Annual Flower Seeds
'Annual flowers' encompasses a spectacularly large variety of flowers and plants ... but we've narrowed it down to bring you what we believe to be the best of the best. Choose from our selection of annual flower seed collections and create a planting scheme that endures through each season.
Many annual flowers self-seed or can be harvested at the end of their growing season, with seed collected for the following year to make them a much more frugal investment! Check each product description to find out more.
Bells Of Ireland Seed
Long spikes of pale green shell like bracts with white flowers. Great for flower arranging and as a dried flower.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
Californian Poppy Seed 'Kelmscott Giant'
A mix of cheerful coloured poppies. Perfect for borders, cottage gardens and cut flower. A hardy annual that can be broadcast sown.
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Supplied as a packet of approx 250 seeds.
China Aster Seed 'Matador Mixed'
All double brightly coloured flowering annual reaching around 2 feet (75 cm) tall. Half-hardy Annual. Excellent for cut flowers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 50 seeds.
China Aster Seed 'Serenade' Series
Excellent for cut flowers and bouquets. A spray flowered variety producing numerous semi-double flowers on a single stem ranging in colour from blue to red to white.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
Clarkia Seed 'Crown Double Mixed'
A beautiful mix of colours from one packet of seeds, Clarkia is perfect for borders and makes a good cut flower. Hardy Annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 150 seeds.
Cornflower Seed 'Crown Blue'
An excellent blue, edible flower for borders, bedding or the cutting garden. Bees love it! Hardy Annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.
Cosmos Seed 'Ladybird' Mixed
A lovely half hardy annual that thrives in a hot dry sunny position. Beautiful really bright sharp yellow, red and orange colours of semi-double and single flowers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.
Dahlia Seed 'Dandy Mix'
A half hardy annual. Really stunning, seldom seen. Produces a good cut flower in shades of red, yellow and orange with matching or contrasting inner leaves.
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Supplied as a packet of approx 50 seeds.
Delphinium Seed 'Giant Imperial' Strain
Sometimes known as Larkspur. A stunning range of colour, fully double flowers. Can be dried or used as cut flowers. Hardy annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Flanders Poppy Seed
Probably the best known of all the poppies, not least because of its links with Remembrance Day. Beautiful scarlet red flowers with a black centre. Will self seed.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.
Giant Headed Sunflower Seed
Grow these for bird food or for your own enjoyment of the beautiful flowers. A mix of sunflowers in yellows and oranges.
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Supplied as a packet of approx 30 seeds.
Gypsophila Seed
No flower arrangement is complete without Gypsophilla and of course it's lovely so why not grow your own from seed. Reaches about 18" (45 cm) high. Hardy annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 200 seeds.
Icelandic & Oriental Poppy Seed Mix
A beautiful blend of poppy seeds from 'opposite' ends of the world that will produce a glorious display of different coloured flowers. Lovely for cut flower too.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Love In The Mist Seed
A pretty lacy flower reaching about 16" (40 cm) in height in a lovely range of colours from pale blue, dark blue, light and dark pink. Hardy annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Milly's Honey Bee Flower Seed Mixture
Especially blended for nectar production and pretty flowers! It will encourage all those pollinating insects into your garden and look amazing.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 blended seeds suitable for an area of approximately 15 square metres.
Molly's Cottage Garden Flower Seed Mixture
A stunning selection of flowers that will not only look stunning but will attract wildlife too. So easy to grow and well worth it.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 blended seeds suitable for an area of approximately 15 square metres.
Nanny's Flowers for Birds Seed Mix
A mixture of 17 annuals that can be left to seed for the birds to harvest themselves, in the meantime they look stunning around your birdtable.
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Supplied as a packet of mixed seeds.
Nasturtium Seed
Scrambling and rambling in a mass of rich bright colours. A cheerful Summer ground cover that can also be eaten in salads or the seeds pickled as a caper alternative.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 45 seeds.
Old English Marigold Seed
In the 1940s and 50s these were very popular cut flowers but are hardly seen these days. A mix of three distinct beautiful varieties. Hardy annuals.
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Supplied as a packet of approx 150 seeds.
Poppy Seed - Mixed Selection
A stunning selection of a wide range of different poppy seeds, each packet will vary but promises to offer a selection of colour and size of flowers.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 500 seeds
Rudbeckia Seed Mix
Semi double flowers of rich golden yellow with russet coloured centres. A long lasting cut flower with a very long flowering season.Half-hardy annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Statice Seed 'Supreme' Series Mixed
An excellent flower and quite stunning for Winter flower arrangements. A lovely range of colours including crimson red, pink, yellow, blue, white and purple blue.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.
Sweet Pea Seed 'Old Spice' Mix
An excellent perfumed sweet pea in amazing selection of colours. Excellent for cut flowers and so prolific. Annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 35 seeds.
Sweet Pea Seed 'Spencer' Mix
An old variety of Sweet Pea with excellent colour and fragrance, great for cut flowers. Annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 60 seeds.
Sweet Scented Ten Week Stocks Seed
An old fashioned favourite in a grand mix of colours since the 17th Century. Summer flowering. Tender annual.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 100 seeds.
Yellow Rattle Seed
Annual which flowers May to September, will self seed. Great for weakening grassy areas. Produces a lovely yellow wild flower and reaches up to 24".
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 300 seeds
Zinnia Seed 'Oklahoma' Series
For a sunny spot these are unbeatable beautiful flowers that will attract pollinating insects. Half hardy annual reaching 2'6" tall.
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Supplied as a packet of approximately 75 seeds.