Cauliflower Plant Cut 'n' Come Again
Brassica oleracea 'Nine Star Perennial'
- Sometimes known as Nine Star Perennial Broccoli.
- In reality this is an excellent multi-headed cauliflower that is perennial in habit.
- Each plant will produce approximately ten tennis ball-sized heads per year with amazing flavour.
Supplied as compost block grown plants.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £2.25GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
A perennial cauliflower which produces approximately ten or more tennis ball-sized custard yellow heads per year (one customer grew 39 heads on one plant in one year - is this a record?).
Excellent flavour and easy to grow year after year! Please note that these plants do get larger than ordinary cauliflower plants. The bigger the plants get the more cauliflowers they will produce!
Recommended by the RHS to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects if allowed to 'go over' and flower (so if you have room leave any plants in that have gone too far rather than pulling them out straight away).
- Can be planted out any time of year unless the ground is frozen.
- Frost hardy.
- Plant 3 feet (90 cm) apart.
- Prefer a rich soil.
- Produce creamy yellow cauliflowers.
- It is recommended that they are replaced after approximately five years.
- Principal cropping season is early spring.
- Extra cauliflowers can be frozen.
- Leaves can be shredded and used in coleslaw or stir fried.
- Can take up to 10 months before they produce fully rounded caulis - the 'sprouting' they produce meantime can of course be eaten!
- Trim back plants a little after cropping with shears to encourage new growth once they start getting huge! (i.e. cut off about 18" (45 cm) of foliage).
- To suppress weed growth and to encourage good root growth mulch with good organic compost.
- Top Tips
- Protect from Pigeons - Pigeons love Brassicas (so do Partridges).
- Do not overfeed winter crops as this makes them more susceptible to frost damage.
- Take precautions against the dreaded Cabbage White Butterfly - inspect your crop regularly, spray with our BioFriend Plant Defence regularly or use a physical barrier such as insect netting.
This Product is Available Now.This product is subject to group discount if you are buying multiple products from the same pricing group. Other products in this group are...
Sea Kale Plant Lily White
How To...
How To Sow & Grow Brassicas
Detailed advice on sowing and growing brassicas outside and under protection. Includes information on watering and pest control.
General Information
A Little Information About Our Vegetable Plants (Video)
Information on the vegetable plants that Victoriana grows and how we make sure they are always hardened off before dispatch.
What's A Compost Block Grown Plant?
Information on the size of the compost blocks that Victoriana grow their plants in - and what you can expect to receive.
Pollinator Friendly Plants
A detailed guide to the seeds and plants sold by Victoriana Nursery Gardens that will attract and provide a food source to bees and other beneficial pollinating insects.
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