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Two medium sized Autumn Treasure raspberries hanging from vibrant green stalks and stems, attached to a vertical green branch.

Cane Fruits

Raspberries, blackberries and other hybrid berries such as tayberries are all classified as 'cane fruits'.

All plants listed in this category fall under this title – those plants which bear soft fruit on shoots or canes that spring from the ground.  You really can't beat cane fruits grown in your own garden or allotment. The best breakfast ever is when you've picked the fruit minutes before – such delicious, juicy flavours and so easy to grow.

Cane fruits do require a minimum amount of control, which can be done with ornate trellis or wires, but similarly can be done quite simply with string.

We can offer quality plants from here in Kent and can deliver them direct to your door throughout the UK. Now all you have to do is decide what you'd like to grow!

18 Results
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Blackberry Plant 'Black Butte'

sq-blackberry-black-butte-001.jpg Should perhaps have been called Black Brute due to the exceptional size of the blackberries it produces! Good for eating and cooking. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 12" (30 cm) tall including pot.

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Blackberry Plant 'Black Satin' (Thornless)

sq-blackberry-black-satin-005.jpg Thornless Blackberry. Juicy black rounded fruits from early August. Heavy cropping. Vigorous and very reliable. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Blackberry Plant 'Black Satin' (Thornless)

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Blackberry Plant 'Karaka Black'

sq-blackberry-karaka-black-002.jpg A fairly new blackberry variety from New Zealand. Exceptionally long and large shiny black fruits are really flavoursome. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 12" (30 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Blackberry Plant 'Karaka Black'

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Blackberry Plant 'Loch Ness' (Thornless)

Blackberry Plant 'Loch Ness' (Thornless) Thornless Blackberry. Compact and erect growing. Produces large fruits late in the Season. Perfect for the smaller garden. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Japanese Wineberry

sq-japanese-wineberry-002.jpg Unbelievably sweet orange-red to dark red berries of delicious flavour. Vigorous and upright habit. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Loganberry 'Ly 654'

sq-loganberry-ly654-003.jpg Cross between a Raspberry and Blackberry. The thornless clone of the best known of the hybrid berries. Delicious cone-shaped berries have a pleasant sharpness.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Buy 3 Now for £8.25Add to Trug...Add to Trug...More Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Raspberry Cane 'All Gold'

Four, ripe, pale yellow, medium sized All Gold raspberries, surrounded with green raspberry leaves, all attached to green stems in the centre of the photo. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). The best of all the yellow raspberries! Sweet golden fruits almost crumble in your hand when picked. Canes are spined. Self Fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'All Gold'

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Raspberry Cane 'Glen Coe'

Raspberry Cane 'Glen Coe' Summer fruiting (Floricane). Self Fertile. Delicious, intense dark purple fruit with a more bush / clump forming habit than usual raspberry canes. Great for jams and sauces too.
Available Now
Supplied as pot grown canes in 2 litre pots.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Glen Coe'

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Three, large, long, deep red Tayberry fruits, which look like raspberries, with green, edged red leaves on prickly red stems. A cross between a Blackberry and a Raspberry. Consistently produces heavy crops of dark red juicy fruits. Copes well with colder climates. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Tayberry 'Buckingham' (Thornless)

tayberry-002.jpg The most exciting new hybrid berry for many years - a tayberry without spines! Large purple red fruits have a pleasantly sharp flavour. Excellent cold tolerance. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Close up of a bunch of lush, ripe red tummelberries growing on their plant with green, tinged red leaves. The fruits have the same bumpy texture and colouring of raspberries. A fairly new hybrid berry. Produces large rounded fruits with a bright red colour and superb flavour. Heavy cropping and excellent winter hardiness. Self fertile.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

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Blackberry Plant 'Oregon Thornless'

sq-blackberry-oregon-thornless-002.jpg Thornless Blackberry. Highly ornamental foliage and attractive autumn colour. Produces heavy crops of rounded black fruits that are lovely and juicy. Semi-Evergreen. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid November
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 1 foot (30 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Blackberry Plant 'Oregon Thornless'


sq-boysenberry-001.jpg A cross between a Loganberry and Blackberry. Large juicy black fruits taste like a sweet blackberry. Very strong and vigorous habit. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid November
Supplied as a pot grown plant approximately 2 feet (60 cm) tall including pot.

More information about Boysenberry

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Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Bliss'

A close up of a deep red Autumn Bliss raspberry, with a brown/green stalk, with green raspberry leaves and stems in the background. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). Mid dark red fruits have a pleasant flavour. Berry size remains fairly constant through the season. Canes are spined. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late October / early November
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Bliss'

Not Currently AvailableMore Information...More information... Pollinator FriendlyPollinator Friendly

Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Treasure'

Two medium sized Autumn Treasure raspberries hanging from vibrant green stalks and stems, attached to a vertical green branch. Autumn fruiting (Primocane). Large bright coloured fruits have a gorgeously sweet flavour and very little acid - and keep well. Excellent disease resistance. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from - We Need To Check Stock
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Autumn Treasure'

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Raspberry Cane 'Glen Ample'

To the left of the photo are two ripe, red, raspberries, to the bottom right are a few unripe green Glen ample raspberries, attached to a brown stem with a few small green, raspberry, serrated leaves in the middle. Summer fruiting (Floricane). A high-yielding mid-season variety that produces large berries with good flavour and colour. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late October / early November
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Glen Ample'

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Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva'

Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva' Summer fruiting (Floricane). An early fruiting variety which produces heavy yields of good sized flavoursome fruits with excellent keeping qualities. Canes are spine free. Self Fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late October / early November
Supplied as bare root canes pruned to approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about Raspberry Cane 'Malling Minerva'

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The Ultimate Raspberry Cane Collection

Three separate raspberry photos in circles, one at the top, two at the bottom on a yellow background. All lush red raspberries attached to their canes, but different varieties. A fine gift for the raspberry lover that will ensure a plentiful supply of raspberries throughout the summer and autumn season. Self fertile.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY late October / early November
Supplied as bare root raspberry canes approximately 12" (30 cm) tall.

More information about The Ultimate Raspberry Cane Collection