How To Plant Cluster Colourama & Trailblazer Hedging

Unpacking/Pre-Planting Care
When you receive your Cluster Colourama or Trailblazer Hedging, unpack the roots from their polythene and mulch packing; if they are dry stand the plants in a bucket of water for no more than half an hour. Ideally, they should be planted out as soon as possible. If this is not possible either ‘heel’ the plants into a shallow trench or wrap the roots back up in the bark chip and polythene they arrived in and store the plants in a cool frost-free place. Do not keep them in a warm place as they will start to come into growth prematurely. Check that the roots are moist every few days and plant out as soon as possible.
As with many things in life, remember that a little extra care and time taken with planting will pay dividends for many years to come!
Cluster Colourama and Trailblazer hedging can be planted from late November until April, or later depending on climatic conditions. Ideally, choose an open situation; if you want to plant next to a fence or wall, allow a minimum distance of 15" (40 cm). Cluster Colourama and Trailblazer hedging will grow in most soil types, including heavy clay.
Before planting, incorporate organic matter such as well-rotted manure (not fresh) or compost into the soil to give your plants the best start. Under no circumstances should you use any stimulants, fertiliser or bonemeal at planting time as such products will ‘burn’ new root growth and actually slow your plants’ development!
Set the plants 12" (30 cm) apart and plant firmly, to the original soil depth mark visible on the stem. Water thoroughly if the ground is dry.
Keep your developing Cluster Colourama or Trailblazer plants free of weeds but exercise caution when hoeing as they are fairly shallow-rooting. Over-zealous hoeing will damage their root systems and any newly emerging basal growth.
At the beginning of each spring mulch with well-rotted manure, bark chip or similar organic matter. This will reduce the need for weeding and help with moisture retention. At the same time you can also lightly top-dress the row with a balanced base fertiliser.
In extended dry periods ensure your plants are watered thoroughly at least once a week; this is even more critical on lighter soils.
Depending on the summer following planting, around 3-4 ft (90-120 cm) of growth can be made, increasing to an overall height of 6-7 ft (1.8-2 m) at the end of the second year. Suckers that emerge from below the ground come true to type so there is no need to remove them! There is also no need to spray for black spot or common rose diseases.
Cluster Colourama and Trailblazer grow vigorously except in a drought year and individual plants can have a width spread of 3-4 ft (90-120 cm). Trim once a year if necessary, in late autumn, using shears or conventional hedge cutters. Wear gloves as the bristle thorns can be painful.
An Extra Thick Hedge?
If you want a screen that's 5 ft (1.5 m) or more wide you should plant in two rows 18" (45 cm) apart with the plants spaced at 12" (30 cm)intervals, the second row of plants staggered by 6" (15 cm) from the first.
1 ResultsTrailblazer Shrub Rose Hedging
Trailblazer makes a sensational true Rose Hedge that thrives in all soils and looks amazing. Best of all, the prickles keep burglars (and children!) out!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as bare root plants approximately 12-18" (30-45 cm) in height including roots.