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Alexanders Plant

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Smyrnium olusatrum

  • All parts of the plant and roots can be eaten.
  • A good substitute for celery.
  • Reaches 47" (1.2 metres) tall.

Supplied as a pot grown plant grown in a 7cm pot.

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1 or more £2.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts

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Whilst Alexanders used to be grown as a herb, primarily it now appears to be foraged. We hope you would like to change that back again! It is an edible flowering plant which is easy to grow.

It can often be found growing by the coast and in medieval monastery and castle gardens. A good substitute for celery or parsley.

Produces a greenish / yellow flower, in umbrella like clusters and has tall solid stems which become hollow as it ages. The fruits ripen to black and look quite stunning.

Also known as Black Lovage and orginates from theMediterranean to Canary Islands area. It was named by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.

It was known in the West of Britain, by the sailors for 'clearing the blood' and curing scurvy and in Dorset as 'helrut'.

The leaves can be eaten fresh, sometimes in yoghurt, or cooked and made into soup. The roots can be either cooked or eaten raw and are best dug up during the Winter months.

As with all alternative medicines and plants with purported medicinal benefits it is important to inform your health care providers that you are using them; this helps to ensure safe and coordinated care. We can accept no liability for any side effect or contingency from any allergy or any other cause or harm that may arise. If in doubt please do consult a medical practitioner before using.


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How To...

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