Fuchsia Plant Collections
Choose from our exclusive selection of fuchsia plant collections - suitable for planting in open ground or containers as preferred. Plant collections include hardy fuchsia plants, starter fuchsia collection, as well as collections suitable for wall hedging, competitive shows and hanging baskets.
Typically we supply our fuchsias in 9 cm pots, ready for potting on or planting direct. Please remember if you use non-hardy varieties for containers, baskets or standards they must be overwintered as non-hardy varieties.
Half Hardy Fuchsia Plant Collection
Half hardy shrubby fuchsias suitable for garden or greenhouse growing with amazing colours and variety! Suitable for containers or growing in the ground.
Available Now
Supplied as a collection of three individually named plants of our selection, well grown in 9 cm pots.
Hardy Garden Fuchsia Plant Collection
A 'garden must have' collection of fully hardy, shrubby fuchsias suitable for permanent planting in the garden to make an amazing display of colour.
Available Now
Supplied as a collection of three individually named plants of our selection, well grown in 9cm pots.