Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber Fuseau
Helianthus tuberosus 'Fuseau'
- Non-knobbly and smooth-skinned.
- A winter vegetable essential that is seeing a resurgence in popularity.
- Very easy to grow and self-regenerating.
Supplied as freshly dug and washed tubers.
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 20265 or more £1.30GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
Thanks to 'celebrity' gardeners and chefs such as Carol Klein, Alys Fowler, Marc Diacono and Nigel Slater, this vegetable, once little-known and much underrated, is now finding the favour it truly deserves. Crushingly easy to grow and self-perpetuating, these are an essential for hearty winter dishes; simply slice and sauté, roast, or use as a base for fantastic soups.
Jerusalem Artichokes are infamous for their after-effects, and certainly do live up to their nickname of 'Fartichokes'! But don't let that put you off this lovely veg – and remember that incorporating the herb Winter Savory into your dishes will go a long way to alleviate this problem.
In the garden or allotment Jerusalem Artichokes can be used as a very successful wind break (or should that be that they actually absorb the wind, releasing it when eaten?) growing to around 6 - 8 feet (1.8 - 2.4 metres) tall. Closely related to the sunflower, they are also extremely pretty when they flower in late Summer / early Autumn
The variety Fuseau is particularly useful for the kitchen as it is less knobbly and smoother-skinned, making it easier to clean and peel.
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.
- Plant out mid October - April in any well-prepared, well-drained soil, in sunnny or shady positions.
- Plant tubers horizontally, 4" - 6" (10 - 15 cm) deep, 12" (30 cm) apart, allowing 12" (30 cm) between rows.
- Keep watered in dry weather but avoid waterlogging.
- Earth up the stems when plants reach a height of 12" (30 cm).
- In mid Summer, remove flowers and cut back to 5 - 6 feet (1.5-2 m) to concentrate plants' energy into developing tubers.
- Harvest as required from late October onwards. Cut stems back to 3" (8 cm) above soil, and lay trimmings over the plants to keep the soil warm for ease of lifting in frosty weather. Jerusalem Artichokes are sweeter after a frost, when starches have been converted to sugars.
- Slugs and snails will attack stems and tubers. Root aphids can be a nuisance. Spray with BioFriend Plant Defence. Stems may be attacked by fungal rot. Remove and burn affected plants immediately.
- Always leave one or two tubers in the ground to grow back in the same area next year.
- Jerusalem Artichokes can also be grown in containers, one tuber per pot, in a mixture of garden soil and good-quality compost.
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026Please note: This product is only available in multiples of 5
Jersulam Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup Recipe
A quick and easy recipe using Jerusalem Artichokes to make a delicious soup, with none of the usual after-effects!
General Information
Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.