How To Sow Peas Video

Serena shows us how to sow Peas - in this case, Waverex and Douce Provence. She also touches on how a little support can maximise yield - such as the fantastic structure built by Stephen and unlike the wobbly thing built earlier by her! (no guesses who's uploaded this clip then).
3 Results
Asparagus Pea Seed
With a flavour that's a cross between peas and asparagus, this old vegetable is a real gourmet delight that is now making a welcome comeback.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Pea Seed 'Douce Provence'
An excellent bush variety from France. Produces large crops of sweet and succulent peas. Perfect for spring, summer, autumn, and even over-wintering crops.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.
Pea Seed 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)
This is, we believe, the sweetest early pea of all. Heavy cropping, the pods are crammed with tiny peas - true Petit Pois.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds of this superb variety.