Fennel Plant
Foeniculum vulgare
- Essential for all gardens!
- Feathery green foliage.
- Bright yellow flowers.
- Aniseed flavour and scent.
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early May1 or more £2.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
Feathery green foliage with aniseed flavour. An attractive border plant with bright yellow flowers. The enlarged root bulbil is or course used as a vegetable. A pleasing acquired taste.
A member of the carrot family!
The Anglo-Saxtons held this herb as one of their nine that they held sacred to help them fight evil.
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects.
- Hardy perennial.
- Can reach 6 feet (2 metres).
- Stake if required.
- Prefers a sunny, moist, chalky soil but will tolerate slight shade.
- Avoid clay soils.
- Flowers July - October.
- Culinary Uses.
- Seeds are used to flavour bread and biscuits.
- Often used for making soup and in curries.
- Leaves and stems can be eaten raw in salad.
- Great for aniseed flavouring particularly with fish or poultry.
- Leaves can be infused in oil or vinegar.
- Flowers are edible.
- Medicinal Uses.
- Used to treat conjunctivitis, sore or inflamed eyes.
- Has anti-bacterial properties.
- Can be used to aid digestion, help wind, colic intestinal cramps and menopausal symptoms.
- The bruised seeds can be used to help increase milk flow in breast feeding Mothers.
- Crushed leaves and stems can be used to ease sore or swollen breasts due to breast feeding.
- Is used as a relaxant.
- Can be gargled for sore throats or as a mouth wash for gum disease!
- Can ease colds.
- Can be used as a liver tonic
- Sometimes used as a complimentary treatment for prostate cancer.
- Chew the seeds to sweeten breathe.
- Has been proven to reduce toxic effects in the body caused by alcohol.
- Other Uses.
- Attracts beneficial insects.
- Can be used to deter fleas if rubbed on animals coats or left in their bedding.
- The oils are sometimes used as a massage oil.
As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.Avoid if pregnant.
Available from APPROXIMATELY early MayThis product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
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Hyssop Plant - Blue
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Mint Plant - Lemon Mint
Mint Plant - Lime Mint
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Mint Plant - Peppermint
Mint Plant - Pineapple Mint
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Oregano Plant
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How To...
How To Sow & Grow Herbs
Detailed advice on sowing and growing herbs outside and under protection. Includes information on watering and pest control.
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General Information
Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.