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Jerusalem Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup Recipe


(serves 4–6)

Jerusalem Artichokes have a fearsome reputation for causing wind after you've eaten them. Adding the herb Winter Savory to the soup will counter their effect (as indeed will eating Jerusalem Artichokes regularly).

(adapted from a recipe by Jane Baxter)




11 Results
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Cobnut Tree 'Webb's Prize Cobnut'

sq-cobnut-webbs-prize-004.jpg A heavy bearing variety that produces large clusters of gorgeously sweet nuts. Perfect for eating green or allowing to ripen fully. Partially self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.

More information about Cobnut Tree 'Webb's Prize Cobnut'

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Filbert Tree 'Kentish Cob'

sq-filbert-kentish-cob-001.jpg The traditional Kentish Cobnut - is actually a Filbert! Large flattened nuts are produced in profusion. Vigorous in habit and heavy cropping.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.

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Filbert Tree 'Nottingham Cobnut'

sq-filbert-nottingham-cobnut-001.jpg Often misdescribed as a Cobnut. An early cropping variety that produces large richly flavoured nuts. A popular commercial variety. Partially self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.

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Nut Tree Collection

Six round green, spikey balls, attached to a tree Sweet Chestnut tree, with long dark, green leaves and brown twigs. An amazing collection and something different. Consists of one Filbert, one Sweet Chestnut, one Almond. Great for all nut lovers!
Available Now
Supplied as a bare root trees pruned to approximately 3 - 4 feet (90 - 120 cm) tall including roots.

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Buy 1 Now for £3.75Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Onion Seed 'Red Brunswick'

Three vibrant red/maroon Brunswick onions with their white/brown roots on display, laying on brown soil. A reliable cropping variety. Medium to large red onions are mild and have a gorgeously sweet flavour. Will store well into spring (if you don't eat them before!).
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

More information about Onion Seed 'Red Brunswick'

Buy 1 Now for £4.25Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Onion Seed 'Shirley's Giant Exhibition'

A large Giant Exhibition onion being held in a hand (which can only be partially seen due to the size of the onion), with brown roots at the base and the skin is starting to darken due to it being harvested and drying. One of the largest golden-skinned onion varieties you are ever likely to see. Excellent flavour and very good keeping qualities. A prize-winner in every way.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.

More information about Onion Seed 'Shirley's Giant Exhibition'

Buy 1 Now for £2.25Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Winter Savory Seed

A close up of a Winter Savory plant in flower. Flowers are small, delicae and white, tinged pink. Foliage is green, upright and spikey. A hardy, perennial variety with a very strong flavour. Attractive white flowers and dark green leaves. Likes a sunny position.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

More information about Winter Savory Seed

Pre Order 5 for £6.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber 'Fuseau'

sq-jerusalem-artichoke-fuseau-005.jpg Non-knobbly and smooth-skinned. A winter veg essential that is seeing a resurgence in popularity. Very easy to grow and self-regenerating.
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as freshly dug and washed tubers.

More information about Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber 'Fuseau'

Pre Order 5 for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Onion Plant 'Red Brunswick'

Three vibrant red/maroon Brunswick onions with their white/brown roots on display, laying on brown soil. An excellent traditional variety of red onion with a mild sweet taste. Produces a good-sized onion that stores well and has an excellent flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.

More information about Onion Plant 'Red Brunswick'

Pre Order 5 for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Onion Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'

A large Giant Exhibition onion being held in a hand (which can only be partially seen due to the size of the onion), with brown roots at the base and the skin is starting to darken due to it being harvested and drying. Prize-winning, huge white onions. Individual onions weighing in at 6lbs each! Stores well for winter use and good flavour.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as as nursery-fresh transplants.

More information about Onion Plant 'Shirleys' Giant Exhibition'

Pre Order 1 for £2.95Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Savory Plant - Winter Savory

A close up of a Winter Savory plant in flower. Flowers are small, delicae and white, tinged pink. Foliage is green, upright and spikey. Unlike the annual variety of Savory this herb has a very strong flavour as a perennial with attractive white flowers.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

More information about Savory Plant - Winter Savory