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Courgette Seeds

We're not like other well-known companies in that we won't provide you with literally hundreds of courgette seeds for you to sow, with the inevitable waste of perfectly good seed that ensues! With each courgette seed purchase you make from us, you'll receive a relatively modest but entirely practical number of courgette seeds in each packet.

These courgette seeds are chosen and hand-packed at our own packing station. We thoroughly recommend staggering your courgette seed sowing to avoid a 'glut' of courgettes come harvest time - then you won't end up desperately trying to give your home-grown produce away!

4 Results
Buy 1 Now for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Courgette Seed 'Eight Ball'

sq-courgette-eight-ball-001.jpg Rich green round fruits have an excellent flavour and texture. Very heavy cropping and reliable with a compact habit. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

More information about Courgette Seed 'Eight Ball'

Buy 1 Now for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Courgette Seed 'One Ball'

sq-courgette-one-ball-004.jpg Compact and high-yielding. Produces golden-yellow rounded fruits with a lovely flavour and meaty flesh. F1 Hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

More information about Courgette Seed 'One Ball'

Buy 1 Now for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Courgette Seed 'Taxi'

sq-courgette-taxi-001.jpg A distinctly different courgette, having a bright yellow outer skin and a crisp texture. High-yielding and very reliable. F1 hybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

More information about Courgette Seed 'Taxi'

Buy 1 Now for £2.50Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Courgette Seed 'Zucchini'

sq-courgette-zucchini-003.jpg A traditional variety of courgette in both senses - it's straight and it's green. Heavy cropping with a bush habit. F1 Hhybrid.
Available Now
Supplied as a packet of 10 seeds.

More information about Courgette Seed 'Zucchini'