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Medium Chillies

Medium hot chillies offer the best of both worlds - enough zing to create a tingly aftertaste, but cool enough not to overwhelm. Our selection of medium hot chilli plants and chilli seeds includes a great variety of chilli peppers in an array of shapes and colours, but with excellent flavour as the distinguishing factor.

These varieties will do well under protection, grown in pots or in open ground, or can be left out after the risk of frosts has passed.

31 Results
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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Brazilian Starfish'

sq-chilli-pepper-brazilian-starfish-004.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A beautifully shaped Chilli from Brazil. Flattened starfish-shaped fruits mature from green to rich red. Heavy cropping with a gorgeous sweet flavour.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Bulgarian Carrot'

sq-chilli-pepper-bulgarian-carrot-005.jpg Medium Hot Chilli. Looking very much like a young carrot, the bright orange fruits have very thick flesh and a lovely heat. Good cold tolerance so ideal for outdoor growing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Christmas Bell'

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Unusual flying saucer-shaped fruits mature to orange-red shades. Perfect for grilling, roasting or even drying and using as Christmas decorations.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Fish'

sq-chilli-pepper-fish-004.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Distinctive green and cream foliage and green striped peppers that mature to a rich red colour make this an extremely ornamental variety. Popular for cooking with fish.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Goan Hot Sweet'

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Medium Chilli Pepper. A traditional Goan chilli which is black red in colour but has gorgeous flavour. Dries well for chilli powder or storing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-hot-wax-005.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A fresh-flavoured chilli that isn't necessarily as hot as its name suggests. Perfect for stuffing and roasting.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A good 'all rounder' of the Chilli world - early cropping, good flavour, and a reliable grower and cropper.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jalapeño NuMex Primavera'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-primavera-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A large and meaty-podded variety of Jalapeño that regularly crops heavily.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jigsaw'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Jigsaw' Medium Hot Chilli Pepper Seed. Stunning mottled purple foliage with oval-shaped fruits that ripen from purple to red. Reaches approx 24" tall.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Joe's Long Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-joes-long-cayenne-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A longer version of the popular Cayenne. Green fruits mature to a deep red with a satisfying spicy heat.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Kashmiri' (North India)

sq-chilli-pepper-kashmiri-north-india-001.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A traditional Indian variety of chilli with a lovely mild to medium heat and a gorgeous flavour. Ripens from green to red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Nosferatu'

sq-chilli-pepper-nosferatu-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A very ornate plant, with black leaves, purple flowers and lovely black fruits that ripen to blood red.
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Supplies as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Lemon Spice'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-lemon-spice-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A lemon-flavoured Jalapeño-type chilli from New Mexico State University with a thick skin and lovely flavour. 25,000 SHUs.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Pumpkin Spice'

sq-chilli-pepper-jalapeno-numex-pumpkin-spice-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Ripens to a bright 'pumpkin' orange, has thick flesh and is a Jalapeño type. Developed at New Mexico State University.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 8 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'NuMex Twilight'

sq-chilli-pepper-numex-twilight-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A highly ornamental variety of Chilli which produces masses of small, spicy fruits in a multitude of colours.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Peter Pepper'

sq-chilli-pepper-peter-pepper-007.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Penis-shaped fruits mature from green to orange/red and have a mildly hot flavour. Very rude indeed!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Pinocchio's Nose'

sq-chilli-pepper-pinocchios-nose-001.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Just like Pinocchio's nose, they grow longer and longer. Deep red fruits have a lovely spicy kick.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Ring Of Fire'

sq-chilli-pepper-ring-of-fire-009.jpg Extremely Chilli Pepper. A very reliable Cayenne-type producing red fruits perfect for cooking or drying. Early to fruit and heavy-yielding.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Rodeo'

sq-chilli-pepper-rodeo-007.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Small, round, green fruits mature to a rich red with a hot, sweet flavour. Reminiscent of the Italian hot peppers of old. F1 Hybrid.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Serrano'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-002.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Larger and little bit hotter than a Jalapeño this is a favourite in many Mexican dishes. Green fruits mature to a deep red.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Spaghetti'

Chilli Pepper Seed 'Spaghetti' Medium Chilli Pepper. The chillies really do look like pieces of red spaghetti hanging from the plant! High yielding, good flavour and perfect for drying.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Tenerife'

sq-chilli-pepper-tenerife-001.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A red chilli with good flavour. The original seed was given to us by a customer whose family originated from Tenerife.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Uchu Cream Red'

chilli-pepper-uchu-cream-red-001.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A dwarf, ornamental variety with cream and green mottled leaves and slim fruits that ripen from cream to red. Ideal for a window sill.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds.

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Chilli Pepper Seed 'Vampire'

sq-chilli-pepper-vampire-003.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. An amazing chilli plant with black leaves and immature fruit which ripen to blood red. Has lovely purple flowers.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds.

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The Medium Heat Chilli Fest Seed Collection

Hungarian Hot wax chillies on a plant with green leaves, the fruits are yellow (immature) and red (ripe) Selection of 5 different packets of medium heat chilli pepper seeds, complete with gift bag and growing instructions. An ideal present for novice and keen grower alike.
Available Now
Supplied as 5 individual packets of seed, gift bag and growing instructions.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Christmas Bell'

sq-chilli-pepper-christmas-bell-009.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. Highly decorative bell shaped fruits hang in profusion. Sweet and crisp flesh has little heat in the wings, whilst being fiery at the centre.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Hungarian Hot Wax'

sq-chilli-pepper-hungarian-hot-wax-005.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper. A delightful early, large fruiting chilli with an almost citrus flavour. Heats up as it matures. Great for stuffing, roasting, grilling - in fact most things!
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant Jalapeño

chilli-pepper-jalapeno-004.jpg Medium Chilli Pepper Plant. Delicious thick flesh that matures to red with good flavour. Reliable grower and cropper in the UK climate.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Joe's Long Cayenne'

sq-chilli-pepper-joes-long-cayenne-003.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A long, beautiful red chilli with a well balanced spicy heat that makes it excellent for making sauces and jams. Fruits can be 8" or more long.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Peter Pepper'

sq-chilli-pepper-peter-pepper-007.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. A fun variety to grow as it looks like a penis when fully grown! Mature to orange / red.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chilli Pepper Plant 'Serrano'

sq-chilli-pepper-serrano-002.jpg Medium Hot Chilli Pepper. Green fruits mature to orange-red, and have a 'lively' heat! A Mexican favourite that produces huge crops. If you only grow one chilli, make it this one.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Chilli Pepper Plant 'Serrano'