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Part of a green Aloe Vera leaf that has been cut open to reveal it's wet, clear jelly inside.


Nature can offer a wide variety of plants to help soothe, calm and cure a multitude of minor ailments. Within this healing category you will find a good selection of herb seeds and herb plants that can be grown as your very own physic garden, providing you with medicinal herbs and a natural first aid kit that will treat the likes of headaches, sunburn and upset stomachs.

All our plants are supplied in pots ready to plant, and all herb seeds within this healing herbs category are packed right here at our UK nursery.

Herbal remedies from so-called 'medicinal herbs' have been discovered and re-discovered over many generations. The natural healing power of plants is well documented, and here at Victoriana Nursery Gardens we've done an awful lot of our own research to bring you a veritable natural first aid kit to grow in your garden.

Natural healing herbs should not be used in place of a visit to the GP for serious and chronic health complaints, but for minor ailments such as stress headaches, mild sunburn and short-term digestive complaints, there's a natural remedy available to help soothe, calm, relax or invigorate as required. Our listing represents those natural healing herbs that we have used ourselves over the years, having collected and explored numerous written reports on the many benefits offered from these seemingly innocuous- (but often attractive!) looking plants.

In the Healing Herbs category you will find a selection of both annual and perennial plants, and we have endeavoured to offer as much useful growing information as possible so that you can choose the most appropriate medicinal herbs for your needs and your growing space. It is fair to say that in most cases you will need a sunny position and free-draining soil, either in open ground or in suitably sized containers. Our healing herb plants are delivered in season direct from our nursery as container-grown plants, supplied in pots and ready to plant once received. Likewise, our herb seeds are also supplied directly from our nursery in Kent.

As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.

38 Results
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Aloe Vera Plant

Part of a green Aloe Vera leaf that has been cut open to reveal it's wet, clear jelly inside. The legendary medicinal plant. Grow on your window sill ready for when needed. Aloe Vera fresh from the plant is much more effective than when diluted in creams, etc.
Available Now
Supplied as a plant approximately 4" (12cm) tall in a 7cm pot.

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Basil Seed 'Sweet Genovese'

sq-basil-sweet-genovese-005.jpg Use leaves in salads, tear it over pasta or in soups and stews; its classic warm and 'spicy' aroma is unmistakable however it is used.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Burn Jelly Plant

sq-burn-jelly-001.jpg Also known as Stalked Bulbine, the leaves of this unusual plant are said to have healing properties. Good for burns, wounds, and skin infections.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Chamomile Plant

sq-chamomile-001.jpg Very soothing to both mind and body, chamomile has many medicinal benefits, including helping you sleep or relax. Easy to grow.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Chive Plant - Garlic Chives

sq-garlic-chives-001.jpg An amazing from of chives with a mild garlic flavoured leaf. Excellent for adding to your cooking as well as looking pretty in the garden!
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

More information about Chive Plant - Garlic Chives

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Chives Seed

sq-chives-001.jpg Onion-flavoured perennial herb which has so many uses in cooking! It also looks pretty in the garden and attracts bees. Every garden should grow chives!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds.

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Feverfew Tea

Feverfew Tea A dried form of the herb (our own cultivation) for use any time of year. Easy to prepare, just like a pot of 'PG Tips'!
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Supplied as a packet of dried tea to make approximately two gallons.

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Garlic Chives Seed

sq-garlic-chives-001.jpg A ready supply of delicious garlic-flavoured leaves. The flavour is not as strong as that of garlic bulbs, but it's easy to grow. Perennial in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Ginkgo Tree

sq-ginkgo-biloba-001.jpg Probably the oldest tree on the planet - and beautiful! Found to have many health benefits including helping Alzheimer's and hangovers.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 10" (25 cm) tall including pot.

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Herb Of Jupiter Plant

Sempervivium / Herb of Jupiter, pointed dark green leaves with purple/black tips, ranging from very small to large, growing in a stone wall. Botanically it is known as Sempervivum, but also known as the House Leek. Great for rockery gardens in a sunny position. Has many health benefits.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Mint Plant - Moroccan Mint

sq-moroccan-mint-003.jpg A compact, hardy variety of mint that is exceptionally good for making tea (which is very refreshing and good for you). Better suited to pot growing.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

More information about Mint Plant - Moroccan Mint

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Old English Marigold Seed

sq-calendula-officinalis-mixed-002.jpg In the 1940s and 50s these were very popular cut flowers but are hardly seen these days. A mix of three distinct beautiful varieties. Hardy annuals.
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Supplied as a packet of approx 150 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Champion Moss Curled'

Very close up photo of the top of Champion Moss Curled Parsley, showing off all it's beautiful green curls, almost looks like an ariel view of a hedge in a cartoon. Traditional, curly-leaved parsley. Delicious and so versatile in the kitchen. Also plant alongside roses to repel rose beetles.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Hamburg'

Parsley Seed 'Hamburg' The bonus with this herb / vegetable is that you can eat the leaves like Parsley and the roots like Parsnip.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Parsley Seed 'Italian Giant'

Close up photo of the top of Italian Giant Parsley growing. Leave are large and green, almost dancing in sunshine. Tall variety of parsley with a large, flat leaf. Aromatic and vigorous. Excellent in soups and as a garnish. Easy to grow.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Purslane Seed

Lush, thick green Purslane leaves growing out from the centre of their plant, there are lots of small plants growing in brown soil. Half-hardy annual with very succulent round leaves. Delicious tossed sparingly into summer salads or great in Indian and East Asian dishes.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Rosemary Seed

Lots of upright, green stems with small, pointy green leaves on them, forming a rosemary bush. Other herbs in the background with a post and rail fence. Very popular seasoning herb that smells amazing! Great accompaniment to lamb. Perennial in habit.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Russian Tarragon Seed

Long, upright green leaves on upright green stems, planted in compost. Milder flavour than French Tarragon but much hardier. This highly prized herb is blended into Hollandaise sauce and used to flavour vinegar.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 seeds.

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Sage Seed

Broad, green, almost furry looking leave of Sage that comes to a tip, growing in an outward manor from their paler green stem. An exceptional perennial herb with a good flavour, anad particularly useful during the winter. Great with chicken.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 85 seeds.

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Seed Sprouting Fenugreek Seed

fenugreek-001.jpg A delicious, easy, fast-growing seed that will add a curry flavour to your dish (often used in Indian cooking). Very good for you as full of antioxidants and vitamins.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of approximately 1000 seeds.

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Self-heal Plant

Self-heal Plant Clusters of lovely purple flowers on erect stems, reach 8" tall, but can be used as ground cover (and mowed). Once thought to be the 'cure-all' plant.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Spider Plant

Lots of long, thin, upward growing cream leaves with a thick pale green edge to a Spider plant. Growing from a black pot with black compost and white pearlite in it. White sheet background. A great house plant, good for hanging baskets and offices as it filters the air to reduce harmful gases. Easy to care for.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Tansy Seed

Fern, pointy finger type, green leaves attached to green, striped purple upright stems, some with small clusters of green tinged white balls of flower in the centre. A hardy perennial herb with a strong aromatic flavour and yellow brass-button flowers. A good insect repellent.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.

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Thyme Seed

Lots of upright stems with tiny pinky/white flowers towards the top, small green leafed foliage from the bottom to three quarters of the way up the stem. Top right, in the background a few pale, larger green leaves. Thyme likes a full sun position, is evergreen and a hardy perennial. Very aromatic, and great for Winter cooking!
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Valerian Plant - Common Valerian

Valerian Plant - Common Valerian Produces masses of sweetly scented pink or white flowers which was once used in perfume manufacture. Its dried root is used to treat insomnia and anxiety.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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White Borage Seed

An illustration of a red squirrel holding a green sign saying 'new' Has white star shaped flowers that the bees and pollinating insects love. Edible flower which are great in salad and for decorating.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 40 seeds.

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Winter Savory Seed

A close up of a Winter Savory plant in flower. Flowers are small, delicae and white, tinged pink. Foliage is green, upright and spikey. A hardy, perennial variety with a very strong flavour. Attractive white flowers and dark green leaves. Likes a sunny position.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.

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Wormwood Plant

Tall wormwood plant growing outside. Leaves are loped and prolific. Herbaceous perennial that is typically used to make Absinthe. Often used for medicinal healing, particularly digestion and its repellent properties.
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Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Wormwood Seed

Tall wormwood plant growing outside. Leaves are loped and prolific. Pretty silver-leaved herb, looks stunning in the moonlight! Hardy perennial with many medicinal uses. Excellent to repel mice and insects.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.

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Chamomile Lawn

sq-chamaemelum-nobile-dwarf-001.jpg A special seed-grown strain of dwarf chamomile. The rich green foliage is beautifully scented when crushed under foot. Evergreen. Ground Cover.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Chive Plant

sq-chives-001.jpg This onion flavoured perennial herb can be used in soups, chopped in salads and is especially good in home made cheese. Excellent.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Mint Plant - Eau De Cologne Mint

sq-eau-de-cologne-mint-001.jpg Eau de Cologne scented mint with pretty flowers. Proven medicinal benefits and purpoirted to keep flies away! What more could you want from one plant.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

More information about Mint Plant - Eau De Cologne Mint

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sq-mentha-pulegium-001.jpg A lovely soil-hugging ground cover that exudes a powerful scent of peppermint when crushed. Pretty lavender-blue flowers throughout the summer months. The smallest-leaved of all the mints.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as compost block-grown plants.

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Savory Plant - Summer Savory

An upright red stem with small, spikey lime green leaves coming from it and tiny, delicate lilac/white bell type flowers of Summer Savory. Sweeter than its Winter cousin. Aromatic, almost peppery flavour. Can be used cooked, chopped raw into salads - or dried for Winter use.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Yarrow Plant 'Wild Yarrow'

Yarrow Plant 'Wild Yarrow' Hardy perennial with small, tightly packed white flower with green fern like foliage. Good companion plant with a strong sweet fragrance. Reaches 18" tall.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid April
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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sq-bulrushes-001.jpg Also known as Reed Mace and can reach 7 feet (2.1 metres) tall. Excellent plant for purifying pond water and for wild fowl to hide in. Best for the larger pond.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY early May
Supplied as a pot grown plant.

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Feverfew Plant

sq-feverfew-002.jpg A pretty plant that has medicinal benefits, particularly if you suffer from migraines or arthritis. Easy to grow. Use leaves to make Feverfew tea.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - We Need To Check Stock
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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Rosemary Plant - Rosemary 'Seven Seas'

Rosemary Plant - Rosemary 'Seven Seas' A very popular aromatic herb. Perennial in habit and evergreen. Rosemary is a welcome addition to both the herb garden and ornamental garden alike.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

More information about Rosemary Plant - Rosemary 'Seven Seas'