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Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber Fuseau

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Helianthus tuberosus 'Fuseau'

  • Non-knobbly and smooth-skinned.
  • A winter vegetable essential that is seeing a resurgence in popularity.
  • Very easy to grow and self-regenerating.

Supplied as freshly dug and washed tubers.

Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026

5 or more £1.30GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

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Thanks to 'celebrity' gardeners and chefs such as Carol Klein, Alys Fowler, Marc Diacono and Nigel Slater, this vegetable, once little-known and much underrated, is now finding the favour it truly deserves. Crushingly easy to grow and self-perpetuating, these are an essential for hearty winter dishes; simply slice and sauté, roast, or use as a base for fantastic soups.

Jerusalem Artichokes are infamous for their after-effects, and certainly do live up to their nickname of 'Fartichokes'! But don't let that put you off this lovely veg – and remember that incorporating the herb Winter Savory into your dishes will go a long way to alleviate this problem.

In the garden or allotment Jerusalem Artichokes can be used as a very successful wind break (or should that be that they actually absorb the wind, releasing it when eaten?) growing to around 6 - 8 feet (1.8 - 2.4 metres) tall. Closely related to the sunflower, they are also extremely pretty when they flower in late Summer / early Autumn

The variety Fuseau is particularly useful for the kitchen as it is less knobbly and smoother-skinned, making it easier to clean and peel.

Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.


Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026

Please note: This product is only available in multiples of 5

5 = £1.30
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10 = £1.20
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50 = £1.10
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Jersulam Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup Recipe
A quick and easy recipe using Jerusalem Artichokes to make a delicious soup, with none of the usual after-effects!

General Information

Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.

Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber Fuseau has no related products.