Chicory Seed Brussels Witloof
Cichorium intybus 'Brussels Witloof'
- A tried and trusted variety.
- Can be eaten raw or cooked.
- One of the best for forcing or blanching.
Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
This Product is Available Now.GBP1 or more £2.45 each
Possibly the best thing to come out of Brussels - except for Belgian chocolates!
This tried and trusted variety can be used as a 'baby leaf', eaten raw in salads or cooked in the normal way and will impart a mildly bitter-sweet flavour to any dish.
But where Brussels Witloof really comes into its own is when it is forced and blanched, producing tight heads of white leaves.
Chicory really is a worthwhile crop and, being tolerant of both poor soils and partial shade, is excellent for the less productive parts of the garden
- Sow thinly in ½" (1 cm) deep drills, 12" (30 cm) apart.
- Thin to one plant per 10" (25 cm) when large enough to handle.
- For Forcing
- Lift the plants and cut off the foliage to approximately 1" (2.5 cm) above the roots; you can also trim back the roots at this point.
- Now pot up into deep pots or containers of moist potting compost so that the tops are just showing - then cover with a further 6 - 9" (15 - 23 cm) of compost.
- Take precautions against slugs!
- Move the pots or containers to a warm dark place and after 3 - 4 weeks the forced chicons should be ready for harvest.
- After chicons have been cut, re-cover the stumps as you may get a second crop.
This Product is Available Now.General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
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