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How To Sow & Grow Peas

A close up of a young girl in glasses picking juicy, large pods of peas. The pea plants are huge, much taller than her, looks like a hedge of peas!

Best results when growing peas are obtained if a trench 18" (45 cm) deep is dug in winter and filled with compost, old newspapers, vegetative kitchen waste, etc. and then topped with soil. Sow or plant on this for a prolonged crop that is not affected by summer drought. A scattering of fresh bonfire/wood ash over the surface will ensure essential release of both natural phosphate and potash with trace elements. Using the trench method will also reduce pea mildew as it increases moisture at the plants' roots. Alternatively, water plants well in dry weather.

Bush Peas (Douce Provence, Waverex)


For early cropping
Sow under protection in trays or modules February to March.
Can also be direct sown as per 'main cropping' under cloches February to March.

For main cropping
Sow March to July 5" (13 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart. Sow in drills 2" (5 cm) deep .

For over-wintering (Douce Provence only)
Sow (either outside or under protection) October to November, 5" (13 cm) apart, in rows 18" (45 cm) apart. Sow in drills 2" (5 cm) deep .

Planting Out

For early and main cropping
Set out young plants from March to August, 5" (13 cm) apart, in interspaced double rows 24" (60 cm) apart.

For over-wintering (Douce Provence only)
Set out young plants from October to March, 5" (13 cm) apart, in rows 18" (45 cm) apart, under protection.

We highly recommend providing some support (pea sticks, netting or canes) as this will keep the crop tidier and make harvesting easier.

Douce Provence
Strictly speaking, this is a First Early variety, but as it is so adaptable we would recommend repeat sowings through the year. Late spring and summer sowings can take as little as eight weeks from sowing to cropping.

The plants grows to only about 24" (60 cm) tall, making them pefect for for growing on cane tepees, or in tubs - or both!


Climbing Peas (Victorian Colossal Climbing)


Sow throughout the summer for continuity of cropping.

For Growing in Rows
Sow late March-mid June, 3 seeds per station, 9" (23 cm) apart, in rows 3½-4 feet (100-120 cm) apart. Sow in drills 2"(5 cm) deep.

Provide support for these to climb up to a height of around 6-8 feet (1.8-2.4 metres) using netting, a bamboo cane structure or something similar.

Earlier crops can be produced by sowing in trays or modules February to March and setting out at the same spacings when the plants are large enough to handle,- or by sowing in the autumn or early winter and growing on under protection.

For Climbing Pea Tepees
Using a dustbin lid or similar as a template, drive six 8-foot (2.4 metre) canes into the ground and tie together at the top to produce a tepee effect.
Plant 3 seeds 2" (5 cm) deep at the foot of each cane.

Planting out

For Growing in Rows
Set out April to July 9" (23 cm) apart in rows 3-4 ft (100-120 cm).
Provide support for these to climb up to a height of around 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 metres)using netting, a bamboo cane structure or similar.

For Climbing Pea Tepees
Using a dustbin lid or similar as a template, drive six 8-foot (2.4 metre) canes into the ground and tie together at the top to produce a tepee effect.
Plant at the foot of each cane.

Peas with Edible Pods

Carouby de Mausanne (Mange tout)

This is a pea with a fairly compact habit, growing to a maximum of 24" (60 cm) in height.


For early cropping
Sow under protection in trays or modules February to March.
Can also be direct-sown as per 'main cropping' under cloches February-March.

For main cropping
Sow March to July 5" (13 cm) apart in rows 24" (60 cm) apart. Sow in drills 2" (5 cm) deep .

Planting out

For early and main cropping
Set out young plants from March to August, 5" (13 cm) apart, in interspaced double rows 24" (60 cm) apart.

We highly recommend providing some support (pea sticks, netting or canes) as this will keep the crop tidier, improve yield, and make harvesting easier.

Asparagus Pea

The pods are best picked small, when they are around 1-2" (2.5-5 cm) in length, to avoid toughness. Many people believe it is better and easier to pick them in the evening.

For early cropping
Sow under protection March-April in small pots and plant out 9-12" (23-30 cm) apart in rows 18" (45 cm) apart when hardened off.

For later crops and successional sowings sow April-June in drills 1" (2.5 cm) deep, 2 seeds per station 9-12" (23-30 cm) apart in rows 18" (45 cm) apart.

We highly recommend providing some support (pea sticks, netting or canes) as this will keep the crop tidier, improve yield, and make harvesting easier.

Top Tips

Protect newly-sown pea seeds from mice, which are notorious for sniffing them out and eating them!

Pheasants love young pea plants and will dig them up to eat the sprouted seed, so take precautions (especially with autumn sowings) if you have pheasants in your area. Also, protect young plants from pigeons.

To prevent damage by Pea Moth or Pea Weevil, spray the entire plant (flowers included) with our BioFriend Plant Defence periodically during the flowering period.

Water well if the weather is dry while the pods are swelling.

Regular picking will encourage further flowering and subsequent cropping. Peas freeze well so better to pick regularly and freeze any excess as this will keep the plants producing.

After harvesting, dig the plants into the ground to provide green manure and valuable nitrogen to the soil.

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Asparagus Pea Seed

sq-asparagus-pea-002.jpg With a flavour that's a cross between peas and asparagus, this old vegetable is a real gourmet delight that is now making a welcome comeback.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.

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Pea Plant 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. Bush peas that don't need support! Will grow to around 2 ft tall and produce a lovely crop of sweet delicious peas. Very easy to grow.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Pea Plant 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. Waverex Pea Delicious, sweet, small petit pois peas. This variety is high-yielding, easy to grow in rows or circles, and can be grown without support.
Available Now
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Pea Seed 'Carouby de Mausanne' (Mange Tout)

A close up photo of two long, flat mange tout carouby de mausanne pods attached to their green stems with lush green leaves behind the,. This old French variety of mange tout produces large flat pods of extremely sweet flavour. Reliable in habit and very heavy cropping.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Douce Provence'

Five long, fattening, deep green Douce Provence pea pods surrounded by their plant with green leaves. An excellent bush variety from France. Produces large crops of sweet and succulent peas. Perfect for spring, summer, autumn, and even over-wintering crops.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Pea Seed 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

pea-alderman-composite-001.jpg A climbing pea that produces heavy crops of deliciously sweet peas over an extended cropping period. A must for the garden!
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 power-packed seeds of this superb variety.

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Pea Seed 'Waverex' (Petit Pois)

Lots of green Waverex pea plants growning up a wooden wigwam, you can see leaves, stems and pea pods. This is, we believe, the sweetest early pea of all. Heavy cropping, the pods are crammed with tiny peas - true Petit Pois.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds of this superb variety.

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Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'

A close up of a young girl in glasses picking juicy, large pods of peas. The pea plants are huge, much taller than her, looks like a hedge of peas! The most amazing variety of pea there is! Once you've grown these no other pea will do.They have the best flavour, sweet, delicious and very prolific.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

More information about Pea Plant 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'