Annual Herb Plants
Start many of your annual herb plants under glass or protection, and you can look forward to a long growing and harvesting season!
Whilst some of our annual herbs will happily grow in UK climates, it's definitely worth noting that other annual herbs such as Basil are considered to be tender plants, and may need some extra care when frosts and harsh weather are expected in spring and autumn.
Alexanders Plant
Reaches 47" (1.2 metres) tall with lovely green leaves, producing green / yellow flowers which mature to black fruits. All of the plant and roots can be eaten.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Epazote Plant
Annual. Often used in Mexican cooking particularly with black beans as it reduces the gas our bodies produce. A green leave and flower that is easy to grow in a warm position.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Sage Plant - Clary Sage
Hardy biennial herb that reaches approx 4 feet (120 cm) high with beautiful pink flowers. Can be used to make tea which can help reduce stress and premenstrual problems.
Available Now
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Coriander Plant - Coriander 'Leisure'
A large leafed, prolific variety with excellent flavour. An invaluable herb for culinary use, essential for Mexican and Indian cooking.
Available from APPROXIMATELY late April / early May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Savory Plant - Summer Savory
Sweeter than its Winter cousin. Aromatic, almost peppery flavour. Can be used cooked, chopped raw into salads - or dried for Winter use.
Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.
Mint Plant - Lemon Mint
A pretty mint with an oval green leaf tinged purple. Small pale purple flowers. Distinct lemon fragrance and flavour - very refreshing.
Currently Not Available To Purchase - Available from APPROXIMATELY mid May
Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.