Blue-Eyed Grass Moody Blues

j-sisyrinchium-idahoense-var-macounii-moody-blues.jpg Hardy perennial clump forming plant with brilliant indigio blue flower with yellow eyes. Evergreen pointy, grass like green foliage. Very versatile.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Campanula Ring of Bells Plant

J-campanula-punctata.jpg A perennial plant that is low growing in habit but has tall spikes that the flowers grow on, in pinks and whites. Makes an excellent cut flower.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chervil Seed

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Annual plant with a delicate flavour that prefers a shady position. Often used in French cooking and fine herbs. Cut regularly to prevent bolting.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 450 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Chiang Rai'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Medium Chilli Pepper. Quick maturing from green to deep red, 3-4" (10-12cm) long chillies. Originates from Thailand
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Rocoto Red'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Extremely Hot Chilli Pepper. Vibrant red, apple shaped fruits with thick, juicy flesh and a building heat as you eat them. Definitely unusual for a chilli.
Available Now
Supplies as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Coneflower Green Twister Plant

j-echinacea-purpurea-green-g-twister.jpg Stunning daisy like flower with petals from pink to green, great for borders, meadows and pots. Pollinating insects and birds love it.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Fuchsia microphylla Silver Lining

Fuchsia microphylla Silver Lining Half Hardy variety with a stunning silvery leaf and tiny red flower, reaches 27" (70 cm) tall, which likes to grow in a sunny, sheltered spot.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant, grown in a 9cm pot

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Peach Tree 'Champion'

Peach Tree 'Champion' A white fleshed, red skinned peach variety. Sweet, juicy and versatile. Hardy, self fertile tree.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet tall (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Potato Tuber Casablanca

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' First early variety of Scottish white potato. Excellent for chips, boiled, baked and more. Quick to crop and easy to grow with good disease resistance.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes

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Potato Tuber Sarpo Mira

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' A floury, red skinned main crop variety of potato with excellent blight resistance that stores well. Great for baking, roasting and chips.
Available Now
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes

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Purple Love Grass Plant

Purple Love Grass Plant Loves a warm, sunny position, drought tolerant. Has a lovely red/purple flower late Summer which is perfect for flower arrangements.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Rosemary Plant - Green Ginger Rosemary

Rosemary Plant - Green Ginger Rosemary A beautiful dark green leaved rosemary plant, that has a ginger scent and pale blue flowers which the bees love.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Self-heal Plant

Self-heal Plant Clusters of lovely purple flowers on erect stems, reach 8" tall, but can be used as ground cover (and mowed). Once thought to be the 'cure-all' plant.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Spanish Liquorice Plant

Spanish Liquorice Plant Usually grown for it's roots, however has pale blue flowers and looks very attractive in a wild garden reaching 47" (1.2 metres) tall.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Tomato Seed 'Aurora'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Bush Tomato. Early to crop with a good yield and flavour. Copes well with cooler climates and is a good beginners variety.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Tomato Seed 'All Meat'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Red, oval fruits with good flavour, meaty flesh and skins are crack resistant.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Angel's Fishing Rod Plant

J-Angel-Fishing-Rod.jpg Stunning pink bell like flowers, which look like a fishing rod. Originates from South Africa. Hardy perennial habit that reaches 4 feet tall.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine Black Barlow Plant

J-Columbine-Black-Barlow.jpg A purple, black flower that makes a lovely contrast in your garden or as a cut flower. Also known as Grandma's Bonnets.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine 'Blue Barlow' Plant

J-Columbine-blue-barlow.jpg Stunning violet/blue flower with yellow stamens which makes excellent cut flowers or enjoyed in a border. Hardy, perennial.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine 'Bordeaux Barlow' Plant

j-aquilegia-bordeaux-barlow.jpg Beautiful red/purple/black flower with contrasting yellow stamens, makes a perfect cut or garden flower. Hardy, perennial, bushy habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Columbine Nora Barlow Plant

J-Columbine-Nora-Barlow.jpg A beautiful deep pink flower edged with lime green, surrounded by deep green foliage. A hardy perennial, reaching 32" (80 cm) that likes a sunny position.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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