How To Grow Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes will grow in a wide range of soils, though they do best in moisture-retentive ground. Prepare the ground in autumn by digging in plenty of manure or compost.
When you receive your tubers, chit them by placing each potato 'eye' face up' in egg boxes or shallow trays. Stand them in a warm, light location.
Once small green shoots (or chits) appear (this can take several weeks) move the trays to a cooler location for a few weeks before planting out. First Earlies are best planted out mid March - April. Later plantings will be fine but the yield may be smaller.
To plant your tubers, dig trenches approximately 5" (12 cm) deep. For First Early potatoes, space the trenches 2 feet (60 cm) apart. For Second Early/Maincrop Potatoes, space the trenches 2'6" (75 cm) apart. Press tubers into the base of the trench 12" (30 cm) apart with chits facing up and then cover with soil. Water in.
Weed regularly, and keep the crop well watered in dry spells. When the haulm (top growth of the plants) reaches 9" (23 cm) earth up around the plants leaving just the top 4" (10 cm) showing. Repeat again later if required.
Pentland Javelin should be ready to harvest approximately 10 weeks after planting. Forest Gold, Home Guard and International Kidney should be ready for harvest approximately 10-15 weeks after planting. Nicola and Pink Fir Apple should be ready to harvest approximately 16-20 weeks after planting.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes like a sunny position and need a moisture-retentive, free-draining soil.
Ideally they need to be grown under protection, in a greenhouse, polytunnel or something similar for best results. Grow in large tubs, growbags or in the greenhouse border. Plant 12-18" (30-45 cm) apart. The foliage can be trained up strings, canes or a trellis. Sweet Potatoes crop best at temperatures between 70-80ºF (21-26ºC).
Keep well watered and feed fortnightly with a high-potassium liquid feed.
Sweet Potatoes can also be grown outdoors, in a sunny position, in which case the soil should be warmed up, using black polythene, for several weeks before you intend to set out the plants. Plant in late March-April. Harden off plants before putting them out. Plant through slits cut in the polythene, and cover with horticultural fleece to keep up the temperature.
Tubers take 90-120 days to mature, and should be lifted once the leaves turn yellow and start to die back.
11 ResultsMint Plant - Garden Mint
Garden Mint has aromatic bright green leaves with purple-mauve flowers which is best grown in pots. Garden Mint is ideal for making mint sauce, mint jelly and tea.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Mint Plant - Spearmint
A pretty shaped leaf herb with an amazing scent. Spearmint makes a lovely accompaniment to lamb, potato or pea dishes and no herb garden should be without!
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Potato Tuber 'Nicola'
Second Early / Salad. Excellent boiled or steam and used as a salad potato. High yielding, excellent flavour.
Available Now
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'Pentland Javelin'
First early. High yielding white, waxy potato, good for salad potatoes and popular for its flavour. Disease resistant. First introduced by Dr Dunnett in 1968.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes
Potato Tuber Casablanca
First early variety of Scottish white potato. Excellent for chips, boiled, baked and more. Quick to crop and easy to grow with good disease resistance.
Available Now
Supplied as 1kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes
Sweet Potato Plant 'Beauregard'
Orange variety. Prefers to be grown under protection where it is warmer and lots of sunshine. Offers a good yield and delicious results, well worth growing.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Sweet Potato Plant 'O'Henry'
White variety with lovely green heart-shaped leaves. High yielding variety with a lovely nutty / honey flavour. Best grown under protection in a sunny position.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Potato Tuber 'Forest Gold'
First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Thin white skin covers the deliciously sweet white flesh. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'Home Guard'
First Early. First introduced in 1942. A very early variety with a fantastic flavour and good scab resistance. A good all rounder perfect for steaming / boiling, baking, mash, roasting, frying and sauté.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'International Kidney'
First Early / Salad. First introduced in 1879. Harvested early this produces heavy crops of small, waxy potatoes which rarely need peeling before use. Best for steaming / boiling and salads.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.
Potato Tuber 'Pink Fir Apple'
Maincrop / Salad. First introduced in 1850. Pink skinned long and knobbly potatoes have a waxy yellow flesh and rich flavour. Best for steaming / boiling, salads, roasting and chips.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as 1 Kg (to the nearest potato) of certified seed potatoes.