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Long, upright green leaves on upright green stems, planted in compost.

Healing Herb Seeds

Grow your own medicinal herb garden with our selection of healing herbs and medicinal herbs. We've done our research over the years, and together with our own experience and supporting documentation, we've built up a good knowledge of natural herb-based remedies that can be used to treat minor ailments and irritations.

The healing herbs we list can be grown as a 'natural medicine cabinet' in your own back garden, balcony or window box.

As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.

37 Results
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Angelica Seed

Close up of Angelica flower heads,that look a bit like green stars with lots of little green circular balls coming off green stems to a centre, on top of erect green stems, lobed leaves in the background. Great for using as a vegetable, crystallising, pot pourri, medicinal uses or flavouring your own gin! A hardy herb plant that looks just as good in the ornamental garden.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.

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Anise Seed

Anise Seed Young leaves can be used in salads, stems and roots in soups to add a hint of liquorice. Harvested seed can be used to flavour breads, cakes and liqueurs. Half hardy.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 20 seeds.

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Basil Seed - Holy Basil

sq-basil-holy-001.jpg A variety of basil sacred to the Hindu faith. Has pretty pink/purple flowers with green leaves and mauve stems, very fragrant. Also used in Thai cooking.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Basil Seed 'Sweet Genovese'

sq-basil-sweet-genovese-005.jpg Use leaves in salads, tear it over pasta or in soups and stews; its classic warm and 'spicy' aroma is unmistakable however it is used.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Bergamot Seed - Wild Bergamot

sq-bergamot-001.jpg A herb that is good in salads, and for flavouring fish and meat dishes. Also makes a refreshing herbal tea. Lemon-orange scented - delicious.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.

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Borage Seed

sq-borage-001.jpg Pretty blue flowers that bees and pollinating insects love. Tasty in summer drinks such as Pimms and salads - or can be cooked and used in a similar way to spinach.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Caraway Seed

sq-caraway-002.jpg Seeds are traditionally used in a diverse range of dishes especially Indian and Asian cuisine. Caraway dates back to the Stone age and was once used in love potions!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 350 seeds.

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Catgrass Seed

sq-catgrass-001.jpg Also known as Cocksfoot Sparta. For cat lovers! Cats eat this sparingly for essential vitamins, and it is said to help remove fur balls.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds.

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Catnip Seed

sq-catnip-001.jpg Catnip or Catmint is adored by cats; they love to roll around in the plant! It is also good for deterring rats, aphids and ants.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Chives Seed

sq-chives-001.jpg Onion-flavoured perennial herb which has so many uses in cooking! It also looks pretty in the garden and attracts bees. Every garden should grow chives!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Coriander Seed 'Leisure'

sq-coriander-leisure-002.jpg Cultivated for more than 3000 years. Coriander is an invaluable herb for culinary use, and essential for much of Mexican and Indian cooking.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Cumin Seed

Cumin Seed Seed of this plant is commonly used in Indian cooking, adding a particular zest and piquancy. Simply delicious and easy to grow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 125 seeds.

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Dill Seed

sq-dill-001.jpg An excellent last-minute garnish for fish dishes! This attractive herb has many, many uses, including as a breath freshener.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Fennel Seed

sq-fennel-002.jpg Excellent in bread, salad and soups. Has an aniseed flavour. Can be used to reduce hunger pangs! Attractive grey-green foliage.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Garlic Chives Seed

sq-garlic-chives-001.jpg A ready supply of delicious garlic-flavoured leaves. The flavour is not as strong as that of garlic bulbs, but it's easy to grow. Perennial in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Golden Purslane Seed

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Half-hardy annual with very succulent golden round leaves.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Hyssop Seed

sq-hyssop-001.jpg Intense blue flowers can be used as a garnish, or the leaves used sparingly in salads. A shrubby, hardy, perennial plant, a real favourite with bees.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Lemon Balm Seed

sq-lemon-balm-002.jpg A lovely scented, hardy perennial herb. Leaves can be used to make herbal tea or ice cream. Thought to slow down the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Lemon Grass Seed 'East Indian'

sq-lemon-grass-006.jpg A lovely lemon-scented herb that is so popular in Thai and Chinese dishes. Very easy to grow but does require winter frost protection.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 180 seeds.

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Lovage Seed

sq-lovage-001.jpg Lovage has a pleasant celery-type taste. Yellow flowers. Perennial in habit and reaches 6 feet (2 metre) in height. A real centrepiece for the herb garden.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 85 seeds.

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Marjoram Seed

sq-marjoram-001.jpg Tender perennial, grey-green foliage herb plant with pretty pink flowers. Great addition to many dishes as well as having medicinal benefits.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Oregano Seed

Lots of sprigs of oregano growing from the ground. Small green leaves with green and white small flowers on the top. Hardy perennial also known as wild marjoram. A good accompaniment for haddock. Easy to grow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Champion Moss Curled'

Very close up photo of the top of Champion Moss Curled Parsley, showing off all it's beautiful green curls, almost looks like an ariel view of a hedge in a cartoon. Traditional, curly-leaved parsley. Delicious and so versatile in the kitchen. Also plant alongside roses to repel rose beetles.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Hamburg'

Parsley Seed 'Hamburg' The bonus with this herb / vegetable is that you can eat the leaves like Parsley and the roots like Parsnip.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Italian Giant'

Close up photo of the top of Italian Giant Parsley growing. Leave are large and green, almost dancing in sunshine. Tall variety of parsley with a large, flat leaf. Aromatic and vigorous. Excellent in soups and as a garnish. Easy to grow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Purslane Seed

Lush, thick green Purslane leaves growing out from the centre of their plant, there are lots of small plants growing in brown soil. Half-hardy annual with very succulent round leaves. Delicious tossed sparingly into summer salads or great in Indian and East Asian dishes.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Rosemary Seed

Lots of upright, green stems with small, pointy green leaves on them, forming a rosemary bush. Other herbs in the background with a post and rail fence. Very popular seasoning herb that smells amazing! Great accompaniment to lamb. Perennial in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Russian Comfrey Seed

Lots of large green leaves which are wide at the base, coming to a point at the tip, a lax upright growth with green purple, straight, upright stems with many  small deep purple flowers forming at the end. Russian Comfrey. Primarily used and prized by organic growers as a fertiliser. Makes an excellent potash feed and it's easy to grow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 30 seeds.

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Russian Tarragon Seed

Long, upright green leaves on upright green stems, planted in compost. Milder flavour than French Tarragon but much hardier. This highly prized herb is blended into Hollandaise sauce and used to flavour vinegar.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Sage Seed

Broad, green, almost furry looking leave of Sage that comes to a tip, growing in an outward manor from their paler green stem. An exceptional perennial herb with a good flavour, anad particularly useful during the winter. Great with chicken.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 85 seeds.

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Summer Savory Seed

An upright red stem with small, spikey lime green leaves coming from it and tiny, delicate lilac/white bell type flowers of Summer Savory. A lovely annual herb with a bushy habit. Has a mild peppery flavour with beautiful pink/white flowers. Good in salads or stews. Easy to sow and grow.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds

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Tansy Seed

Fern, pointy finger type, green leaves attached to green, striped purple upright stems, some with small clusters of green tinged white balls of flower in the centre. A hardy perennial herb with a strong aromatic flavour and yellow brass-button flowers. A good insect repellent.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Thyme Seed

Lots of upright stems with tiny pinky/white flowers towards the top, small green leafed foliage from the bottom to three quarters of the way up the stem. Top right, in the background a few pale, larger green leaves. Thyme likes a full sun position, is evergreen and a hardy perennial. Very aromatic, and great for Winter cooking!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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White Borage Seed

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Has white star shaped flowers that the bees and pollinating insects love. Edible flower which are great in salad and for decorating.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Winter Savory Seed

A close up of a Winter Savory plant in flower. Flowers are small, delicae and white, tinged pink. Foliage is green, upright and spikey. A hardy, perennial variety with a very strong flavour. Attractive white flowers and dark green leaves. Likes a sunny position.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Wormwood Seed

Tall wormwood plant growing outside. Leaves are loped and prolific. Pretty silver-leaved herb, looks stunning in the moonlight! Hardy perennial with many medicinal uses. Excellent to repel mice and insects.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Saffron Crocus Corms

Saffron Crocus flower with three bright orange stamens fallins to the edge of the lilac loped leaves, with green pointed leaves growing from the soil. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world (sold by weight) - what better reason for growing your own? The flowers also look beautiful!
Available from - SOLD OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR - 2026
Supplied as corms.

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