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How To Plant Cherry Plum Hedging, Conservation Hedging, Coral Pearls Hedging, Whispering Willows


Unpacking/Pre-Planting Care

When you receive your hedging unpack the roots from their polythene and mulch packing. If they are dry stand the plants in a bucket of water for no more than half an hour. Ideally they should be planted out as soon as possible; if this is not possible either ‘heel’ the plants into a shallow trench or alternatively wrap the roots back up in the bark chip and polythene they arrived in and store them in a cool frost-free place. Do not keep them in a warm place as they will start to come into growth prematurely. Every few days, check that the roots are moist, and plant out as soon as is practicable.


As with many things in life, remember that a little extra care and time taken with planting will pay dividends for many years to come!

Our hedging plants can be set out from late November until April or later, depending on climatic conditions. Ideally, choose an open situation; if you want to plant next to a fence or wall, allow a minimum distance of 2 ft (60cm). Our hedging plants will grow in most soil types. Whispering Willows are also happy in soils prone to lying wet.

Incorporating organic matter such as well-rotted manure (not fresh) or compost into the soil will give your plants the best start. Under no circumstances should you use any stimulants, fertiliser or bonemeal at planting time as these products will ‘burn’ any new root growth and slow your plants’ development!

Set plants in a single row, in suitably-sized holes, planting them firmly. Plant Conservation Hedging and Whispering Willows 18" (45cm) apart, Cherry Plum Hedging and Coral Pearls Hedging 2 ft (60cm) apart. Water thoroughly if the ground is dry.


It is essential to keep your developing hedge free of weeds.

At the beginning of each spring your plants will benefit from a mulch of well-rotted manure, bark chip or something similar. This will reduce the need for weeding and help with moisture retention. At the same time you can also lightly top-dress along the row with a balanced base fertiliser.

During extended dry periods ensure your plants are watered thoroughly at least once a week; this is even more critical on lighter soils.

Our hedging plants can be maintained at any height above 3ft (90cm) (4ft (120cm) in the case of Cherry Plum Hedging) and width of 2ft (30cm). Once established Cherry Plum Hedging and Conservation Hedging should preferably be trimmed in winter, before the birds start nesting. Coral Pearls Hedging should be pruned early in spring, before flowering, or at midsummer. Prune on a damp day if possible to reduce leaf scorch and damage. Prune Whispering Willows in the active growing season.

4 Results

Field Maple Hedging - Acer campestre

Field Maple Hedging - Acer campestre Deciduous hedging plant with a five-lobed green leaf. Will grow in a shady position but will reach 60 feet if you let it. You can make Maple syrup from the sap or musical instruments from its wood!
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a bare root plants pruned to approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

More information about Field Maple Hedging - Acer campestre

Guelder Rose Hedging

Guelder Rose Hedging A shrubby hedge that wildlife love, particularly birds. Reaches up to 13 feet tall, this deciduous plant produces three lobed leaves and bright berries.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a bare root plants pruned to approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

More information about Guelder Rose Hedging

Hazel Hedging - Corylus avellana

Hazel Hedging - Corylus avellana Often used in woodland that is to be coppiced and used in woodland crafts. Loved by wildlife and produces edible hazel nuts / cob nuts. Reaches 40 feet if you let it with a long life span.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a bare root plants pruned to approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

More information about Hazel Hedging - Corylus avellana

Wayfaring Tree Hedging

Wayfaring Tree Hedging A deciduous, traditional hedge with clusters of pretty little white, bell like flowers flowered, produces black berries which the birds love. Reaches 16 feet tall.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - Discontinued
Supplied as a bare root plants pruned to approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including roots.

More information about Wayfaring Tree Hedging