- Cobnut and Filbert Trees
- Nut Trees
- Fruit
- Fruiting Hedging Plants
- How To Keep Cobnuts Under Control
- Is A Nut Tree For You?
- How To Plant Fruit Trees & Nut Trees
- Fruit Tree Pollination Simplified (hopefully)
- How To Plant Bare Root & Potted Fruit Trees (Video)
- Jersulam Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup Recipe
- Hedging Plants
- Wild & Hedgerow Fruits
- Plants Awarded The RHS Award Of Garden Merit
Filbert Tree 'Kentish Cob'

Corylus maxima 'Kentish Cob'
- The traditional Kentish Cobnut is actually a Filbert!
- Probably the best flavoured of all the hazels.
- Large flattened nuts are produced in profusion.
- Vigorous in habit and heavy cropping.
Supplied as a bare root tree pruned to approximately 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm) tall including roots.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £17.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

The true 'native' filbert or cobnut of Kent - and, in our opinion still the best flavoured. The large nuts are long and slightly flattened in shape and carried in generous clusters.
Picked and eaten green their flavour is truly sublime - or for a real treat make cobnut pesto! Left to ripen, their sweetness really comes into its own - making for a lovely addition to the nut bowl or cakes and pastries.
- Vigorous in habit and heavy cropping.
- Whilst this variety can be grown as a single tree they are best grown in groups.Consider growing them as hedge or shelter belt to your veg plot; and don't forget the 'prunings' will provide a valuable source of hazel poles and supports for the veg garden.
- For use as a hedging plant, plant 3 feet (90 cm) apart.
- Wind pollinated.
- Self Sterile.
This Product is Available Now.This product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
Cobnut Tree 'Webb's Prize Cobnut'
Filbert Tree 'Nottingham Cobnut'
How To...
How To Keep Cobnuts Under Control
Advice on how to keep cobnuts to a more manageable size whilst still obtaining a good crop.
How To Plant Fruit Trees & Nut Trees
Detailed advice on planting fruit and nut trees - including advice on container growing, pruning and training, and advice on specific varieties.
How To Videos
How To Plant Bare Root & Potted Fruit Trees (Video)
An instructional video by Stephen explaining the differences between a bare root and potted fruit tree, and how to plant them.
Jersulam Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup Recipe
A quick and easy recipe using Jerusalem Artichokes to make a delicious soup, with none of the usual after-effects!
General Information
Fruit Tree Pollination Simplified (hopefully)
Information on fruit tree fertility, pollination and compatibility, with simple explanations of regularly used terms.
Plants Awarded The RHS Award Of Garden Merit
A listing of the seed and plant varieties sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that have been awarded the Award Of Garden Merit by the RHS.
Magazine Articles
Is A Nut Tree For You?
An article on the basics of growing nuts written by Stephen Shirley that appeared in Grow Your Own magazine.
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