Pea Seed 'Victorian Colossal Climbing'
Pisum sativum 'Alderman'
- A climbing pea that produces heavy crops of deliciously sweet peas over an extended cropping period.
- A must for the garden!
Supplied as a packet of approximately 250 power-packed seeds of this superb variety.
This Product is Available Now.1 or more £4.95GBP each. Group & quantity discounts
No other pea will do once you've grown these. The best-flavoured pea of them all, and so many of them. Try them – you won't regret it!
Their flavour is sublime - deliciously sweet. The peas themselves are large, plump and juicy, and the yield can literally be massive. But the real benefit is the extended cropping period. From sowing you can expect to pick your first peas in about 2 months - and picking can continue for a month or more. Though described as a Maincrop variety, here on the nursery we sow and grow an early crop under glass, then follow this up with an early planting outside started under protection, and then a direct sown crop outside - which gives us peas all summer long!
No pea gives a better performance - not a bad accolade for a variety that's been around since the 1890s!
- For Growing In Rows Sow late March-mid June, 3 seeds per station 9" (23 cm) apart in rows 3½-4 feet (100-120 cm). Sow in 2" (5 cm) deep drills.
- Provide support for these to climb up to a height of around 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 metres) using netting, a bamboo cane structure or similar.
- Earlier crops can be produced by sowing in trays or modules February to March and setting out at the same spacings when large enough to handle – or sowing in the autumn/early winter and growing on under cloches.
- For Climbing Pea Teepees
- Using a dustbin lid or similar as a template, drive into the ground six 8 foot (2.4 metre) canes and tie together at the top to produce a teepee effect.
- Plant 3 seeds 2" (5 cm) deep at the foot of each cane.
- Top Tips
- Sow throughout the summer for continuity of cropping.
- Best results are obtained if a trench is dug in winter 18" (45 cm) deep and filled with compost, old newspapers, kitchen vegetable waste, etc. and then topped with soil. Sow on this for a prolonged crop, unaffected by summer drought.
- Protect newly sown seeds from mice. Mice are notorious for ssniffing out pea seeds!
- Pheasants love young pea plants and will dig up the plants to eat the sprouted seed so take precautions if you have pheasants in your area.
- Protect young plants from pigeons.
- Young pea shoots are a real delight to eat raw in salads.
- A good precaution to prevent damage from Pea Moth or Pea Weevil is to spray the entire plant (flowers included) with our BioFriend Plant Defence periodically during the flowering period.
- Water well if the weather is dry when the pods are swelling.
- Regular picking will encourage further flowering and subsequent cropping. Peas freeze well so better to pick regularly and freeze any excess as this will keep the plants producing.
- After harvesting dig the plants into the ground to provide green manure and valuable nitrogen to the soil.
This Product is Available Now.How To...
How To Sow & Grow Peas
Detailed advice on sowing and growing peas outside and under protection. Includes information on watering and pest control.
How To Videos
How To Sow Climbing Peas (Video)
An instructional video by Serena on how to sow climbing peas.
Edible Classroom - Planting Seeds (Video)
Lesson plan idea for children introducing them to the differences between pea seed and the resultant crop - before making paper pots and sowing peas.
Pea Soup Recipe
A great late summer soup to use up any gluts of peas you may have. Freezes very well.
General Information
A Note About Our Seed Packets & Seed Counts
Information on Victoriana's method of packeting seed, including information on the seed packets. Also details on Victoriana's seed guarantee.
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