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BioFriend Plant Defence

Bio-Plant Stimulant

At last an end to the use of nasty pesticides! Up until now the large pesticide manufacturers have relied upon a vast cocktail of varied chemical insecticides to control pests, but this is no longer necessary.

BFPD helps with:

  • Pea Weevil.
  • White Fly.
  • Black Fly.
  • Rust.
  • Carrot fly.
  • Aphids.
  • Plant stress.
  • Can be used on edible or ornamental plants.

Supplied as an oversized 600ml bottle of 250 ml of concentrate (will treat an area of 1250 square metres)

This Product is Available Now.

GBP1 or more £14.95 each


At Last An End To The Use Of Nasty Pesticides!
Up until now the large pesticide manufacturers have relied upon a vast cocktail of varied chemical insecticides and fungicides to control pests and diseases on ornamental and vegetable plants alike. Many have now been withdrawn from sale owing to the potential carcinogenic or central nervous system damage and even death of those persons using these products. Much imported edible horticultural produce is frequently found to be contaminated with nasty chemical sprays with little or no government control (and the horticultural trade press regularly report this).

Both amateur, commercial grower and smallholder alike are often at their wits end as to how to effectively control plant pests and diseases as nature has a strange way of cheating man; even stranger is more often than not nature holds the answer to control - prevention is better than cure!

BioFriend Plant-Defence (BFPD) is made up of 100% natural plant extracts including concentrated garlic and sea extract alginates. It has been formulated to act as a plant stimulant and to strengthen the plant's natural defence metabolism rending plant life more resistant to pest and disease attack. It is safe on all food crops and ornamentals. It could best be described as the 'new essential' for the organic grower - but similarly is compatible in non-organic usage, we use it ourselves on the nursery and find it has huge benefits.

BFPD is applied as a mist or spray from either a simple hand or commercial sprayer, or from a watering can. For greatest benefit BFPD should be used on a regular basis (every 7-10 days) through the growing season as this will improve the plants constitution and aid natural resistance to insect pests and diseases. Should plants already be infested BFPD can be used at three day intervals to aid a speedy recovery.

BFPD will also reduce chlorosis or leaf yellowing as chlorophyll levels can substantially be increased in the plant by its use. By improving the plants immunity and constitution superior growth, vigour and yield will result. We have proved this in our extensive trials on our production nursery.

BFPD contains only natural plant extracts and may be used without concern where children, animals and pets are present and is completely biodegradable. It is safe to use when applied in accord with our instructions. BFPD is safe in the environment and has proven harmless to earthworms, bees, ladybirds, lacewings and other beneficial insects.

Despite the incorporation of garlic in BFPD, treated plants become odourless very quickly after application - and no flavour or taint is left on edible crops; edible crops may be harvested and eaten on the day of treatment should you wish.

BFPD has been trialed on a wide and varied range of plant life; to date no damage has been experienced on any treated plants - we would however recommend you make test applications before using extensively.

It has also been found that the garlic smell and taste, which is rapidly undetectable to humans, keeps rabbits, deer, crows and pigeons away for considerable periods of time. This is likely to be due to the significantly more sensitive sense of smell of these animals compared to humans.

Research worldwide has shown that garlic (a major ingredient of BFPD) has fungistatic and fungicidal properties. Whilst we make no claim with regard to this possible side benefit we do not recommend the use of BFPD on some species of conifers where the growth of mycorrhizal (a beneficial root fungi) may be slowed. Similarly we do not recommend BFPDs use on crops such as mushrooms and other related fungi.

A little really does go a long way! In terms of both price saving and benefit nothing currently available compares for both cost and end benefit for the home gardener, smallholder or large commercial grower alike.



For greatest benefit BFPD should be used on a regular basis (every 7-10 days) through the growing season as this will improve the plants constitution and aid natural resistance to insect pests and diseases. Should plants already be infested BFPD can be used at three day intervals to aid a speedy recovery.


Despite the incorporation of garlic in BFPD, treated plants become odourless very quickly after application - and no flavour or taint is left on edible crops; edible crops may be harvested and eaten on the day of treatment should you wish.


BFPD contains only natural plant extracts and may be used without concern where children, animals and pets are present and is completely biodegradable and safe to use when used as per our instructions. It is safe in the environment and has proven harmless to earthworms, bees, ladybirds, lacewings and other beneficial insects.

BFPD has been trialed on a wide and varied range of plant life; to date no damage has been experienced on any treated plants - we would however recommend you make test applications before using extensively.

The Pesticide Safety Directorate have confirmed to us that this product is outside the scope of requiring formal approval under the Control Of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as amended).

Please note that our BFPD is supplied in a very oversized bottle (to keep cost of the product down). You will received 250ml of Plant Defence in a 600ml bottle. We apologise for the confusion this may cause.


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