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How To Sow & Grow Sweetcorn, Babycorn & Popcorn

A large Seville Sweetcorn cob, with two hands pulling back the pale green husk/leaves to reveal the lush yellow kernels inside. Cob has a dark brown tassel at the top

The principles for growing Sweetcorn, Babycorn and Popping Corn varieties are basically the same, the main differences coming at the time of harvest.

A warm growing season is the most critical success factor with all varieties; whilst we now offer several varieties that will perform well in lower temperatures, the fact remains that the warmer the growing conditions the better your crop will be. If you have the room, we thoroughly recommend growing all or some of your crop under protection, especially if you're growing sweetcorn in the north.

Here at Victoriana we grow both an outdoor crop and a protected crop each year; this not only guarantees a crop if we have a cold summer but also provides an extended cropping in normal years, when we harvest from both outside and inside.

Whilst our outdoor crops are grown in the ground, we grow our protected crop in containers, planting two plants per 12 litre container.

For Growing Outside

For Growing Under Protection

(This will give you early sweetcorn without the worry about cold temperatures.)


Top Tips

Cooking Tips

Home-grown sweetcorn is much sweeter than shop-bought sweetcorn. This is because the sugar in the cobs starts to turn to starch the moment the cobs are cut. To get the best from your cobs cut them as close as possible to when you are going to cook them. It is not unknown for Americans (famous for their love of corn) to take a saucepan of boiling water with them to plunge the cobs into the moment they cut their corn; if you do this, please be careful!

Plunging the freshly-cut cobs, husk and all, into a bucket of water and then barbecuing them is also a way to maintain that super-sweet flavour – no need to wrap in foil as the wet husk will protect the kernels and as the outer layers char they will give a fantastic smoky flavour.

For something completely different, and to maximise crop space, try growing sweetcorn using the Three Sisters method.

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Sweetcorn Seed Minipop

Two hands holding a medium sized Minipop Babycorn with the lime yellow husk pulled back to reveal the pale yellow babycorn. Lots of green tassels at the top of the plant. Large, dark green sweetcorn leaves in the background. Babycorn. Four or five pale yellow babycorns are produced on each plant. Vigorous in habit and easy to grow with no pollination concerns. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed 'Strawberry Popcorn'

Five small, red Strawberry sweetcorn cobs, being held in two small hands on the right. On the bottom left is a white bowl with a blue rim around the top being held by someone containing lots of white popcorn. Popping Corn. Ruby-red rounded cobs are produced in abundance. Once dried, the kernels are simply the best variety for popping!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

More information about Sweetcorn Seed 'Strawberry Popcorn'

Buy 1 Now for £3.25Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information...Award Of Garden MeritAward Of Garden Merit

Sweetcorn Seed 'Swift'

Sweetcorn Seed 'Swift' A delicious early, sweet yellow variety which performs well in cooler climates including northern England. F1 hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Seed 'Golden Gate'

Two large, green Swift sweetcorn cobs, attached to their green plants, growing upright. Cobs have dark brown tassles to the top of them. Mid-season tendersweet variety. Produces medium-sized well-filled, delicious cobs. Tolerates cooler and wetter growing conditions well. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Sweetcorn Plant Minipop

Two hands holding a medium sized Minipop Babycorn with the lime yellow husk pulled back to reveal the pale yellow babycorn. Lots of green tassels at the top of the plant. Large, dark green sweetcorn leaves in the background. Pale yellow, sweet and crunchy babycorn cobs. Easy to grow (no cross pollinating required as for other sweetcorn varieties). Vigorous and very reliable habit.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block grown plants.

More information about Sweetcorn Plant Minipop

Pre Order 5 for £4.25Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information...Award Of Garden MeritAward Of Garden Merit

Sweetcorn Plant 'Swift'

Sweetcorn Plant 'Swift' A delicious early, sweet yellow variety which performs well in cooler climates including Northern England. F1 hybrid.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as a compost block grown plant

More information about Sweetcorn Plant 'Swift'

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Sweetcorn Plant 'Golden Gate'

Two large, green Swift sweetcorn cobs, attached to their green plants, growing upright. Cobs have dark brown tassles to the top of them. Produces medium-sized golden yellow cobs with sweet, juicy thin-skinned kernels. Good tolerance to cooler and wetter growing conditions. F1 Hybrid.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Sweetcorn Plant 'Golden Gate'